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    Need help building a web site

    Looking for a web designer to help me build a web site, tried doing it on my own but too much for me to handle on my own right now. It actually is time consuming and I have a tight schedule between school and work just don't have the time. So looking for a well known and reliable web designer...
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    Name that thing of the past

    Oh wow a Commodore 64, I had one of these.
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    Galvatron R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
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    I plan on being an escort til I'm 60 years old

    I respect what you desire. There should be no limit on what you do in your life, I plan on hobbying till I'm 70 ;)
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    High school student, 14, dies after being hit by truck

    There is a possibility that the driver of the DUMP TRUCK my have not stop at a stop sign and recklessly continued onwards, such a tragic loss.
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    Divinyls "I Touch Myself" singer Chrissy Amphlett dies at 53 from breast cancer

    I heard this song in my third year in highs school dance and remember dancing with my GF at that time. Ah, memories. R.I.P. a lost to the music world but will never be forgotten.
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    Hello there how r u?

    Hello there how r u?
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    Bret "The Hitman" Hart

    Bret signs with the WWE for three months. Your thoughts?
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    If you won the lottery, would you still work?

    No I wouldn't. I'll give my two weeks notice and plan for the future. I'm free....:D
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    Would you let a high school mate examine your body??

    Let me ask you this.... would you be worried cause the pain in your leg could be something more and you don't know about it? I would be worried on that issue than having my ex classmate touching my body. Just see someone else if your uncomfortable seeing her.
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    Just another nerd...

    Talk about revenge of the nerds, that's one hot nerd.
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    RIP My Friend

    I'm sorry to hear that, its not easy loosing someone that you care for, my condolences.:(
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    TTC fare hike, yet again?

    Possible increase TTC fare sometime in the new year? Well I guess it's time to get a car? Your thoughts?
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    Which Lady Would You Pick?

    I love blondes so my pic would be #3 second #5 :D
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    Back in the day...

    O back in the day.... I was more into SP's at that time, now I'm more of the MP since. The one that I remember seeing as an SP was this beautiful Polish girl by the name ofTracy. I had the most intriguing session with her. At that time I had now way of posting any reviews but did for a bit when...
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    6'4" attractive women. What do you think?

    I myself love tall women, I'm about 5'5 and I've dated girls either shorter than me or at my height. Actually, I was seeing someone that was an inch tall but nothing more than that. I've always dreamed of having a relationship with tall women. There is something about them that makes me weak in...
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    Any UFC fans on Terb?

    Never did like Brock when he was in the WWE even less in the UFC. I'll never forget the wrestling match against Kurt Angle when he tried to do the moonsult and landed on his head.
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    Battlestar Galactica's babes

    Here is a little something for those BSG fans....
Toronto Escorts