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  1. Combat dog

    Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

    No matter what I post, documents or awards, you people that live in a tiny fish bowl and have no real life experience, will say I am a fraud. I chalk it up to your government’s pacifist policies. The only real people that you know who have fought in battle, are in video games. Think about it...
  2. Combat dog

    Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

    See that is the problem, you assume….I never wrote all my combat time was in the military. Short story, a person that is only trained to kill people does not have exactly many job opportunities in the civilian world. Therefore, many of us go to what you might say is called the dark side, we...
  3. Combat dog

    Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

    Canada evidently needs to control what its society hears and sees, because after reading some of these posts, it is evident that a good portion of the population believes the first thing they hear or see, and cannot think for themselves. Propaganda does not need to be spoken or seen, it can be...
  4. Combat dog

    Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

    I already acknowledged child porn, if it’s illegal, it cannot be on TV. In simple terms it must be written in law… child porn, not a fucking fake news or real news broadcast. You really cannot be that stupid. Now the article one more time my mentally challenged yellow friend. The link you...
  5. Combat dog

    Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

    Yeah, I will take your word for it, Coward you cannot even comprehend simple English! Plus, shouldn’t you be more concerned about the royal misfits, than America? It just hit me, Charles and his band of inbred misfits have their chests covered in medals. You must think those were earned? I...
  6. Combat dog

    Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

    No, if it was still broadcasted, the US citizens would be FREE to watch it. Unlike Canada where your government controls what people watch. Does that sound logical coward. I must say I have learned a lot about why Canada is so fucked up, full of cowards and teetering on communism. Maybe after...
  7. Combat dog

    Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

    Read what you sent
  8. Combat dog

    Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

    I can’t have an argument with an idiot
  9. Combat dog

    Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

    I wouldn’t think it is prohibited, but show me where the US government bands Al Qaeda TV? If you cannot, you always make baseless accusations and assumptions! The Taliban, China , Iran, N. Korea, Russia and now Canada regulates TV programming. As far as I know, probably the only thing the United...
  10. Combat dog

    Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

    oh, I forgot, you’re the coward. Now I understand you wanting the government to control your life, you obviously cannot make objective decisions on your own. You are the type that throw stones to make themselves feel better. I get it.
  11. Combat dog

    Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

    I can’t think of a program that the government bans in the US? What is it?
  12. Combat dog

    Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

    Everything you listed occurs in public, now they want to control the inside of your house and mind.
  13. Combat dog

    Canada considering banning Fox News from cable packages

    The government mandated Covid shots. They told people what to put inside their body. Now they want to control everything people watch. I realize there are no independent news originations but adults should have the right to change the channel. Pretty soon they may place some people in re...
  14. Combat dog

    Ukraine updates

    As they say on TV, that’s not all! I keep checking this thread in the hope that one person can at least say they were in combat…..crickets. Now this next part is hilarious. There are three RCMP that monitor this exchange and all are laughing their asses off. We are sitting in a pub laughing...
  15. Combat dog

    Ukraine updates

    Wait, before I go, can a Canadian coward describe the type of paper used for a DD214? That will send google into overdrive! Also, for clarification, if this was a forum originated in Israel, I would be compelled to post my 214! Israelis are Warfighters, Canadians are cowards that stand behind...
  16. Combat dog

    Ukraine updates

    Now I am finished with this thread, but before I go, I hope you made your mother proud
  17. Combat dog

    Ukraine updates

    I have a hypothetical question, if I posted it and the form indicated I received two silver stars, three bronze stars and two purple hearts and a presidential citation, would you say it is a fraud? What if it indicated I served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and several other war-torn countries that were...
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