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  1. P

    UFC 63 - BJ Penn vs. Matt Hughes

    That fight for all it was worth was below average for those guys. I agree that if BJ's cardio was better, then he would have went the distance and beat Hughes. As for Hughes, more of the same ground and pound shit. He even opened his big mouth and claimed he wanted to go more rounds with...
  2. P

    UFC 63 - BJ Penn vs. Matt Hughes

    Can't wait for tonight!!! Although I thought more people would have Penn pegged to win??
  3. P

    UFC 63 - BJ Penn vs. Matt Hughes

    Just found out about this. Can't wait, for this long awaited rematch. My money is on BJ. Hughes is finally gonna get the shit kicked out of him again. Saturday September 23rd folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  4. P

    Apprentice - March 27

    Lenny--Possibly the Aprrenctice?? Maybe not, but all I gotta say is Lenny is da man. You can't seem to understand a lick of what he says but yet he convinces everyone to go along with a shitty idea. Good on him. And where is he when shit hits the fan?? Chilling in the loft. Too funny...
  5. P

    Lindsay Lohan nipple flash

    Nice...!!! Isn't Wilder Valderaama hitting that or not?? :confused:
  6. P

    Men, we are replaceable!

    Damn!! She was sweating reel good!!!!!!! :p
  7. P

    University Advice...Legal Issue...

    The truth shall set you free! I think what Keebler is eluding to is that the more you make the University "bureaucracy" pissed...the worse off you are. It should be noted that Jay19 seems to have been given a choice of avenues to pursue. If he does what they implicitly expect him to do, then...
  8. P

    Well-paying jobs elude minorities born in Canada

    Ok? They needed a study to conclude this shit?? Pull any minority off the street and they could have told you that for free.;)
  9. P

    Proof that Japanese woman do not have any hang ups about sex.

    Damn!!! That was some funny shit. That has got to be the best show on televison. Those guys are pretty lucky. Blowjobs galore. This is like Price is Right with sex as the reward. Behind door #1 .... a new rim job. Behind door # 2 ..... a good plowing. Hilarious!! Who will be the next...
  10. P

    University Advice...Legal Issue...

    One Word Lawyer....:cool: But seriously, sounds like a pretty ridiculous scenario to go through. The rules for academic integrity have taken a giant leap for the worse. I remember my days in university were not as harsh. However, there was not as many devices and gadgets to cheat from. I...
  11. P

    The Media has killed Scarborough

    What?? I doubt people in Markham would appreciate you comparing them to Scarborough. Your comments suggest some backwards ass thinking. I don't get your logic at all. You say because of the recent boom of asians (which is not recent at all), land value has gone up (which is a plus), and...
  12. P

    Zionist Death Threats: Nimmo Closes Down Blog

    Funny? How come RogerStaubach bashes muslims all the time with these articles, and when somebody tries to bash the jews with articles everyone takes offense?? Just an observation??:confused:
  13. P


    Dunno?? This would be my guess. These doctors just want see patients all the time to bill OHIP. That's how the system works. I have no clue if you can get an indefinite prescription. Any doctors in da house???
  14. P


    Apparently you can take it indefinelty but no drug plans cover it. My friend pulled out his drug plan card from work and it was not covered. The pharmacist said no plans cover it. The prescription was for 2 months only.
  15. P


    Cost!! My friend is taking it and I went to the drug store with him. Damn thing cost like $150 for 2 packs. :D
  16. P

    Help!!! I need a new bank!!!

    Well, not really Sorry to disagree with you Kacy, but banks DO make most of their money on deposit balances. They turn around and lend the money on deposit at low rates to customers at higher rates through the products you eluded to. This is their primary method for generating revenue. So...
  17. P

    TTC Hikes Fare to $2.75

    C'est la vie I think this is the main reason why fares are being hiked to begin with. Too many people abusing the system.:cool:
  18. P

    What a damn shame!

    Sad!! Damn pigs always ruin everybody's good times!!! Some of those girls look really sad.:(
  19. P

    Sopranos Season 6

    Yeah!! Instead of the usual 13 episodes, I hear they made 6 more episodes to get more characters involved like Pauli Wal-nuts etc. Could this be the end of Tony Soprano?:confused: I think he's really pissing Johnny Sack off.
  20. P

    6 People shot, Possibly 2 dead

    Excuses?? The first two you listed are great preventative measures to stop youth gun violence. Rehabilitation is good after a corrective measure as prison. This definetly intergrates people back into society alot better than throwing them with no training or prospects. See, the problem lies...
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