Asterix said:
Oh boy, simplistic cliche time. Let's not forget, "a rising tide lifts all boats" and "the trickle down effect". Too bad I had to sell the boat, and will someone please tell that rich guy to stop trickling on me.
Yeah it was a bit of a cliche response.
The reality is ,that well intentioned social programs usually have more of an enabling effect, than a helping effect.
I support social programs to help people to get back on their feet. I don't support them if they enable people to better themselves.
I have instances within my own extended family, where one of my cousins is taking advantage of the system. She has not worked for the past ten years!!! Although she is perfectly capable and has a profession that is in demand.
Can you explain to me why Canada has almost 8% unemployment, yet in my place of work we can't hire enough people?
Something is wrong with this picture.
The USA has by no means a perfect social system, but if my alternative is a European mess,. NO THANKS.
In Germany you are better of being unemployed and moonlighting than to have a fulltime job. Unemployement benefits include full medical and continuos payments towards your staate pension plan???
Who pays for it? People like my mom, that never missed a day of work. The add insult to injury her taxrate exceeds 50%.
The same will happen in North America if we just through money at a problem in the hopes it will go away.