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  1. W

    TSX Energy Sector - Is the party over?

    This is just a blip. The overall trend will be increased prices. China's economy is growing at a staggering rate, something like 10% per year, which is leading to the emergence of a middle class for the first time. Soon that middle class will be able to afford cars, and if you think prices...
  2. W

    Hermes is screwed

    I'm not going to take sides on this one because I wasn't there and I don't know exactly who said what to whom. But the idea that this will hurt Hermes' sales is ludicrous. As many have already pointed out, the vast majority of Oprah's fans can't afford Hermes. For the people in the world who...
  3. W

    Car Brakes

    When you brake the weight of your car shifts forward. If you want to feel what I mean, get up to 60 km/h on a straight road, make sure there isn't anyone behind you, and then hit your brakes hard. You'll feel yourself pulled forward in your seatbelt. The opposite is true with acceleration...
  4. W

    F1 race: Indianapolis (only six drivers)

    That's just racing, and it is a chance you take every time you go out on the grid. Michael and Reubens almost took each out out after Michael's last pit stop. Wouldn't that have been a funny podium? Two Jordans and a Minardi. Of course, if it was a matter of a Michelin car intentionally...
  5. W

    F1 race: Indianapolis (only six drivers)

    This was my source for claiming that it was Ferrari that rejected the proposal (amongst the teams): http://uk.sports.yahoo.com/050619/4/bnsm.html And proving that there are always three sides to the story, Jean Todt has been quoted as saying that he wasn't the one who said "no" because nobody...
  6. W

    F1 race: Indianapolis (only six drivers)

    Ferrari could have shown sportsmanship by agreeing to the proposal set forth by all the Michelin teams along with Jordan and Minardi. This proposal would have given the top 6 places to the 6 Bridgestone cars and allowed the Michelin teams to race for the two remaining points positions plus any...
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    Classic Cars

    andrew-g hit the nail on the head. Legendary is *the* place to go if you are looking for the cream of the crop. Peter Klutt is an expert and is incredibly connected in the muscle car world. I remember two summers ago being up in his showroom and seeing a 1970 Hemi Cuda with 37 original miles...
  8. W

    Buying a new Toyota.

    There are a lot of people who work in Toyota's Cambridge plant that would disagree with you. And unlike GM, which is contemplating massive employment cuts in the coming 3 years to return to profitability, Toyota recently announced major investment in Southern Ontario. Neither GM, Ford...
  9. W

    imbecile of the day: robby gordon

    Its a tough question, to be honest. Someone earlier in the thread made a point about a 200 lb+ driver having the choice to get into shape. But if he did, maybe he could get to 170? 150? Danica would still have a 50 lb advantage in that case, and that means she can either run a lot lighter...
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    imbecile of the day: robby gordon

    Gordon did have a point here, and it kills me to say it because he's been one of the biggest assholes in motor racing in recent memory.
  11. W

    Transmission Service

    There has been a trend towards this over the past few years. Not only with transmission fluid that never needs to be changed, but also with extended oil change intervals for your engine oil. Most mechanics I know advise that you change your fluids regulary, even if your manufacturer suggests...
  12. W

    Favorite Family Guy quotes!

    I love the Quagmire lines best of all. Annessa already hit on my favourite, but another good one is during the reality tv show episode where Meg is recast with a more attractive girl. While Meg is staying at Quagmire's she walks in on him having sex with a woman on the counter Meg: "Oh, Mr...
  13. W

    Is a home inspection needed

    Get the inspection, don't even think twice about it. You see how fast new homes/condos go up, right? New homes have lots of problems due to shoddy workmanship. Its always better to find out what you've gotten yourself in to.
  14. W

    Fav. VanHalen song

    Definitely Unchained. No doubt about it. But another great track that got missed is "Girl Gone Bad" off the 1984 disc. This was Eddie at his height. The solo was good, but the leads and fills throughout the song were amazing.
  15. W

    Best Car Wax

    Meguiars Gold Class. I think it comes in either paste or liquid, but I use the liquid. Easy to apply and easy to remove, either with a buffer or with elbow grease. Nice deep shine, and water beads up for more than a month. About $20 for the bottle at Canadian Tire, if I remember right.
  16. W

    great movie music scenes

    Aretha Franklin, "Respect", in the diner scene of the Blues Brothers. Hell, the entire movie is a classic for musical performance. WH
  17. W

    Advise Needed.....I'm buying a house finally

    When it comes to finding an agent, I have found in my experience that certain agents tend to specialize in certain neighborhoods. If you have already isolated a neighborhood or two that you want to move into, drive around the neighborhood and see who's name you see on the for sale signs and set...
  18. W

    What is the best book you ever read?

    For fiction, I would have to recomment Barney's Version by Mordecai Richler. Anything by Robertson Davies would be fantastic as well. Non-fiction? A book that just blew my mind last year was Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond. It is basically about the geographic/climactic reasons that...
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    What's your favourite TV comedy shows?

    Sitcom would have to be Seinfeld with WKRP in Cinncinnati and All in the Family as honourable mentions. For sketch comedy, Chapelle's Show. WH
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    high end bbq's

    I'll add my endorsement of the Napoleon. I've had mine for 8 years now, and my igniter has never failed. I did have a problem with one of the gas valves, but the vendor came to my home and replaced it under warranty. I use it on all but the coldest days of the year. I love it!
Toronto Escorts