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  1. F

    Favourite British Comedies

    Re: 80s bbc flashback I think their names were "Rick" and "Mike" respectively. I second The Young Ones, but I haven't seen it in a while. Alexei Sayle, now that you bring it up, was @*&%!$-ing hilarious when he had his own show. I really miss that show a whole lot, if I found it on DVD I'd...
  2. F

    a test for the ladies.....

    :D I'm a playful kitten too! LOL! That was fun....
  3. F

    Telephone solicitation "how do you handle it"

    "Hello, can I speak to Mr. Brat_Man please?" Concerning? "It's ***** from the Toronto Star and-" Ah, I see, actually Mr._Man has passed away. We're sort of in the middle of his wake right now. I'm his brother, I'm looking after his property and affairs, is there anything I can help you...
  4. F

    A momentary retreat of sorts ...

    *Fay runs dispiritedly and smacks xarir's bum* :(
  5. F

    Should I leave

    Mmmmm....metrosexuals! All the glamour, visible abs and fresh smell of a gay boy, but he keeps his eyes open when we tumble! And manicured hands stroking my butterfly! Oh gush!
  6. F

    Should I leave

    Let me let you in on a little somethin'.....I get asked that question ALL THE TIME by all kinds of people, men and women, young and old. It's a conversation starter, it's one of those "getting to know you" type questions. It's especially the kind of question you ask the shy-lookin' quiet...
  7. F

    girls in sex store

    Nervous as in intimidating? Nervous as in "whoa, she must be crazy! Steer clear of that one, she might climb to the top of a bell-tower with her dildo and an uzi and start picking people off!"? Nervous as in "hey, if women feel that they can buy sexual pleasure for themselves in a store, then...
  8. F

    Do you bf's of MPA's and SP's get nervous about catching STD's from your SO?

    Well, a lot of people are in denial about this one, but the answer is "yes". Well, the HIV risk is higher for the SP who offers this service (even if it's not a sky-high risk, it's a gamble that many are not willing to take). The transmission risk of other STI's this way are probably about...
  9. F

    Do you bf's of MPA's and SP's get nervous about catching STD's from your SO?

    Not for hep C specifically though, that's my point. For hep B rimming would be more risky yes, but daty would be just as risky anyway.
  10. F

    Do you bf's of MPA's and SP's get nervous about catching STD's from your SO?

    * There is a hep B shot, it's not hard to get it from your doctor. Anyone who works as close with human bodies as SP's do should get it, but it really seems like the kind of shot many people should get anyway. Frig, we're talking about a disease you can get from a toilet seat! * Hep C is...
  11. F

    To all the SP'S out there who have exams...

    Hee-hee! So I take it I'm the pink bunny, then?
  12. F

    To all the SP'S out there who have exams...

    Professor incognito, you're the greatest! (Fay puts polishes an apple and places it on your desk).
  13. F

    To all the SP'S out there who have exams...

    If the guys are attacking the wrong area ,I wish you girls would tell us and show us where to touch. LOL! And we wish guys would be up-front about not knowing! Seriously, it can be really difficult from the sp perspective, because our task is to come in and create a fantasy, usually...
  14. F

    To all the SP'S out there who have exams...

    ????? Is "toe" another word for clitoris? If so, that's just bizarre.....though I do have a friend who has a clitoris that was somewhere between the size of a large jelly bean and the end of my thumb. That would be the closest I've ever seen a clitoris to resemble anything remotely toe-like...
  15. F

    To all the SP'S out there who have exams...

    This could be quite useful... Can you teach me how to fake orgasm with guys who repeatedly attack my urethra thinking it's the clitoris, with long jagged nails (that they should have trimmed and filed beofre the call like a proper gentleman), without a look of pain or contempt or disdain on my...
  16. F

    Why I Love TERB.

    16.....but they always kiss and make up at the end of the day.....which i find lightly erotic...
  17. F

    This one even shocked me...

    Alex, do you know anything about Ishtarism, and if so do you know any good resources for researching it? Someone told me to look it up, but I'm having trouble sifting through some of the new-agey sources to get to the legitimate meat of the subject. (yes, guys, that double-entendre was just...
  18. F

    Find a Wife for Booboo

    Re: Re: Find a Wife for Booboo
  19. F

    Mail order Women

    Oh dear, you may have to borrow one then? (Oooh, couldn't resist! I gotta get outta here!)
  20. F

    Mail order Women

    unrealitstic expectations Women's? ROTFLMAO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Women's, eh? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Uh, we are on TERB, right? A resource where men come to find women whom they can rent for the hour who will fulfill their unrealistic expectations? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay...
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