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  1. F

    Canada in Decline?

    I wouldn’t call Canada a developed country, it’s a developing country. The whites, the elite here, in Canada haven’t developed beyond the colonial era and are staring extinction in the face stemming from economic stagnation and declining birthrates. The astronomical cost of living with sub...
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    errr, you couldn't get rid of that gif, could ya?
  3. F

    Would you Vote for John Tory in the next Election?

    Why, because he makes some attempt to improve the lives of the citizens in his city? Lightly restricting the size of soft drink cups, encouraging restaurants to post some nutritional info. is hardly the stuff of 1984. I like people who get things done, which is why I have a healthy...
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    Would you Vote for John Tory in the next Election?

    Yeah, exactly like them. If you want to hear a politician speak and actually say something intelligent, listen to Mayor Bloomberg of NY.
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    The Three Reasons Canada is in Big Trouble

    I was at a starbucks yesterday where I observed a couple of police squad cars and I guess a supervisor's SUV were parked. I also heard a helicopter overhead. Out of curiosity I asked the guys at the next table what all the hubbub was all about. Someone had stolen an iPhone 5 from a girl...
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    tony robbins is coming

    Yeah, he's another one of those Gurus whose essential message is; " you're just not trying hard enough, and what yer doin' is all, try this instead." Meanwhile people like Dubya, one of the elite in the US, can smoke dope in his youth to his heart's content, fail repeatedly...
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    Would you Vote for John Tory in the next Election?

    No. He's too wishy-washy. I hate speakers like him who, when they finish talking, manage to say precisely nothing. Also, no more white guys. If the americans can elect a black man prez. only 60 years after Jim Crow, then we should be able to find and tolerate someone whose ancestors...
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    tony robbins is coming

    Chris Hedges had it right when he wrote of people like Robbins, that he fulfills the fundamental role in the North American psyche of convincing people that everything that happens in their lives is in Their Control (laughable), and that if good things don't happen, it's all their fault...
  9. F

    banning cars on king street

    Agreed, no more studies!!! Just do it. Restrictions on deliveries are the norm in many many large cities around the world. I'd tell any poobah who squawks about ti to go and jump into the lake.
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    Berlusconi gets 7 years for sex with underage prostitute

    Trust me when I write this....everything but the food in Italy SUCKS. I could live in Spain in a heartbeat while I'd rather live in Bosnia than live once again in, as my friend once put it, 'that boot full of shit".
  11. F

    Washington Is Insane

    The problem is that the dolts in Washington aren't listening to you and the people who think like you, and that, I submit is pretty worrisome. Maybe you'all need another insurrection to get the nitwits in D.C. to stop their nonsense.
  12. F

    Washington Is Insane

    I'm just really glad you represent the minority of the great american people when it comes to seeing through the horrific warmongering that has taken hold in Washington. More and more people in the States are starting to realize that it is NOT a normal state of affairs that the USA should be...
  13. F

    Why are the wealthier healthier?

    Money buys a sense of CONTROL over your destiny. Studies of people in the workplace have conclusively shown that people who have a greater degree of control of their work lives experience less stress and more satisfaction. Just imagine having 10 Million in the bank and what that would do for...
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    Why Do We Accept and Then Tolerate Such Awful Politicians

    The real reason is canadians' submissive and apathetic nature and culture. We've got one the greatest tall poppy syndromes here probably of anywhere. In Turkey last week, people went into one of the main public squares of Istanbul to stop the government in power basically doing whatever the...
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    Greg Weston: Harper finds changing channels hard amid bad news

    Man, this half-country is so messed up, and always will be.
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    R.I.P. Tony Soprano :(

    Boy that news really hit me. Boy, only 51 too. RIP JG
  17. F

    Western Women Interviewed On Why Western Men Go To Thailand

    looking forward to your next ad hominem attack in that self pitying thread.
  18. F

    Western Women Interviewed On Why Western Men Go To Thailand

    I'm in a LTR, thank you very much and my future is quite good in that respect. O.k., the foreign bride angle I agree with you about for sure...totally a bogus way to go about getting someone, especially with the laws we have here. Btw, everyone 'generalizes' when stating their opinion...
  19. F

    Anyone on a paleodiet?

    I eat mostly paleo, but watch out for eating too much meat--tough on your body. Emphasize veg. and throw in some carbs once and while just for the heck of it. But only once and awhile. It really works, if you want to lose weight.
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