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A new record: CO2 levels in the atmosphere hit an all-time high


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Your authority which you never questioned and blindly believe...
Keep on pretending you have any interest in science. Although I appreciate you have finally admitted that world climate is changing and global temperatures are increasing, you still base your entire argument on claims that science is really just a conspiracy to hide the 'truth'.

Even companies like Exxon who had spent countless millions over the years backing studies to deny climate change has accepted reality. Seems you are one of the few out there who still refuse to accept it. Maybe you should put some of your effort into actually engaging in some scientific experimentation instead of just accusing scientists of lying.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Keep on pretending you have any interest in science. Although I appreciate you have finally admitted that world climate is changing and global temperatures are increasing, you still base your entire argument on claims that science is really just a conspiracy to hide the 'truth'.
Keep on pretending the IPCC is something other than a propaganda machine
Again, please explain how the prediction scenario which has been used to frighten and scare children predicts meteoric economic growth for third world countries and simultaneously predicts so much warming the third world countries also become uninhabitable wastelands . ?

I have laid out the scientific argument the physics does not support the the alarmist claim, so No I am not basing this on a conspiracy theory, rather the science
a) Water Vapor as the dominate greenhouse gas
b) the logarithmic nature of the absorption of Infrared radiation
c) Co2 increases lag temperature increases in the ice cores by 500 to 800 years. Consistent with the inverse solubility in salt water as a function of temperature increases for co2

You have refused to address any of these scientific facts

And you ignore the multiple tell tale signs of a corrupt organization
1. A non scientific political agenda for their initial mission statement
2. Climate gate
3. Hide the decline
4. Delete all emails
5. Politicians having the final approval on the policy recommendations of the IPCC
6. Multiple real scientist quiting the IPCC in disgust.
7. The membership is a closed club, dominated by Greenpeace and WWF activists
8. Perversion of the peer review process
9. Willful blindness to the bullying and silencing of critics within Climate science (This is absolutely despicable and destructive)
10. Control by a small group of activists
11 No oversight
12. Promotion and I mean extensive promotion of the predictions from a scenario which is NOT POSSIBLE and which has obvious INCONSISTENCIES in logic
13 Promotion of a fraudulent hockey stick and no explanation once they figured out they had been caught
14. Promotion of CO2 as the dominate greenhouse gas, when it is well known water vapor is the dominate greenhouse gas
15. Decades of wildly exaggerated and inaccurate predictions
16. Intentionally misleading children and scaring the living shit out of them... (If there was a place called hell..........)

And yet you DENY this organization is anything but pure science.
Again if you continue to DENY their corruptness, the only other option is they are incompetent.
Either way they do not deserve the trust of the public

Even companies like Exxon who had spent countless millions over the years backing studies to deny climate change has accepted reality.
Your former villain becomes your hero ?
The amount Exxon spent funding either side of this debate is nothing compared to the massive billions funded by governments to only the alarmist side of the debate
No way in hell this produces objective and unbiased research
I can not believe you had the gall to bring up the funding issue

Seems you are one of the few out there who still refuse to accept it.
What part of "the physics does not support the the alarmist claim" do you not understand?
And what part of "science is not settled by opinion or poll results" do you not understand ?

Maybe you should put some of your effort into actually engaging in some scientific experimentation instead of just accusing scientists of lying.
Oh do you mean like experiments such as the absorption of infrared radiation by organic molecules and inturputating the spectra?
I have done that........... Have you?

My guess is you do not understand the logarithmic nature of the absorption of Infrared radiation at all
Mostly because you do not want to know. That pretty much defines DENIAL


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I have laid out the scientific argument the physics does not support the the alarmist claim, so No I am not basing this on a conspiracy theory, rather the science
a) Water Vapor as the dominate greenhouse gas
b) the logarithmic nature of the absorption of Infrared radiation
c) Co2 increases lag temperature increases in the ice cores by 500 to 800 years. Consistent with the inverse solubility in salt water as a function of temperature increases for co2
They've been answered so many times!
a) water vapour is a feedback effect, not a forcing
b) irrelevant
c) Wrong and irrelevant to man made CO2 output.

The fact is that the IPCC projected the amount of warming we are experiencing accurately.
None of larue's deniers have ever predicted anything remotely close.
The evidence supports the theory.

From NASA, who larue says is 'propaganda'.

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Keep on pretending the IPCC ...
And look at you trying to change your conspiracy theory. You realise there is absolutely no arguing the masses of scientific research being done are part of a political conspiracy and instead post a ridiculous list right out of kook websites. There is no suppression, there is no conspiracy, there is simply scientists who see the evidence supporting anthropogenic CO2 being the major driver of global warming is better than any other theory.

You disagree with the vast majority of people working in the field but you try and make yourself feel better by claiming you somehow know more any they are suppressing the truth.

You are entertaining though.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
And look at you trying to change your conspiracy theory.
Look at you still denying the science.
We are still waiting for your response to the argument the physics does not support the the alarmist claim
a) Water Vapor as the dominate greenhouse gas
b) the logarithmic nature of the absorption of Infrared radiation
c) Co2 increases lag temperature increases in the ice cores by 500 to 800 years. Consistent with the inverse solubility in salt water as a function of temperature increases for co2

Each and every single post you just ignore deny the science

You realise there is absolutely no arguing the masses of scientific research being done are part of a political conspiracy
Ah, once again you revert to pseudo-science by a show of hands, despite knowing and being reminded a hundred times science is not settled that way

and instead post a ridiculous list right out of kook websites.
You are more than welcome to prove each item in that list as such, if you can provide evidence that each is incorrect
Your real problem is all are correct and well known

Here take a crack at this one
12. Promotion and I mean extensive promotion of the predictions from a scenario which is NOT POSSIBLE and which has obvious INCONSISTENCIES in logic
Please provide evidence this is incorrect or admit it is factually correct?
Go ahead , explain how third world countries can have meteoric economic growth while also becoming uninhabitable wastelands?
If this as you say a ridiculous statement then you must have a logical explanation
Whats your evidence or rational ?
It is simple straightforward question. Please answer?

I have given you multiple opportunities to dismiss this with evidence , yet you deny its existence.
What is like to be a denier of the truth or simple straight forward logic?

There is no suppression, there is no conspiracy, there is simply scientists who see the evidence supporting anthropogenic CO2 being the major driver of global warming is better than any other theory.
And what is your evidence for this statement?
I have 16 examples which clearly indicate something quite different. "Activists presenting inaccurate and misleading information"

You disagree with the vast majority of people working in the field but you try and make yourself feel better by claiming you somehow know more any they are suppressing the truth.
I dont feel better. This is sickening as science is being perverted
Once again you are more than welcome to present evidence which refute the 16 facts as presented

You are entertaining though.
Glad you like truth being presented as such.
Now present some evidence or admit the truth


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Look at you still denying the science.
I find this incredibly funny.

You have 3 incorrect claims about the science and you claim you know better than every other climatologist in North America.
You still think you're smarter than all of NASA, AAAS and the IPCC, that only you can see their errors.

The science is here.

That's where you find the summary and links to every paper, with massive amounts of research available from the brightest minds.
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