20% of Canadians see 9-11 as a US plot!

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
An even higher percentage of Americans bought pet rocks. A higher percentage of Americans think Oprah is the best person to tell them what to read.

I wouldn't be surprised if 20% or greater of the population aren't mentally competent.

I'm just glad I can't read minds. It would be far too frightening.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
anomandar said:
You are right, Osama bin Laden somehow managed to have NORAD stand down, move all available air defense to the BC/Alaska border, planned 15 military excercises all terrorist related on Sept 11th so that when the planes were hijacked most thought it was part of 1 of the many military excercises. Then Osama made sure that the the fighters that were dispatched were sent to the middle of the Atlantic. All this from a cave dwelling terrorist..... mmmkay.
If I was to reseach your implied conspiracy accusations I would follow the following steps. First, investigate what evidence there is on how the terrorists decided on September 11th. Second, was September 11th a hard date, ie would the same circumstances have existed on the 10th, 12th or 13th. Then I would look at how the decision was made on the NORAD training exercises, were they unusual, was a decison made about timing influenced by outside sources. I would then look at the top ranking officials and their schedules, again were they unusual or influenced by outside sources. Of course rather than doing actual research it is alot easier just to blindly read the conspiracy sites.


New member
Aug 30, 2006
Egor said:
I'll tell you all what the conspiracy is ....

Part of the Islamic extremists plan to bring down the west is to get half the people living over here turned against their own government. Thus, we see now that 30 - 40 percent of the western population apparently believes that 9/11 was a big conspiracy by the American Government.

Apparently you all want to see the Islamo-fascists in charge over here. Just keep believing in the conspiracy theories, and that day will be here soon enough. Then we'll see what kind of escort discussion board you guys have to spew out your nonsense on.
best post in this thread. :)


East end Hobbiest
If I was to reseach your implied conspiracy accusations I would follow the following steps. First, investigate what evidence there is on how the terrorists decided on September 11th. Second, was September 11th a hard date, ie would the same circumstances have existed on the 10th, 12th or 13th0. Then I would look at how the decision was made on the NORAD training exercises, were they unusual, was a decison made about timing influenced by outside sources. I would then look at the top ranking officials and their schedules, again were they unusual or influenced by outside sources. Of course rather than doing actual reserach it is alot easier just to blindly read the conspiracy sites.
or blindly accept that none of this was all unexceptional.

Don't you see that anyone not asking the obvious questions and simply saying "well the people in charge didn't think it was worth asking why the whole military was on smoke break on 911 so it must not be important" are just as screwed up as the people who believe it was a little green Martian disguised as Bush who ordered the attacks?

Conspiracy nuts / anti-conspiracy nuts ... I don't see a significant difference.


East end Hobbiest
VinnyBuff said:
best post in this thread. :)
In democratic countries, it's called democracy when people decide they don't like the existing government and "turn against them".

And that 30-40% ... they don't believe that it was a "big conspiracy" by the US government .. they simply believe that the US government is lying to them ... probably to hide some major incompetency and not to hide some direct personal involvement .... yeah, sure some people, a small minority, may believe that Bush ordered the attack, but just because people believe that Bush and his gang were responsible through ignorance and incompetence for failing to take effective actions on and following 911, doesn't mean they are all crazy mindless tools of Bin Laden ... that's just more Straussian neo-con double speak nonsense.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Truncador said:
Yeah well if you were inducted into 33-degree Masonry you'd know that the esoteric meaning of the acronym, CBC= Conspiracy Brainwashing Conspiracy, so there.

Everyone knows that CBC stands for " Communist Broadcarping Castration":D


Aug 30, 2006
dreamer said:
If I was to reseach your implied conspiracy accusations I would follow the following steps.
Or i could follow your lead and post without doing any reasearch. I could just express my own personal thoughts and explain what i would do if i cared.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
anomandar said:
Or i could follow your lead and post without doing any reasearch. I could just express my own personal thoughts and explain what i would do if i cared.
Actually I do my research before posting and I try very hard to go to the original source and read for myself. I was just not willing to do your research for you, even though I have read the original documents related to your post. Most conspiracy sites just copy and paste from other conspiracy sites, and most conspiracy believers just copy and paste those posts in threads like these. So rather than being negative and all pouty why don't you go read the source material rather than relying on the Coles Note's version.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
woolf said:
The Bay of Tonkin lie was considered to be just a conspiracy theory for what was it? 40 years?

Simply dismissing the possibility of the US government being able to sustain a conspiracy is not a valid argument. If the conspiracy theorists are wrong, then their facts need to be refuted ... dismissing them off hand with the belief that such a conspiracy could not be sustained for 5 years has shown to be an invalid approach.
After the Bay of Tonkin, the "evidence" pointing to those WMDs, and a great many more tall tales from various US luminaries, it is little wonder that half the world suspects the US could somehow involved in just about any calamity anywhere on our planet. Everything except the weather, earthquates, volcanoes, tidal waves etc. The US is like the boy who cried "wolf" - about 50 times too often. LOL


Aug 30, 2006
dreamer said:
Actually I do my research before posting and I try very hard to go to the original source and read for myself. I was just not willing to do your research for you, even though I have read the original documents related to your post. Most conspiracy sites just copy and paste from other conspiracy sites, and most conspiracy believers just copy and paste those posts in threads like these. So rather than being negative and all pouty why don't you go read the source material rather than relying on the Coles Note's version.
If u did your research as u claim u would not have originally responded in the fasion in which u did. Very vague attitude imo but these are forums so maybe i read into it. The answers are there. Instead u made a post suggesting that i " just blindly read the conspiracy sites" and garble it all down. I do not. I take everything for what it is worth and put into my own perspective. If i see a decent link that has credible information or testimonial from people actually involved. Im listeng/watching/reading and then im passing that information along. Tbh im standing on a soap box with this issue cause i REALLY believe there is something up BIG time. Its scarey my friend, so scarey its gonna take a real change, not only from perspective but real hard change. I cant help but wonder if we have gone past the point of no return. So far gone that we do not even see the lines being crossed anymore. Its just a blurr.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
anomandar said:
Very vague attitude imo but these are forums so maybe i read into it.
You gave a sarcastic response, that to me was stating that a conspiracy is so obvious that those who do not accept it must be idiots (my opinion and interpretation of what you wrote) My response was simply do research rather than rely on what the conspiracy sites state. If you actually followed my advice maybe you would come to a different conclusion, that the states were pathetically arrogant and unprepared.

The fact is as long as you just repeat what you have read elsewhere without really looking into what is fact or what is distorted, taken out of context or just simply false you will see conspiracies everywhere. I do the same for both sides. I do not blindly believe everything in the 9-11 report or that Bush was totally honest. But on the other hand the conspiracy sites and their video documentaries are such a joke. They follow standard propoganda techniques.

Personally I do think there was a conspiracy, but after the fact not before.


Aug 30, 2006
dreamer said:
You gave a sarcastic response, that to me was stating that a conspiracy is so obvious that those who do not accept it must be idiots (my opinion and interpretation of what you wrote) before.
Of course i was being sarcastic, your opening statement was

"If I was to reseach your implied conspiracy accusations"

Which imo says that u have not done any research and here are my thoughts. I do not want to repeat myself but i do not believe everything i see or read on a site. Its just more information to look into.

You dont think that the US Government made or let it happen? Fine. I hope u are right. I hope that the greatest super power in the world was bested by Osama who i might add was staying in an American hospital in Dubai in July of 2001 and was visted by the local chief of the CIA (documented fact) even though he was on the most wanted list since 1998. More mistakes i suppose, i can hear the CIA chief now....
"Ooooh u meant that Osama".


New member
Sep 10, 2001
anomandar said:
Of course i was being sarcastic, your opening statement was

"If I was to reseach your implied conspiracy accusations"
You are confused on the order of events, just like a true conspiracist :)

Your Norad post was the sarcastic one I was referring to.

who i might add was staying in an American hospital in Dubai in July of 2001 and was visted by the local chief of the CIA (documented fact)
It is well documented by all the conspiracy sites, I am not sure if it remotely could be classified as a documented fact. You just used typical conspiracy terminology, you should be proud.


New member
Aug 14, 2005
I think it's the other way around 80% think the us goverment was some how involved.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
The Canadian poll was well worded and to the point, 22% believe that the plot was by Americans, 66% believe it was terrorists.

The US Poll is too general and poorly worded. I would vote Yes in that poll and be lumped in with all of the conspiracist proponents because I do believe the government is not being honest and has left many unanswered questions.
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