15 yr old girl rescued from prostitution ring.

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Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
hunter001 said:
It is pathetic those that would make excuses for "Agencies" that would do due diligence on "their" workers. In the light of day one can determine age of the SP they are "hiring". It sound like you like trolling for ... Whatever dude.

I don't go to S.C.s anymore. I am not that interested in ladies even in their early 20's any more. I only see more mature SPs that are well reviewed and been around sometime. I don't go after the ones guys are drooling over that just turned "19".
You mistake my intention. I am not defending the agencies. A pimp is a pimp is a pimp no matter what how you try to dress it up "agencies" and their owners are pimps.

A john is a john is a john, no matter how we rationalize our behaviour.

You expect the "agencies" to do more do diligence and yet you offer me only soft excuses why you don't check IDs to ensure you are not seeing underaged SPs. If you are so terribly offended, and your standards are so high, then you should refuse to see an SP that does not provide you with proper ID.

What about the drug, alcohol and gambling addicts that work, should we not be ensuring that these girls are also looked after?

Johns don't get me wrong, it is terrible that a 15 year old girl has been forced into prostitution and it should not happen, but lets not bullshit ourselves here.


Nov 8, 2005
Rockload6 said:
HOLY SHIT...I can't believe you put that together, this makes it even worse.

I'm sorry if I seem dense. Are the italics supposed to spell Ray Isaacs or something:confused: ?


Rock God
Feb 3, 2008
Joy said:
Renan Gazzali Esahak
Think of the name Renan. Don't say Ree-nan. I think it would be pronounced like Ray-nan =Ray

Then Esahak = Isaacs. Even if it was pronounced ess-ah-hak if you say it fast enough or however you want to sound it out, its very similar to Isaacs.

I don't know which nationality it is or ethnic background, but it's very easy to sound it out.


Nov 8, 2005
Rockload6 said:
Think of the name Renan. Don't say Ree-nan. I think it would be pronounced like Ray-nan =Ray

Then Esahak = Isaacs. Even if it was pronounced ess-ah-hak if you say it fast enough or however you want to sound it out, its very similar to Isaacs.

I don't know which nationality it is or ethnic background, but it's very easy to sound it out.
Thanks for the explanation as well RL6:) .


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
btw I'm guessing its a mistake by citytv cuz they reported a girl of 5yrs old being forced into prostitution on their prompter...

on another note.... that reporter on citytv, Rubina Mohammed, is hella annoying and redundant. I've never ever felt so annoyed watching a news reporter


New member
Oct 23, 2005
Strangely their 4play website is still up... and most of the girls on there are described as young / innocent, under 100 lbs.

Perhaps the police have not put things together as fast as terb? Are they still answering phones I wonder?


New member
Feb 3, 2002
cyberdoc said:
those posts or accounts may be considered evidence.

Good point, that said can they at least be hidden?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
slowandeasy said:
When you see an SP, MP, or Dancer do you check her ID to ensure she is not underage?

If you don't then you are simply passing the buck. It is hilarious how people are quick to pass the blame so they can make themselves feel better. The point being that as long as we participate in this industry, we all share some blame. If you don't like that truth, then it's time for another hobby.
If you really have suspictions you should. In law "but I thought she was of age" just doesn't cut it.

That said this is principaly the duty of the agency - and any agency that gets caught and that isn't already put out of business should be avoided like the plague.


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
completely unsurprising.

This agency lacked discretion. And you terbites did too who wrote:

"You have to check in with the concierge..."
"I really didn't mind signing in..."
"The concierge gave a little smile then called up..."

and "Kelsey's" ad byline "Some are uncomfortable with concierge...call ahead and girl will meet and accompany you into building..."

...meaning steady stream of same girls escorting men into building, presumably in view of the concierge. I really wonder too about the girls' awareness, but perhaps youth can be excused.

Any such activity that brings 3rd party awareness of suspect activity will eventually lead to action, perhaps "a tip".

Further indictment about this agency, there were numerous reviews of filthy washroom.

Do not you terbites read into the reviews? There's more to learn than graphic details.



New member
Oct 23, 2005
antaeus said:
completely unsurprising.

This agency lacked discretion. And you terbites did too who wrote:

"You have to check in with the concierge..."
"I really didn't mind signing in..."
"The concierge gave a little smile then called up..."

and "Kelsey's" ad byline "Some are uncomfortable with concierge...call ahead and girl will meet and accompany you into building..."

...meaning steady stream of same girls escorting men into building, presumably in view of the concierge. I really wonder too about the girls' awareness, but perhaps youth can be excused.

Any such activity that brings 3rd party awareness of suspect activity will eventually lead to action, perhaps "a tip".

Further indictment about this agency, there were numerous reviews of filthy washroom.

Do not you terbites read into the reviews? There's more to learn than graphic details.

Oh give me a break - this is that operation? The men who paid with their credit cards and did this girl are so screwed.


Hard worker!
Mar 5, 2003
Aardvark154 said:
Why on earth would anyone pay with a credit card! :confused:
Allot of people do, its convenience,

agencies use slimey people like James Aryon

to charge peoples credit cards, instead of saying xxx escort agency, it sais "xxx computer consulting" these guys are writting these charges that they put on their credit card off. Company expense.



Active member
Sep 16, 2004
Devil said:
MODS: I'm sorry if this thread is at the wrong place or this is not permitted. I just read the article, quick search revealed nothing - so posted here. Please feel free to remove if it's not according to guidelines.

Link to article

Wow. Is this any one of the agencies who advertise here, or one of those shady outfits?
This is insane. I hope the mods ban that agency if they are on TERB. I believe that there are at least two agencies that were at 1001 and I believe that they have been on the TERB. It is too risky and totally unacceptable. Tks.
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