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    Religous Jokes

    Why do women love Jesus? He's hung like this!
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    Jobs will be returning, there is a tariff appearing on the horizon, the cost of fuel. Distance costs money and once oil climbs again it may well soon be cheaper to open a plant in Ontario that ship something halfway around the world. The End of Growth is an interesting read from a Canadian...
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    Why I Am An Atheist

    When people say that faith is belief that does not need proof or evidence I think of the Hitchen's quote that "that which is asserted without evidence may be dismissed without evidence." As for the idea of non overlapping magisteria that would be one way to function, but religion does not do...
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    Movie comparing abortion to the Holocaust shown to Wagoner students

    The movie is by Ray Comfor (The banana man). A nice debunking of the movie can be found at His banana clip is at It is odd to consider that since many pregnancies (10 - 25 percent) result in miscarriages...
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    Would you be OK with cops wearing body cameras while on duty??

    Police can record you when you are in public, and you can record them. Plus it will be interesting to see what happens when watchdog groups start doing large FOIA requests for the video logs and then going after police for every infraction of procedure. Downside of course is that with the...
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    Free Trade

    Exporter or raw materials (timber to the states etc) , importer of manufactured goods and vehicles (although we are, as a nation, a net exporter or trucks). So pick your sector. We ship unprocessed raw materials to the States and China, and send our cars south to the States, but for general...
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    Free Trade

    There are more and more, and farther reaching "Free Trade" zones. NAFTA, Mexico, Trans Pacific Rim, EU trade policy between member nations etc. Anyone think that Free Trade has been oversold and proven false? It always struck me as a race to the bottom. Cheapest producer wins, and everyone else...
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    Which companies are using aborted human fetuses in their food?

    It is aimed at preventing stem cell research. A group called Children of God for Life equates stem cell research with using fetus'. So any company doing stem cell research is using fetus'. It is illegal to use human tissue in food products. The campaign is aimed at ending scientific research...
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    India and Pakistan: Water War May Go Nuclear?

    Water will be the next thing to fight over after oil. Canadians are sitting on the largest concentration of fresh water in the world. And we use it as a toilet. China is building huge dams to block waterflow out of the country. India is doing the same. Read the book Blue Gold, or watch the...
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    Angry Athiests at it again...this time targeting vets and war memorials

    If the cross is on Federal land it should not be there, thats pretty well stated in the various regulations and judgements of the Supreme court. If the marines wanted to build a memorial to their comrades, great, more poer to them. Just find their own land to do it on. The cross in...
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    Intentionally killing civilians is wrong.

    The blurring of what is and is not a military target lies in the relatively new concept of 'total war'. The industrial base of one countryn is fighting against the industrial capacity of the enemy country. What is a "military target" the hangar with the fighter jet parked inside it? or the...
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    Judge rules inmate has no right to matzoh!!!

    Why should he get anything special? Is prison not meant to be a punishment/deterrent?
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    Yonge-Dundas smackdown Toronto or Riiyadh?

    If you are in a public space you can have your picture taken. You may not like it, you may even be offended, but in a public space you are fair game. There are limits on this, no upskirt shots, no peeking in windows etc. Yes it is possible to have people take pictures that are intrusive and...
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    Saudis still planning more nukes. Do they know something we don’t?

    They may need the electrical power to create drinking water from Seawater. Saudi Arabia has most of the world's desalinization plants. They need the water.
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    The single most important event in world history

    Language. With language the whole concept of transmitting information in detail got its start. From there you get writing, to record what is said, philosophy, science, everything. But communication gave us the ability to work together and kill all our competitors.
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    Where will China find the oil to power its economy?

    If I can remember the proper economic terms Oil Demand is inelastic in regards to price to the majority of driving. Let's say you drive 30 minutes to work every day. If gas is a buck a litre, you will use an hour of fuel a day. If gas is $1.50 you will use an hour of fuel a day. Your use...
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    8 UN staff killed in Afghanistan after protest over reported Quran burning in Florida

    Yes it is in bad taste to burn a Koran. It is bound to offend someone, even a lot of people. You do not have the right to not be offended. What the pastor did was in poor taste, but not illegal. The reaction of people across the world, to kill people completely unrelated to the event is...
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    Saudi Arabia outlaws demonstrations.

    So if protests are un-islamic, does this mean newspapers can print cartoons again without having to worry about the streets going up in flame?
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    Fat boy fights back

    The suspended both kids, the smaller one for 21 days and the larger one for 4 days, for fighting back. Smaller kid is 12 and the larger kid is 16, and the 16 year old is a target of bullies. Personally I side with teh larger kid, serves the small kid right for starting it. And I bet he may...
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    Why can't man make his own oil

    I like the methanol as fuel concept as opposed to ethanol. Ethanol may be possible when the get the conversion bacteria specially made to increase cellusic ethanol production. methanol though can be made from coal, wate, sewage, anything that can be put through a pyrolisis process. Sure...
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