6 People shot, Possibly 2 dead


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Holy shit, just got back from the Queen st. bar area (Queen & John st.) and all people were talking about was some shooting by Yonge & Dundas.
Rumor is 6 guys shot and 2 dead.
Tried to drive over there but it was blocked off.


Double J

May 28, 2002
Richmond Hill
Esco! said:
Holy shit, just got back from the Queen st. bar area (Queen & John st.) and all people were talking about was some shooting by Yonge & Dundas.
Rumor is 6 guys shot and 2 dead.
Tried to drive over there but it was blocked off.


Apparently 2 people have been arrested.


New member
Sep 22, 2004
Last I read on the Star website and saw ion Global it was 5 shot 1 dead.

A couple of the survivors are in critical condition according to media reports.

Police have apprehended to young men of unmentionable race creed or color becauswe "no one wants to take responsibility for having raised them".

Yes..that is my political statement. There are some people who are god fearing, by the book, love everone parents who go all the distance and still end up with problem kids. I'm not talking about them. They tried...they cried, they showed up, they lead children by the ear...they DID everything they could for their kids to do better than them. My heart bleeds for those parents. You can't alaways win. But to damn sure they tried.

Then you have the parents who amazed to learned their...yes THEIR 14 yr old has been out all night stealing cars!!! I'm sure it was a "one time thing".

"Why officer you say it's been 15 months?" "And you have pictures of him doing that???" "AHA...so OFFICER...it's your fault for not stopping him"!!!

Thats the attitude that pisses me off.

Lets not cut corners. Some kids are going to be trouble. NOT all of them.
You want an answer to whats happening now?: Stop looking to a level of government to be the parent to your child.

You want to stop kids going to jail...make ONE parent...and even if they are not married...the other who proves to be a parent..does the other 12 hours shift...WITH THE CHILD IN JAIL!

Yep...your kid did this....you spend the time with him/her. How many kids do you think would reoffend if the spent 24 hours a day in a cell with a parent when they're 15?

More importantly why should it be so needed for parents to do their jobs?

Not depend on any government to ensure your kids have manners and respect? Is that too much to ask now?

The problems always go back to bad parenting...in 99.9%. We can't fix that whacky bastard .01 percent....but if we don't start taking responsibility for our kids....ALL races..ALL religions..EVERY person....we are in trouble.

It's now completely out of hand. I see 2006 being the year of Police violence. THEY HAVE to DO something! And the result may not be palitable to many...but it's coming.

Going to be an interesting year coming up.


No..I cannot spell when on a tangent....it's not personal if ir pissed you off!


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
MarkII said:
Last I read on the Star website and saw ion Global it was 5 shot 1 dead.

A couple of the survivors are in critical condition according to media reports.

Police have apprehended to young men of unmentionable race creed or color becauswe "no one wants to take responsibility for having raised them".

Yes..that is my political statement. There are some people who are god fearing, by the book, love everone parents who go all the distance and still end up with problem kids. I'm not talking about them. They tried...they cried, they showed up, they lead children by the ear...they DID everything they could for their kids to do better than them. My heart bleeds for those parents. You can't alaways win. But to damn sure they tried.

Then you have the parents who amazed to learned their...yes THEIR 14 yr old has been out all night stealing cars!!! I'm sure it was a "one time thing".

"Why officer you say it's been 15 months?" "And you have pictures of him doing that???" "AHA...so OFFICER...it's your fault for not stopping him"!!!

Thats the attitude that pisses me off.

Lets not cut corners. Some kids are going to be trouble. NOT all of them.
You want an answer to whats happening now?: Stop looking to a level of government to be the parent to your child.

You want to stop kids going to jail...make ONE parent...and even if they are not married...the other who proves to be a parent..does the other 12 hours shift...WITH THE CHILD IN JAIL!

Yep...your kid did this....you spend the time with him/her. How many kids do you think would reoffend if the spent 24 hours a day in a cell with a parent when they're 15?

More importantly why should it be so needed for parents to do their jobs?

Not depend on any government to ensure your kids have manners and respect? Is that too much to ask now?

The problems always go back to bad parenting...in 99.9%. We can't fix that whacky bastard .01 percent....but if we don't start taking responsibility for our kids....ALL races..ALL religions..EVERY person....we are in trouble.

It's now completely out of hand. I see 2006 being the year of Police violence. THEY HAVE to DO something! And the result may not be palitable to many...but it's coming.

Going to be an interesting year coming up.


No..I cannot spell when on a tangent....it's not personal if ir pissed you off!
DITTO! You're absolutely bang-on!!!! Bad parenting.......


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
I used to believe Toronto was a relatively safe city; In light of the number of gun related incidents this year, I don't feel that way anymore. :( What's more disturbing is that the latest shootings occured in an area that I frequent. Very scary stuff.


Aug 27, 2005
Fuck this is tragic, considering it is the holidays and all. I wonder what was the cause of this? Can't just be random shootings. Looks like the two suspects arrested were two black kids, as I saw on CP24. Is it gang violence? Revenge shooting? Very interesting...:cool:

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
drlove said:
I used to believe Toronto was a relatively safe city; In light of the number of gun related incidents this year, I don't feel that way anymore. :( What's more disturbing is that the latest shootings occured in an area that I frequent. Very scary stuff.

The rest of the country calls us Murder City.


New member
Sep 22, 2004
Fred Zed said:

Thank's Fred,

It appears it gets worse. Totally random. Perhaps there was an intended victim and many other's have been shot to cover up the original intention?

Any way you look at it..it's the same as the Montreal Massacre a few years back. Certainly it doesn't look like so many will perish, but lives have been affected for ever. So has anyone else who was there.

Welome to modern life. It's terror based. You want control...you make a statement,

Well if you want to make a statement in reverse...back the Toronto council bid for helicopters, for more Police on every corner that needs it. For quicker response times...keep in mind..that costs money!

Back the plan! Back taking control of our streets. It's not about hookers and drug dealors..it's about control.

Start with pressure on the parents of the offenders. Your kids shoots someone...YOU do the time with them! They were underage..on your watch...so deal with the problem!

If they aren't on your watch (over 18) you do the community service for them.l

Bring back parental repsonsibility. This seems to be the only country I know of...and my knowledge is limited..that parents/the family get off totally free.

In other cultures the Family bears the responsibilities of the family members. Why not here? Why pass your problems on to others and say..Hi! we're Canadians now..it's YOU'RE problem.

This has to stop. This isn't an immigration rant by any means...just simply a rant to be responsible for the people who are under your roof. Does not matter if it's 1 year or 200. Just be responsible.



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I always say: you want to stop crime? Make the punishment FIT the crime...if you shoot and kill someone with a handgun? Take the very same handgun and put it to the perp's forehead and end the problem. If you wound someone with a handgun? same thing...shoot the perp in whatever area the victim was wounded in.....

Sooner or later these friggin idiots will learn that there are consequences for their actions.....

As for the comments about parenting? RIGHT ON DUDE!!! same penalties apply as above, if your no good, gun totin' gansta shoots someone, well, SUCKS TO BE YOU!!

As for prison time? Shit, what are the perps afraid of? 10 yrs at club fed with barbecues and hot tubs?

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005

Apparently these shootings didn't happen in one place. There were shootings at different locations accross Yonge street. One was outside the Foot Locker, the others were at Pizza Pizza on gould, the Delta Chelsea and the Red Lobster. This was too random to be gang related.

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
MarkII said:
Start with pressure on the parents of the offenders. Your kids shoots someone...YOU do the time with them! They were underage..on your watch...so deal with the problem!

This is beyond stupid.

Parents can't watch their kids 24/7. You think every asshole who shoots someone, has asshole parents?

This isn't an episode of The Simpsons.

Just lock the kids up and throw away the key. The Young Offenders Act is the biggest problem.


New member
Sep 22, 2004
I am by the way done with my rants.

At 50 yrs old now, I see the corelation between good and bad parenting.

I have witnessed both sides.

I can look at the generation coming up with some experience in my thoughts.

I do not have the ultimate answer, but I think I have a good place to start.

I honestly don't think parents will be made to be responsible for their kids actions while under 16. It would be a good thing in my eyes. Why send a kid off to learn how to do it correctly the first time?

It's the system we live in.

I think all we can do is support heightened Police presence.

Yep that comes with the .."Rodney King" therory of justice...lets state it out loud. But there have been no Rodneys in Toronto. There have been very few issues that come close to the RODNEY.

Look at it for what it is. A group of people who call themselves the POLICE.

And when someone is coming thru your window/door at 3 AM,... is attacking your daughter at 4 PM on a busy street,.... is hustling your Mother or Father out of every dime they have...

Just WHO are you gonna call???

When your house is on fire, when someone is breaking into your home, when your family has been wronged....

That siren coming your way sure does sound sweet.

They are not the enemy.



Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Weekly said:
I blame social decay caused by white collar crime on Bay Street.
It's not the corporate guys in suits you have to worry about. Focus on the parents who are raising their children without properly socializing them by teaching the necessary mores, norms and values that civillized society practices. These young people have no social conscience whatsoever.


New member
Feb 6, 2005
drlove said:
It's not the corporate guys in suits you have to worry about.
You don't think a $200billion fraud like Nortel has social consequences, what about Bre-X, Portus...

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
Weekly said:
I blame social decay caused by white collar crime.
I balme the following:

The Beatles
Led Zeppelin
Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden
Ice Tea
Public Enemy
Ice Cube
Tupac Shakur
and Fiddy cent


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
This isn't a business thread...

Weekly said:
You don't think a $200billion fraud like Nortel has social consequences, what about Bre-X, Portus...
IMHO, while corporate crime is unfortunate, and does have social consequences, the issue here is POOR PARENTING. Plain and simple.
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