Ashley Madison

15 years sober!!!!!


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Good on ya, and I trust you will take all the good natured ribbing from our resident " spirit" experts in stride.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
Gotta tell you all something, I am a grown man raised to show no emotions, my dad was old school, a vet, no crying or emotions allowed but as I sit here reading your responces and concrats to me I have broken down with tears in my eyes, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ALL, Esco & Papi, not sure if you are joking or not, if you're not then you two have no idea what this means or how important it was for me to be their for my daughter, David450, way to go man, one day at a time and before you know it you will be where I am today, TheNiteHwk a little more to my story, I was caught right in the middle of OHIP refusing to pay, which they did after I went for treatment, after I returned home I received a $46,000.oo U.S. bill for the stay, it was the final straw that lead to my backruptsy, Neverenuff$ sorry man, alcohol is hard on some, I'm sure I would have killed my liver {or myself] if I hadn't quit too. again though to the rest of you who have incouraged me Thanks, here's to 15 more!!!!!


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
Gotta tell you all something, I am a grown man raised to show no emotions, my dad was old school, a vet, no crying or emotions allowed but as I sit here reading your responces and concrats to me I have broken down with tears in my eyes, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ALL, Esco & Papi, not sure if you are joking or not, if you're not then you two have no idea what this means or how important it was for me to be their for my daughter, David450, way to go man, one day at a time and before you know it you will be where I am today, TheNiteHwk a little more to my story, I was caught right in the middle of OHIP refusing to pay, which they did after I went for treatment, after I returned home I received a $46,000.oo U.S. bill for the stay, it was the final straw that lead to my backruptsy, Neverenuff$ sorry man, alcohol is hard on some, I'm sure I would have killed my liver {or myself] if I hadn't quit too. again though to the rest of you who have incouraged me Thanks, here's to 15 more!!!!! Karmastang your message just came in, hang in there buddy, you have more friends than you realise


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
rgkv said:
Esco & Papi, not sure if you are joking or not, if you're not then you two have no idea what this means or how important it was for me to be their for my daughter,
rgkv, I'm just messing with you, I think its great that a) you quit drinking and b) you own up
to it on a public forum.
I tip my hat to you!

I personally limit my drinking to 2 nights a week but when I do drink I drink way too much. Who knows if my drinking gets worse then I may be joining you at an AA meeting somewhere.

Cheers buddy!!! ( no pun intended) :D

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I used to drink alot when I was in my early 20's - avg 30 alchohic beverages per week. At 27 my doc told me if I kept drinking like I was I would be dead of cirrhosis in 5 years. That woke me up. Since then I've binged drank on occasion but have probably cut alchohol consumption by 70% on average. I can see how it can grip someone and have witnessed ugly incidents within my family and social circle due to alchohol. Its a poison. Kudos to you for your strength and courage to overcome your addiction.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
You have my respect. My father drank. I finally ended up giving up on him and cutting him out of my life. I was much better off without him in my life as a drunk but I wonder what things would be like if he was still in my life but not as a drunk. Your kids and grandchildren are lucky. They were more important to you than your booze


Sep 22, 2006

You're the motha-funkin' man. That's a tremendous accomplishment. You've got every right to feel proud and I hope you're rewarded for your decision fifteen years ago with great health, a long life, and countless happy memories with your grandchild.

May you live as long as you want, but not want as long as you live....


Aug 11, 2006


although we've never talked, nor been in the same thread before, i can only offer up my congrats to you.

great achievement.
keep on.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Congratulations, it's nice to see someone take stock of their lives and get straightened out. We all have varying problems - some genetic or results of our childhood but it takes a real strength to fix them.

Can we use this thread as a list of designated drivers? ;)


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
I've done 10. No rehab went cold turkey.
Congratulations on your success. 5 years from now you'll make 20 years and so will your grandson.
22 years and counting, would never have believed it possible....BTW, that grandson of mine has made me a GREATgrandfather


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Way to go rgkv! I'm glad I can control when I have a drink and when I don't. Sometimes I have a couple glasses of wine with dinner every night during the week. Some weeks I don't drink at all. I never have that "I've got to have a drink" urge, I can take it or leave it. I think the fear of one day having to never be able to touch a drop of alcohol keeps me from being an alcoholic, if that makes any sense. I like wine and cocktails. Hmmmmm... Just got an idea for a thread. :)


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
Not really supposed to do this but I have never felt better or been more proud of myself than I am today, Hello everyone my name is .... and I am a alcoholic, 15 years ago my daughter came to me and said "Dad I am having a baby and I want you at my side", of course I said yes and was feeling like a king, on my way home that night I say to myself, ya know .... she's gonna call and I'm not gonna be there, I'll be out drunk somewhere, on another bender, in jail, whatever, but you're not gonna be there, I have not had a drink of any kind of alcoholic beveridges since that night. I went home called the rehab centre, I forget the name, up near Victoria Park and Denison, something like that, DONWOODS!!! I think, was told there was a 3 month waiting list, NO GOOD!!!! back then though was when the big rehab revolution was going on, OHIP was paying to go to these places down in the states, called the add, "yes there were adds for these places in the paper", was told where to be in Buffalo and they would pick me up and take me to their rehab centre, called my father and told him what I going to do, also asked him to take me across the border and drop me off, took a bus to the Buffalo greyhound station and I guy picked up two of us, believe it or not the other person had also come from Toronto and we had met on the bus, We were drivin to a big old house outside of Buffalo, about 16 of us and 3 or 4 staff lived there, No alcohol, no shirts of anykind of alcohol promotion, no T.V, no radio, attended 7 meeting a day, 7 days a week for 32 days, it was a pure and simple brainwashing, A.A all the way, but for me it worked, and you want to know the most important thing of all, I WAS THERE AND SAW MY GRANDSON BORN,, today I have never been prouder of myself .
Congratulations. As the child of a sober alcoholic I know the difficulty you faced and the daily challenges to remain sober. You have every right to be proud of yourself and I know your Daughter and Grandson are not only proud of you but grateful as well to have you in their lives. Well done Sir. :)

Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
Congrats man Im seven years clean next June. It was a huge struggle, but worth it. You should be very proud. Life is good:thumb:
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