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naughty lady of the night
Jan 19, 2004
if it was up yer arse, you'd know.
tboy said:
I have travelled all over North America in many different cities and there is no doubt that people (in general) in Toronto are more, stuck up? (for lack of a better word) than anywhere else (excluding new york city of course).

...Gone are the days of just being a good person, now you have to have the "look", the lines, the clothes, the attitude...

...BTW I realize the streets of Toronto are filled with truly beautiful women (exterior wise) but if they aren't available or accessible then what does it matter?
You mean we're stuck up if we look for the same kind of criteria that you guys look for? As in, physical attractiveness? *Fay shakes her with a wry smile, wondering if this kind of thinking is the real reason tboy and many, many others get turned down.*
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Re: Re: Re: Re: well

booboobear said:
You sure are funny , well actually some women do like me.
Now booboo, be honest. Women in comas don't count.

Wonder why the divorce rate is over 50 % , maybe women's unrealistic expectations have something to do with it. Maybe ?
Unrealistic about what? "I unrealistically expected my husband to have more intelligence than a dead slug."


naughty lady of the night
Jan 19, 2004
if it was up yer arse, you'd know.
unrealitstic expectations

booboobear said:
Wonder why the divorce rate is over 50 % , maybe women's unrealistic expectations have something to do with it. Maybe ?
Try to get over your shock.
Women's? ROTFLMAO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Women's, eh? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Uh, we are on TERB, right? A resource where men come to find women whom they can rent for the hour who will fulfill their unrealistic expectations? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Okay, let me put it this way. This may be slightly cruel, this may be slightly tasteless sessions with guys who give me the impression that they think along your lines, I reach for the lube right quick knowing that I'll need it. Whereas guys like Shake make me all slick and hot and bothered just by reading his posts!

So Drunken Master is right ;).....I'm a completely ornery young woman for expecting that the man I chose to share my bed and my life with to have an intellect and outlook that isn't completely repulsive, self-centred, whiny, obtuse, etc etc.....and maybe, just maybe, it would be a bonus that I might also be physically attracted to the partner of my choosing, ya think? I mean beyond bathing and brushing teeth.
You're really gettin it now booboo!!!

Try flattering women instead of criticising.

Even if you dont mean it they cant tell the difference anyways......LOL
Re: Re: Re: Re: well

longfirmleggss said:
The Shake said:
Back into the kitchen, Annalee, you shallow, shallow, girl!

ya know the sad thing...I dont cook...I have a male servant who cooks while I sit there and stare at myself....yes im shallow...hahahaha blimey my secrets out...

SSSSssshhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont want the rest of
the board to know I'm your cook, leggs.
Dont wanna ruin my rep.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: well

Drunken Master said:

Unrealistic about what? "I unrealistically expected my husband to have more intelligence than a dead slug."

I guess that applies to you too slug.


Jun 3, 2002
Re: Re: well

booboobear said:
Some do work out just not very many. Since you know so much how many women over 35 do you think work out on a reular basis.

Sorry North American women are shallow , that's why some men look elsewhere. Actually both Canadian men and women have shallow values.

How funny that you have to tell yourself to breathe, how charming. breathe
booboo, you're an opinionated one that's for sure.

Not bright, but opinionated. still shocked there buddy?


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Fay said:
You mean we're stuck up if we look for the same kind of criteria that you guys look for? .*

Do you really know or care what most men look for.
Tboy is c orrect it doesn't hurt to at least talk to someone,
before deciding that he just doesn't look good enough for you.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Re: unrealitstic expectations

Fay said:
impression that they think along your lines, I reach for the lube right quick knowing that I'll need it. Whereas guys like Shake make me all slick and hot and bothered just by reading his posts!

If Shake's posts make you hot not only do you have a problem but guess what, I wouldn't spend 2 minutes or 2 cents with you regardless how good looking you think you are.


Jun 3, 2002
I sure she's relieved.
booboobear said:
Do you really know or care what most men look for.
Here's what I look for in a gal:

Pretty face, great body, can cook a bit, likes beer and is a GREAT fuck!!!

I dont care about personality, I dont care if she's super-nice and I could give a flying frig if my friends like her or not.

I admit I'm shallow but what the heck.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Re: Re: Re: well

Meesh said:
booboo, you're an opinionated one that's for sure.

Not bright, but opinionated.

I'm sorry that such an intelligent person as you would judge me as not bright .
Is that bright as in Star. Maybe if you are so "bright" you should learn to use words properly.


Jun 3, 2002
booboobear said:
I'm sorry that such an intelligent person as you would judge me as not bright .
Is that bright as in Star. Maybe if you are so "bright" you should learn to use words properly.
bright [ brît ]

adjective (comparative bright·er, superlative bright·est)

1. showing light: reflecting or giving off strong light
It was a bright moonlit night.

2. illuminated: illuminated with strong natural or artificial light

3. intensely colored: intense in color, or decorated with intense colors
bright blue

4. intelligent: showing an ability to think, learn, or respond quickly
she was brighter than other children of her age.

5. cheerful: cheerful and lively
he seems much brighter this morning

6. promising success: promising a successful outcome

7. admirable: deserving admiration and glory
one of the brightest stars of the theater

8. clear sounding: used to describe sounds with a clear crisp quality and little harmonic resonance

9. beautiful: remarkably beautiful or handsome ( archaic )

I draw your attention to definition number 4, without further comment.


Busty Member
May 7, 2003
I am quite intrigued by your assesment of why marriages don't work. I would have to say that it is because of one major thing. Divorces aren't as "Taboo" as they used to be, and much easier to get. You can walk into Chapters, spend $24.99 and get all the papers you need to file for your divorce. We live in a society that wants instant gratification in all things. We want weight loss that is quick and easy and takes no effort (hence all the weight loss pills and all the trip MEN AND WOMEN take to the plastic surgeons). We want quick and easy results when we work out (hence all these new cantraptions that will give you "rock hard abs, in just minutes a day"). So instead of actually WORKING OUT problems encountered in a marriage, which take *gasps* time and effort, the "easy" solution is to just walk away.

Now don't get me wrong here. I am not making an idiotic blanket statement here. There are divorces that happen for the right reasons (physical or emotional abuse).

Next "point" you made: women are a bunch of over weight cows, munching all day. We live in a society, like it or not, where there is never enough time. We (meaning both men and women) run ourselves ragged, pulling 60+ hour work weeks, come home, have to look after domestic duties, and in many cases children as well. A great number of people complain that there jsut aren't enough hours in the day. And this leads to more of societies "quick solutions": fast food being a prime example.

Now as for women being "superficial". If we DON'T spend all that time doing our hair, make up, wearing the perfect outfit, we are accused of not looking after ourselves, or being unattractive. So I ask you, since you seem to be so "knowledgable", what IS the right balance?? If we can't just brush our hair, toss on something comfortable and walk out the door, but it appears that to you atleast, we can't spend time on our appearance, what IS it that we are SUPPOSED to do, in your exhalted opinion?

Since the dawn of time, women have looked for men who can be providers, men who could defend them. Attitudes and desires have changed over time. I know *I* am looking for a man, who is compatible with me. Has similar tastes, similar sex drive, similar ideals. But first and foremost of importance to me, is a man with COMPASSION. (look that one up, you may have a hard time with what that truly means) So if us aristocratic North American women don't seem too like you (and I am JUST as shocked as Shake) maybe the issue has to do with the inside as opposed to the outside.

*written with the utmost respect, and a strong attempt to control my disdain*

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