Mirage Escorts
Toronto Escorts

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  1. K

    De Niro vs Pacino-Who's The Best Actor?

    Breeze, Please consult your grammar book. You're comparing two things -- it's better not best Jeez ... don't we have any English Mavens on this board :D
  2. K

    ? About Firefox

    been using Firefox for a year -- makesIE look like a DOS application http://www.mozilla.org/
  3. K

    Brussels & Frankfurt

    Brussels is a great place to see. I wspent 4 days there last year and probably got to see about half of whiat I wanted to see.. Algo, go to Brugges for a day-trip. Brusels in interesting for a day trip. Frankfulrt is boring. Just big businese and not great sights to seel Hope this helps.
  4. K

    Will having Kerry in office change much?

    The biggest change/impact will be to the Supreme Court -- the people who put Bush in office in the first place. There will almost surely be retirements/deaths of one or more justices during the next 4 years. Bush has shown by his appointees to lower Federal courts that he will appoint...
  5. K

    "Give Bush a Brain" Game

    Y'all are getting too uptight about U.S. politics. Try the "Give Bush a Brain" game and lighten up :-) http://www.imgag.com/product/full/ap/3067907/graphic1.swf
  6. K

    Arnold Governor or story teller

    Arnold ... he's a Historical Girlie Man :-)
  7. K

    Zell Millers Speech

    /// *** Keyser Soze upgrades IA Level to 4, implements Rule 17B *** ///
  8. K

    Zell Millers Speech

    OTB, Very unfortunate that you can not take some light ribbing ... get a life. /// *** Keyer Soze shakes head in amazement and implements Rule 17A *** ///
  9. K

    Zell Millers Speech

    quote: ------------------------------------------------------------------ I love how desperate Democrats are to discredit one of their Senators - he hurt them more than all the other speakers combined this week. This is the guy who as Governor of Georgia instituted FREE collage educations for...
  10. K

    Rules of Life

    Keyser Soze has developed some rules of life that he would like to share ... and in turn hear if you have any interesting rules. Here are some of the rules, featuring the famous "rule 17" which I unfortunately have to use on a daily basis. Please feel free to add to the list :-) 1. Keep your...
  11. K

    What Commercials do you hate?

    I absolutely hate the Coors Light commercials running in the UlS. that take off on the "Take me Out to the Ball Game" song. If i were a beer driinker, I'd never drink another Coors just because these commercials are so farking obnoxious.
  12. K

    Internet Explorer and the Spyware Problem

    I use Firefox Version .9 (soon to go live with V1.0) and have very few problems with web sites that are tuned to IE. www.mozilla.com
  13. K

    Maria Sharapova

    Keyer Soze thinks that she is on a path to be much HOTTER than Anna ... give her 2-3 years for all the hormones to set in and we'll all wish she was on the TERB circuit rather than on the tenn is circuit. Hopefully she'll be interested in more than tennis balls :-)
  14. K

    What profession do you use?

  15. K


    "Keep your head up." Keyser Soze (Rule 1)
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    "Never have an arguement with a politician. Sooner or later, you'll figure out that it's like mud wrestling with a pig ... the pig LIKES it." Keyser Soze (Rule 17C)
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    "Never have a battle of wits with an unarmed person." Keyser Soze (Rule 17B)
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    "Never argue with an idiot. They'll pull you down to their level and then beat you with experience." Keyser Soze (Rule 17A)
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    "Don't hit your mother in the head with a shovel. You'll leave a dull impression on her mind." Alfred E. Neuman
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    "If your mother-in-law wants to drive your car, don't stand in her way" Alfred E. Neuman
Toronto Escorts