I used to agree with that view. I don't any longer. The more gay people I've met, and the more I've read into the research, the more convinced I've become that at least for men you are either gay, or you are straight, and that you are born that way.Mao Tse Tongue said:People are so absolute about sexuality. "You're either gay or you're not" It's amazing to me. People ebb and flow, they experiment, they look around.
Certainly there are gay men who pretend to be straight, and there are straight men who pretend to be gay, because of social pressures, or because it's supposed to be cool. I don't doubt that a full-on gay man can have an orgasm fucking a woman. That doesn't mean he's sexually attracted to her though.
The expression "gay, straight, or lying" is one used by gay men to deride straight men who pretend to be gay, who show up for awhile on the gay scene because it's cool, but aren't in it for the long haul because they actually have no real attraction to other men.
I don't doubt that. In the expression "gay, straight, or lying" it's equally possible he is lying about being bi and in reality is just doing this for some sort of social status not because he's really attracted to men.But maybe he's searching for something else which can't be described in words, something that has nothing to do with sex
It is a common enough thing they have that expression for it.
On the other hand, given the social pressures in this society, if he is sneaking out to fuck men it's more likely he's lying (to himself) about being straight.