You've all lost the point at hand: that some politicians in the US are going to prosecute those who dispute climate change. Which means that no further studies count anymore, if they dispute what is now presently considered climate change dogma. Clearly making the leap from scientific objectivity to religious subjectivity.
In government and academic meteorological and climatological circles, you can't get a job as a climatologist if you don't conform to the current narrative. So nobody out there in the research field, will get any grant money if they want to pursue their controversial theories. We are now in the dawn of a new scientific middle-age.
In government and academic meteorological and climatological circles, you can't get a job as a climatologist if you don't conform to the current narrative. So nobody out there in the research field, will get any grant money if they want to pursue their controversial theories. We are now in the dawn of a new scientific middle-age.