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1 in 120 Torontonians has Aids


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
The most important stat is the 1,000 new cases per year in Ontario which in a province of 13 million or so of which more than 1/2 are of working age and 30% are foreign born this doesn't strike me as all that high. This means you have 0.01% chance if you are of working age, reduce that if you are not gay or and drug user and practice safe sex. I would hazard a guess that driving is a hell of a lot more dangerous.
You can make stats sound however you want and don't forget its in Casey House's best interest to make it sound dramatic.....not that it isn't a great cause to support.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
I wonder why they don't quarantine HIV people. They pretty much quarantine all other deadly infectious diseases - Ebola, SARS, Leprosy ... I guess it affects disproportionately large percentage of gay men population, that no politician is willing to be labelled homophobia to do anything about it.
you should be quarantined from hobbying for that comment


New member
Dec 31, 2003
Relevant information from this thread:
1) Condoms work. You use a condom, and you don't shoot heroin from dirty needles, you don't need to worry. At least about HIV/AIDS. Other STDs sure
2) Anyone who practices/pushes for BBFS with escorts should be shot and pissed on. Absolutely no excuse for that and they deserve everything that happens to them


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
Your logic is flawed.
Alex's logic is bang on. This is an inferential statistic entirely dependent on the sample group; if homsexual men or other high-risk groups are over-represented, the inferred result is going to be skewed.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I wonder why they don't quarantine HIV people. They pretty much quarantine all other deadly infectious diseases - Ebola, SARS, Leprosy ...
Because for some reason people with this infection are classified as having a disability, not an infectious disease. As such they are entitled to a shitload of rights.

Totally stupid (aside from political correctness and votes) that this one infection is classified differently.


New member
Sep 8, 2011
BBBJ, DATY, Frottage, Rimming, etc have never been shown to cause HIV. Period. At best there are 3 tenuous examples of HIV being passed through receptive oral sex in the nearly 30 years of the HIV epidemic. All 3 have extreme circumstances and none can be conclusive. Saliva is absolute poison to HIV. HIV is generally speaking a very fragile virus. Under an "average" viral load, that is under 50k copies per mL of blood, there is a 1 in 20000 chance of female -> male transmission and 1 in 10000 chance of male -> female transmission (assuming vaginal sex). For folks that are on HAART and have been religious about their dosage, there is an almost 0% chance (Spain survey of 193 serodiscordant couples, Netherlands study of another number of couples, nobody got HIV) of transmission.

that's not to say you won't get HIV. If she has a sloppy wet pussy and you get some of that love juice in your urethra and the bug uptakes, you seroconvert 4 weeks later and enjoy life with HIV. It only takes once. Bareback anal is 1 in 200 for the receptive partner and 1 in 1000 for the penetrating partner, just FYI. HIV is found to live in the thin mucus lining inside the rectum and in fact in much greater quantity.

Other STDs on the other hand...


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Ya figure half the people on TERB are from TO?? That make is 1 in 60 here


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Alex's logic is bang on. This is an inferential statistic entirely dependent on the sample group; if homsexual men or other high-risk groups are over-represented, the inferred result is going to be skewed.
It is safe to assume that the people doing the study knew how to take a sample. Their statement said that 1/120 in Toronto. So their sample is of Toronto's population. Their sample is not skewed toward's gay men or other high-risk groups. Alex's logic is flawed. Furthermore, it is very likely that they used the total number of known cases in Toronto and simply divided that by Toronto's population to derive their figure. Your logic is flawed. Finally, you have little sense of the population here on Terb. There are SPs providing BBFS. Yes, even well-reviewed ones from the agencies. And even if they aren't providing it to their clients, the may well be providing it to their boyfriends. This puts them in a high-risk group. Some of these SPs are into a little kink and like to have sex with bisexual men, again putting them into a high-risk group. And some of them are junkies and share needles. (All I said about the SPs certainly applies to the clients). Want to be safe, don't count on misconstruing stats in your favour, wear a condom.


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
It is safe to assume that the people doing the study knew how to take a sample.
That is a big assumption. Reading the white paper, they have built a model where they assume 1/3 of people are not aware of the diagnosis. Based on that, the prediction may be off by 50%. Whether this is valid I do not know, but they do not advertise this in the headline.

Gay men and drug users are still primarily the ones at risk. Very sad for all the education, the disease keeps spreading, with I assume some lunatics knowingly infecting others.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
That is a big assumption. Reading the white paper, they have built a model where they assume 1/3 of people are not aware of the diagnosis. Based on that, the prediction may be off by 50%. Whether this is valid I do not know, but they do not advertise this in the headline.

Gay men and drug users are still primarily the ones at risk. Very sad for all the education, the disease keeps spreading, with I assume some lunatics knowingly infecting others.
I suspect they know their business and did not pull the number from a random-number generator. The number they came up with was 1/120 for Torontonians. It is reasonable to assume the number is much higher for the high risks groups.


May 19, 2009
Here's a question....
For the people that are infected do they refrain themselves from sexual activities? Because the right thing to do is to tell your sexual partner that you have "The AIDS". I can't imagine anyone who would have sex with an HIV positive person? Maybe if you were married to the person they might?
So my question is, all the horn dog's who have AIDS out there will they just give up sex? Not likely probably. So where do they get there fix? SP's. one night stands etc. Scary thought I know. And another question is how do you stop these infected people when they're seeing SP's? Because we all know how easy it is to keep our hobby life from the people closest to us. So how would it be any different from someone who's got AIDS to keep it from the authorities

I'm not trying to turn people off from the hobby I'm just saying you should be cautious. The worse thing you can do is be in denial that this could never happen to you. A condom could break? Bare back oral - she might have sores or cut's in her mouth. Is that enough to cause any kind of risk? I don't know? And can you trust the studies that are out there? And how do they even conduct such studies? Do they have guinea pigs who partake in AIDS infected studies?
To many unknowns to be carefree IMO. If I was still hobbying I'd opt for covered service but that's just me. Be safe all...


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Virgins, celibates, people in true monogamous relationships are all in low-risk groups. It is safe to assume that SPs and their clients exceed the 1/120 statistic. We may not be as high risk as the gay community but we are in a higher risk group than the average Torontonian.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
it doesn't matter the odds, if you were meant to become HIV positive, you'll get it in your first careless behaviour. If that is not part of your destiny, you will not get it no matter how you hobby.
Say what now? I've heard people talk about that old timey religion that made more sense.
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