CupidS Escorts
Ashley Madison

4 More Years!


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Peace4u said:
This is going to be a bad 4 years for the United States,could be a disaster.Tough times are ahead unless you are extremely rich.Bush has no kindness toward those that are disadvantaged.
This is just BS.

The difference between D's and R's in their approach to the disadvantaged is this.
The D's are continuing to give the Fish, while the R' are trying to teach the guy how to fish.
Big difference in philosophy.

Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth
Saying this demonstrates that you have zero understanding of politics. I suggest you remain in the camp of argumentum ad hominum.

2. The war in Vietnam was not a proxy war for anybody. The US was there in numbers, and the vietcong/north vietnamese were not proxies of anybody. They were vietnamese throwing out an invader like they did the french.

Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth
Hitler's military strategy followed a path of expediency (as all effective staregies must). Ribbentrop's deal with Molotov fractured his opponents at a critical time. The long term vision remained in the conquest of Russia for territorial, not ideological, reasons. This was stated clearly from the beginning of Mein Kampf and often repeated.

The ideological component laid within German politics of the time. Hitler did indeed smash bolshevism on the home front by integrating the socialist aims into his brand of politics. This was largely successful due to the KPD's following of the official party line, which held that National Socialism was reactionary and would fail of its own accord (which is very comparable to Kerry's campaign).

Hitler did foresee the Cold War in WW2's dying days - not surprising given his political genius. National Socialism cannot lay claim to any part of the Cold War outcome, as this theatre developed as a consquence of the end of WW2.

bbking said:
Hitler signed a very famous non-aggression pact with Stalin at the beginning of that war and only broke it when it became clear that Germany could not get a route to mid-east oil via North Africa. Hitler's invasion of Russia was to get a hold of Russian oil fields - one only needs to see the initial invasion push to see this.


p.s. yes Hitler was anti-communists his parties ideology would demand it - but it was more focused on the German Communist/socialist parties [/B]


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
four more years- thats how long this thread will last
Last edited:


New member
Mar 17, 2003
danmand said:

3. Actually, the nazis were serious about fighting the soviets, and could not understand why Britain and the US could not see that. They effectively foresaw the coming conflict between the soviets and the west, and many of them fought that war too on the western side.

This is a flush, BB
You're kidding, right? Hitler was all about the growing Soviet threat!?
Oh, mercy.
Anywhoo ....
Yes, Hitler hated the Soviets. That having been said, his FIRST task was subduing the French and British. To say that "they effectively foresaw the coming conflict between the soviets and the west" is to ignore the rather large fact that THEY HELPED CREATE IT!
Hitler was all about *the Third Reich*.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
Asterix said:
To evidently fight another day. I'm a little surprised the US didn't make more of an effort to isolate the insurgents, and apparently let many of them slip out the back door, but maybe it does make sense. With the Iraqi election looming, the sceptic in me sees this as somewhat more of a political operation than a military one. If the US had chosen to seal the city completely off, and taken the insurgents street by street, it would have been a bloody mess, and a possible public relations disaster.
Maybe if the U.S had not tipped there hand and gave advanced warning we may have Zakawe who has beheaded alot of people and caught more terrorists.Complete stupidity.Thankyou MR. Bush another great job.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Peeping Tom said:
Hitler's military strategy followed a path of expediency (as all effective staregies must). Ribbentrop's deal with Molotov fractured his opponents at a critical time. The long term vision remained in the conquest of Russia for territorial, not ideological, reasons. This was stated clearly from the beginning of Mein Kampf and often repeated.

The ideological component laid within German politics of the time. Hitler did indeed smash bolshevism on the home front by integrating the socialist aims into his brand of politics. This was largely successful due to the KPD's following of the official party line, which held that National Socialism was reactionary and would fail of its own accord (which is very comparable to Kerry's campaign).

Hitler did foresee the Cold War in WW2's dying days - not surprising given his political genius. National Socialism cannot lay claim to any part of the Cold War outcome, as this theatre developed as a consquence of the end of WW2.
Churchill and many others also foresaw the Cold War at the end of WWII. I don't think it took a political genius to do this. The Nazis helped create the playing table, though, laying the basis for an iron curtain across Europe.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I've been waiting for Goober to invoke the rule that closes a thread when it resolves to wwii rehash.



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Peeping Tom said:
Saying this demonstrates that you have zero understanding of politics. I suggest you remain in the camp of argumentum ad hominum.
OK, You are stupid!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
onthebottom said:
I've been waiting for Goober to invoke the rule that closes a thread when it resolves to wwii rehash.

There are so many good reasons for closing this thread.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
langeweile said:
This is just BS.

The difference between D's and R's in their approach to the disadvantaged is this.
The D's are continuing to give the Fish, while the R' are trying to teach the guy how to fish.
Big difference in philosophy.
Oh boy, simplistic cliche time. Let's not forget, "a rising tide lifts all boats" and "the trickle down effect". Too bad I had to sell the boat, and will someone please tell that rich guy to stop trickling on me.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Asterix said:
Oh boy, simplistic cliche time. Let's not forget, "a rising tide lifts all boats" and "the trickle down effect". Too bad I had to sell the boat, and will someone please tell that rich guy to stop trickling on me.

Not all problems require a large department to oversee the distribution of funds.

The sale of your boat does not preclude you from shore fishing, wading or even dare I say it fish with a friend.

RICH IN TRUCKING????????????

Are you kidding me the small business ower in trucking is pretty well screwed between fuel and road taxes, insurences, bonds, wage taxes, uniemployment ins., compensation ins., sales tax quaterly perdictions vechicle maintanence, overtime, slow paying customers and did I mention fuel costs?

Damn roll another one and keep looking at the MAN as the opressor and not the one that enables the working stiff a living


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
papasmerf said:
Not all problems require a large department to oversee the distribution of funds.

The sale of your boat does not preclude you from shore fishing, wading or even dare I say it fish with a friend.

RICH IN TRUCKING????????????

Are you kidding me the small business ower in trucking is pretty well screwed between fuel and road taxes, insurences, bonds, wage taxes, uniemployment ins., compensation ins., sales tax quaterly perdictions vechicle maintanence, overtime, slow paying customers and did I mention fuel costs?

Damn roll another one and keep looking at the MAN as the opressor and not the one that enables the working stiff a living
trucking? wtf are you talking about?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
red said:
trucking? wtf are you talking about?

my bad
I had a brain fart on that
but stand by the costs of trucking


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
no problem. I thought I had too much weed today when I first read it.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
red said:
no problem. I thought I had too much weed today when I first read it.

damned speed reading


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
Asterix said:
Oh boy, simplistic cliche time. Let's not forget, "a rising tide lifts all boats" and "the trickle down effect". Too bad I had to sell the boat, and will someone please tell that rich guy to stop trickling on me.
Yeah it was a bit of a cliche response.

The reality is ,that well intentioned social programs usually have more of an enabling effect, than a helping effect.
I support social programs to help people to get back on their feet. I don't support them if they enable people to better themselves.
I have instances within my own extended family, where one of my cousins is taking advantage of the system. She has not worked for the past ten years!!! Although she is perfectly capable and has a profession that is in demand.
Can you explain to me why Canada has almost 8% unemployment, yet in my place of work we can't hire enough people?
Something is wrong with this picture.

The USA has by no means a perfect social system, but if my alternative is a European mess,. NO THANKS.
In Germany you are better of being unemployed and moonlighting than to have a fulltime job. Unemployement benefits include full medical and continuos payments towards your staate pension plan???
Who pays for it? People like my mom, that never missed a day of work. The add insult to injury her taxrate exceeds 50%.

The same will happen in North America if we just through money at a problem in the hopes it will go away.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Peace4u said:
Maybe if the U.S had not tipped there hand and gave advanced warning we may have Zakawe who has beheaded alot of people and caught more terrorists.Complete stupidity.Thankyou MR. Bush another great job.
Normally I would be the last to defend Bush but given the size of the operation and the need to ask the UK to redeploy, I don't see how they could not have given warning.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
someone said:
Normally I would be the last to defend Bush but given the size of the operation and the need to ask the UK to redeploy, I don't see how they could not have given warning.
You are absolutely right, Peace. Makes you question the value of such an operation in a war like this...

Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth
For one, you can't say National Socialism without saying socialism. Go read Mein Kampf to get an idea of what Hitler though about conservatives. Conservatism was the anathema of the Hitler movement, those that couldn't be won over. The socialist part of the NSDAP movement was very progressive - if it were presented objectively you would automatically think it was NDP policy. In this aspect National Socialism was 60 years ahead of its time.

bbking said:
Nazi etc were Conservative Nationalist movements which ideology wise is very at odds to Socialist/Communist ideology
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts