^^^Hearing from friends that live there I think they should have called in the Guard before it got out of hand. They are equipped with some specialized 6x6's & tracked vehicles that go through stuff nothing else will. A friend that works in the fire services said the 911 calls that came in for people stranded we're in the hundreds & there was nothing they could do to reach them. The flip side to this is people have to take storm warnings like this more seriously. When they tell you over the radio, tv, cell phone heavy snow, 70mph+ winds, zero visibility, - single digit temps is coming get the fack off the road & into shelter. People that live in the north & extreme cold know how to deal with this & respect the elements. Poor girl from Atlanta that finished her nursing shift was found in crocs & scrubs in her car...that's Georgia winter attire not Buffalo. Tragic & heartbreaking but preventable. My heart goes out to the families that lost a love one in this. Changes & lesson's have to be learnt from this.