Ashley Madison

15 years sober!!!!!


Shades of .....
Feb 8, 2002
RGKV...........Good on ya man! I applaud you. Stay strong, live long.

So, the money you saved is now going for this hobby..........and bet your performance improved as well ;)


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
WOW!!! thanks all for the kind words...can't believe it myself. I can remember going to the AA meeting, seeing guys get up and saying they had quit now for 5-6-7 years....I sat their and said " No Way!!" :Eek: Who would have believed it......


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Gotta tell you all something, I am a grown man raised to show no emotions, my dad was old school, a vet, no crying or emotions allowed but as I sit here reading your responces and concrats to me I have broken down with tears in my eyes, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ALL, Esco & Papi, not sure if you are joking or not, if you're not then you two have no idea what this means or how important it was for me to be their for my daughter, David450, way to go man, one day at a time and before you know it you will be where I am today, TheNiteHwk a little more to my story, I was caught right in the middle of OHIP refusing to pay, which they did after I went for treatment, after I returned home I received a $46,000.oo U.S. bill for the stay, it was the final straw that lead to my backruptsy, Neverenuff$ sorry man, alcohol is hard on some, I'm sure I would have killed my liver {or myself] if I hadn't quit too. again though to the rest of you who have incouraged me Thanks, here's to 15 more!!!!!
Too bad the financial stuff kicked you when you were down, but my every best wish and congratulations for getting back up and staying. And we should all take note of that huge healthcare cost that OHIP usually keeps us unaware of, although painfully not in your case.

I'm another on your wagon since the late 90's, so I raise my glass of gin-free tonic to the next fifteen, yours mine, and everyone else's who has a son or daughter or sweetheart who now looks on silently through slitted eyes while they take theirs with gin.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Congrats my friend. My Father is now 35 years sober as well. You did the right thing for you and your offspring. He actually went to Donwood those many moons ago. Had to go on Antibuse(the drug) for 2 years.

My bet is your family is very very proud of you for stepping up. And that your old school father wouldn't have given a rats ass if you were emotional about it, but only that he too would be proud of the real man his son became. You did right when it mattered most.

So revel in it a bit. You deserve it.


New member
Aug 14, 2012
22 years and counting, would never have believed it possible....BTW, that grandson of mine has made me a GREATgrandfather
Congratulations! Yes it is possible and you are the proof my friend! Once again, congrats!


May 13, 2011
22 years and counting, would never have believed it possible....BTW, that grandson of mine has made me a GREATgrandfather
Much respect are an inspiration to many and I commend your strength and courage. You have lots of love and support here and keep it up brother, however I hope I never see you say the same about this hobby :)

Hobby till we die :)

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Been there as well. Haven't had a drink in 29 years and don't plan to either.

RGKV keep your head up high and live everyday with vigour because you have given yourself a second chance.


Active member
Nov 17, 2002
Congratulations. You should be very proud, I know what you did was not easy. I am terrible with remembering dates, but one date I will never forget is the day I took my Uncle to rehab. This was June 14, 2009. His life was a mess. I am happy to report that he has not had a drink, since.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
It is sad how addicts who are not using for an extended period of time have to continually publicly brag and pat themselves on the back for their "achievement"

it was you that made the poor choices that led to your addiction.... so you are sober / clean now? Bid deal... not
go easy on the guy.

it can easily be argued that guys that pay for sex suffer from a sex addiction and are paying big money to fuel their addiction. same thing basically.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Good to see so many folk have dealt with the problem. I know how meaningful it is as I have seen so many men and women fall by the wayside. I have been sober for 30 plus years and count my blessings.
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