Toronto Escorts

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  1. C

    Replacement Laptop Battery

    try I replaced my battery on my toshiba battery 1 year ago. I still am using the battery from amazon, and it is actually working better than my original toshiba battery, and it cost me about 30 dollars all included.
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    casa particular or all inclusive in cuba

    ok thanks guys, ill get a resort and a casa.
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    casa particular or all inclusive in cuba

    Im going to cuba end of May, and cant decide If i should get an all inclusive vacation to cuba or book a flight only and just stay at a casa particulare when I am there. Couple of questions, how hard would it be for me (my first time in cuba, and i speak no spanish) to find a casa particulare...
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    Itty bitties.

    All depends on the woman. Can look great with some women. Now, Fat girls with small tits is rare but when it happens just isnt right :confused:
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    any recommendations in lloydminster?

    Hi all, I am visiting lloydminster, alberta. Any body on here know the local scene? Any good recommendations for sp's or mp's in this area?
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    Best pizza in Toronto?

    THIS! best pizza ive ever had
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    Investing $5000

    I also had around 5000 to invest, what I did was buy a website. There are little tricks you can do to increase traffic to your website. You can sit on it for a few years and sell and in the meantime collect monthly cheques from the ads. In a few years it will be worth a lot more than that...
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    Man Bashing in Advertising

    The commercial that always pisses me off is the cherrios commercial. Steve needs to grow a pair.
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    Tell me that I'm not the only one who thinks Lisa Laflamme is hot

    laura diakun all the way!
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    Bacha Bazi in Pakistan and Afghanistan

    Winston Blackmore and other polagamists are known to marry dozens of wives, and young children and they are being held captive.... the Police and authorities know about yet dont stop this. I wonder if this is a Canadian thing (insert sarcastic smiley)
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    12 year old Child bride dies of internal bleeding from Rape in Yemen

    That is really sad. Something does seem amiss though.... A very high number of young teenagers and even pre teens are having sexualy active in the united states, and we rarely hear of internal bleeding causing death.
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    a room mate opened my mail

    Interesting. SP's must make waaaay less than i thought.
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    The living room...

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    WOW she literaly loses control

    another good how to video
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    For all the Big booty lovers

    big booty lovers unite post pics of your favourite juicy booty here link is not working? help?
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    WOW she literaly loses control

    Worlds first totally satisfied woman!!! :cool: look at the smile on her face throughout that session, imagine the endorphin release.
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    Negotiating Chinese Style

    you should live in china if you like there laws so much:p
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    damn that guy should pursue a career in pornography:p
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    Have you ever had your photo taken in one of those mall photo booths? Try this one...

    the funniest was when the asian lady says "he never asks me (to marry)"
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    Mariah on Leno

    damn she still looks amazing
Toronto Escorts