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What Commercials do you hate?

sc dave

New member
Dec 23, 2003
SW Ontario
Galahad said:
I hate the Alexander Keith commercial. The guy in the kilt barking and complaining is extremely annoying.
I mute that SOB the second I see his ugly grey face, And the beer taste like piss too.


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
The Mc Cain's rising crust pizza -"being Italian" commercials. Who casted these "actors"? Could they not find some actors who look Italian who could possibly act?

Keyser Soze

New member
Aug 17, 2001
North Carolina
I absolutely hate the Coors Light commercials running in the UlS. that take off on the "Take me Out to the Ball Game" song. If i were a beer driinker, I'd never drink another Coors just because these commercials are so farking obnoxious.


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
My most hated commercials...

5. The unknown drug commercials.
- Great, I see a commerical suggesting that I contact my doctor regarding a need for me to take "Cramitall". What the hell is it supposed to help? How about taking the mystery out of it, and just telling us what it does.

4. The Six-Flags dancing octogenarian
- I know this guy probably is excited about landing this gig as a dancing tool on tv, but seriously, we have to ask ourselves at what price do we give up our sense of personal pride for? Personally, I would love to get on the bus, and then use it to run him over. Come to think of it, maybe he took the advice from his doctor from #5, and is using "Cramitall".

3. Any Monster Truck Add.
- I don't care if yet another promoter wants me to go see an oversized truck climb a pile of mud in either Copps or Skydome. I can seriously think of a couple more things more exciting to do than sit around with a bunch of wife-beater shirt wearing, mullet-coiffed 40-year olds who find the Six-Flags dancing octogenarian as being funny.

2. Ads for the 6 or 11 o'clock news.
- They give you a line in their add which says something like the following...

"cutting grass...can it kill you? Find out tonight at 11:00".

I mean, if cutting grass can really kill me, put it out on a special news bulletin right away, and save lives! Why the delay? What they really mean is that what is going to kill you is watching the dancing Octogenarian commercial, followed by a Monster Truck add - all the while having you terrified with the thought of sudden death arising from mowing your lawn.

1. The Canadian Tire Family.
- Kill them all. I mean really, this family runs akin to the Flanders on The Simpsons. If I were their neighbour, I think I would use the "Portable Power Pack" - and electricute the father with it - of course following me drowning the rest of the family in the inflatable pool.

At least after killing them, it is less likely that I would be seeing much of these tv commercials while serving time in Kingston.

Who says that tv commercials don't get a message out?


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
Sorry - nearly forgot...

6. The Aspirin commercial...
- I mean, really.

You go see your doctor, who hands you enough Aspirin to last you probably a week. On top of that, as the guy is putting his shirt back on, he winces in pain - guess the doctor missed that. What does he do? Tells him to take more Aspirin. Where did this doctor get his license - off the shelf at Target? To make it even more irritating, he even has a flat-panel tv screen ready - just to give an answer to the exact malady that the patient has. Maybe this doctor's specialty is "Aspirin-related injuries". What happened to the need for "Cramitall"???

I think both of these guys belong at Six Flags for the day as well.


New member
Jul 14, 2009


New member
Dec 23, 2005
Any commercial that sells a product that is supposed to make life easier by showing how thier product can make those difficult daily tasks easy.

But those so called "difficult" daily tasks are never that difficult, unless of course you are one of the developmentally challenged actors whom must also be alcoholic, who are featured in the ads.


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
If you watch cable UK soccer channels, you'll know all about annoying adverts.

Setanta: They don't have actual advertising on this channel. That sounds good, except they more than fill up the time saved with asinine collages of their programs. Someone is actually paid to put together multiple goal celebrations. And, to make it worthwhile, they show them time time, after time, after time, . . . in fact, some of the collages even go back several years, and they're still showing them. To me, it's not possible that any of the producers of the shows actually watch the channel that shows the finished programs.

Fox/Sky: If you were the advertising manager of a sports channel, would you figure your target market product as lipstick? And it's not just the "Because I'm worth it" nonsense -- it's many,many ladies-only products. Not that there is anything wrong with ladies watching EPL soccer -- but would you make them your target market? The ads are not particularly annoying -- it's just the incongruousness of it.


New member
Jul 4, 2007
what about the activia commercial with the talking bike named bika

or call 1866 5 DEAL and get away for less!


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I would like to let everyone know that Alarm Force is a great security provider. Both of my parents are far into their retirement and their age seems to be holding them back. They have difficulty walking up and down the stairs and have little to no means of protecting themselves. Unfortunately, their next door neighbor’s home has recently been broken into so I decided to purchase them a security system. The representative gave me a perfect package deal where the system was thoroughly explained to my parents and they could call a representative at any time for more assistance. Above all, it is great knowing that I don’t have to worry about their safety since they are finally protected and secure in their home.
Thanks for reviving a sx year old thread to cut and paste this same shill about Alarm Force that you put in other threads. Nice about your folks, and you're a dutiful son, but merely having a system doesn't make the system good or the company backing it worth their fees.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
I would like to let everyone know that Alarm Force is a great security provider. Both of my parents are far into their retirement and their age seems to be holding them back. They have difficulty walking up and down the stairs and have little to no means of protecting themselves. Unfortunately, their next door neighbor’s home has recently been broken into so I decided to purchase them a security system. The representative gave me a perfect package deal where the system was thoroughly explained to my parents and they could call a representative at any time for more assistance. Above all, it is great knowing that I don’t have to worry about their safety since they are finally protected and secure in their home.

WTF? You must be desperate.


Active member
Apr 21, 2005
Apparently Santa drinks Pepsi when he is on vacation and partying. The elves think it's naughty and nice.

Also Napa auto parts commercial where the sales man starts singing a country Napa jingle.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
877-CASH NOW!!! everyone is on the bus singing opera and then that stupid viking pipes up at the end. GRRRR lmao i cannot stand that one!
or the skittles commercials, they're just creepy


Active member
Mar 1, 2011
All commercials for Rogers and Bell. Both greedy bastards, gouging customers and oppressing their staff. Posing as good samaratins and friends to the consumer.

Anything with Cash Man Russel Oliver


New member
Jul 18, 2009
I think that the Health Ontario ad in which the woman burns herself on a hot pot and two dudes have a rash and the solution is to go to a: nurse practitioner; b: a family clinic etc is really bad for the health system. Why do these simple maladies have to take up time and space at health service facilities? Back in the day we had home remedies for these maladies and lots else. Now we are being encouraged to use an overtaxed health system. No wonder waiting times at emergency are so long. If you are broken in a car accident, OK go to emerge, but for Pete's sake a little burn? Get real!
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