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  1. K

    Sin City?

    Exactly like the comic book series Shot for shot, line for line-Frank Miller did not compromises except with Nancy Callahan/Jessica Alba. She's supposed to be dancing naked instead of wearing chaps and a lasso. But what made up for it was the unexpected view of Carla Gugino's gorgeous natural...
  2. K

    Holy Shit! Someone actually responded to my lavalife profile!

    Is that what they call ugly chicks nowadays?
  3. K

    Sex used to get info from prisoners in Guantanamo Bay

    Oh man, that's just poor judgement on the military's part to allow these female interrogators to do this. These terrorists are fighting what they consider a religious these "American tactics" would only prove that what their doing is right in terms of extinguishing American corruption.
  4. K

    Today's sunshinegirl

    Please let there be a god and someone tell me she is a dancer or MPA.
  5. K

    Bad links

    Any of you guys click on a SP or MP link you see around here that catches your eye, and when it turns you just go damn! That's some nasty shit...!
  6. K

    Hair Removal follow-up

    Haha! That's too funny.
  7. K

    How does an SP tell a client...

    I applaud you I_am_good. I never would have expected such humanity in a place like this. Bravo.
  8. K

    Hair Removal follow-up

    And I thought I was the only one to pluck me balls. I agree with flyingdgn, it is better than shaving. And I too have had many women compliment me on me being hairless. I don't get the same reaction when there is hair there. Same question though...any remedies on how to remove chest hair...
  9. K

    Is 'The Shake' a girl?

  10. K

    Rental car without a license

    Hey, Any one know where I can get a rental car without a license? Could leave a deposit, but need a car bad.
  11. K

    Asian Bath Houes?

    don't know of any in Scarborough.
  12. K

    jenna lewis video

    good review Berlin. To the rest of you guys, c'mon, I know you fucked sp, and even ma's that were worse looking then that. And you paid for that shit.
  13. K

    jenna lewis video

    Anyone seen this yet? Damn, I"ll never look at her the same way again. What a porn star!
  14. K

    Sat May 1, SSG

    Admit it guys, you'd tap that.
  15. K

    My Web Site Updates

    hehe, I was a member of le strip too.
  16. K

    toronto amateur

  17. K

    Today's SS girl

    she's alright.
  18. K

    Problems getting it up

    Any of you guys get this with a mpa or sp? It can really cut the session short and you still have to pay! What do you guys do?
Toronto Escorts