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Holy Shit! Someone actually responded to my lavalife profile!


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
She responded and wants to meet up tomorrow :) She has also been unemployed for two months now and isn't interested in anything serious.

I'll keep you informed.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
I don't waste my hard earned cash on credits. In my ad, I tell them point blank that I'm not a premium member, or whatever it's called. I send them a smiley face (b/c it's free, of course). After that, it's up to them.

Double J

May 28, 2002
Richmond Hill
drlove said:
I don't waste my hard earned cash on credits. In my ad, I tell them point blank that I'm not a premium member, or whatever it's called. I send them a smiley face (b/c it's free, of course). After that, it's up to them.
And how do you fair on there? Just curious.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Double J said:
And how do you fair on there? Just curious.
Actually, I've had a couple of responses. Granted, if I did buy credits I could do a lot better. My point is, I don't really care either way. Even though it's not that expensive, it would add up over time.

I think the worst would be to keep spending money on the site and just get jerked around. Seeing Sps keeps me happy regardless, and I know I'm spending money on a sure thing. The way I look at it now, if I can get a regular date through Lavalife et. al. - I'll take it. However, I'm not spending cash just for the opportunity.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
It always happens when you least expect it...

I'm a member of a dating site similar to Lavalife. Here's my story: I decided not to buy any "credits' whatsoever, since I'm already paying for this hobby. I made it a point to mention that I didn't have a premium membership, and that any ladies wishing to correspond had to send me a message first and leave their contact info - I.e. (e-mail address). I expressed my interest by sending free 'smilies', like this: :)

For the longest time, I didn't get any responses at all, so I ended up foregetting about the site for awhile. I log in the other day to find that someone had indeed replied to my profile. The problem is that she sent her message three weeks ago on January 31st. I sent her a reply since I was very intrigued by her profile, but now i'm wondering whether it's too late... Some women figure if a guy waits that long to get back to them, he just isn't all that interested.

It's funny... when you're actively looking, you'll get nothing, but the minute you turn your back, something like this happens.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
Escohort said:
I heard that lavalife will send a bogus eimail when a member's credits come close to expiring. You, the poor sap, buys more credits and the date never pans out.
Pretty crafty IMO
I agree...many dating sites do this...not just Lavalife.


Oh well. At least the ladies sound sexy while they're screwing you out of your credits.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
poorboy said:
She responded and wants to meet up tomorrow :) She has also been unemployed for two months now and isn't interested in anything serious.

I'll keep you informed.

Best of luck, mate.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Ok, here's how I see it. Lots of good advice has been given here, but dude, save your money to meet women in a more enjoyable way. If you want to use the computer, try Yahoo chat. It's free and you get instant hits. It usually starts with "age? sex? location?". If you get past that stage you are in a real conversation where you can use your charm and wit rather than sitting and thinking for hours how to impress this unknown woman with a one way conversation. If it fizzles, there are 10,000 other people on line you can at least use to brush up your skills on.

The best way to meet people is in person, and do it quickly. You can learn more about a person in 10 seconds by checking out what is in their grocery cart than you can in 2 weeks of e-mails.

I like Chapters. You can recommend a book, and it's easy to start a conversation on a variety of topics without using a cheesy pick up line. If you can keep a conversation for 5 minutes, it's time to ask if she wants to grab a coffee. Make your intentions clear from the start, subtely(?). This will give her an out and reduce your chances of finding another "friend".

Other places I like:

Grocery stores
Wine tastings (careful here, lots of couples)
Amusement parks like Canada's Wonderland or CNE

These places are good because there are a lot of opportunities and if things go awry, it is easy to dissapear in the crowd. Be genuine, be sincere and be yourself. Remember that you are looking to find somebody that compliments YOUR life, not the other way around. If you get rejected SO WHAT!!! Sounds to me like you have a ton of cool stuff to do to keep you occupied, better stuff than me, that's for sure.

Me, I'm 5'10, 220 lbs. greying and sport a pot belly, and guess what? I've had luck because I keep my head high and I'm proud of the person I am. If someone does not want to know me it's their loss. That's the attitude you've gotta take. I'm not trying to be conceited here and I don't want to sound like Tony Robbins, but remember brother, there is only one you.

I used to go on job interviews for positions I wasn't even qualified for just so I could get practice for when the right position came up. Meeting people is a lot like this. It IS hard at first, but the more you do it the easier it will become.

Keep your head up, speak with confidence and try to subdue your shyness, I gurantee you will increase your chances 10 fold. IMHO.

ps - In my experience BS and half truths don't work in the long term. The last thing you want to do is mess up the "right thing" down the road. Good luck.


a 1 player


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Escohort said:
I heard that lavalife will send a bogus eimail when a member's credits come close to expiring. You, the poor sap, buys more credits and the date never pans out.
Pretty crafty IMO
where did you "hear" this from?
i work there... ;)


Jan 17, 2003
My neighbour uses lava life. She is "cougarish" but definately smoking, and has gone out on 4 dates in the past 2 weeks with "really nice guys" but is still looking for that someone who gives her that "vaVOOM"

My god I am so glad I am not in the whole dating scene. ;)


New member
Sep 6, 2004

poorboy said:
She responded and wants to meet up tomorrow :) She has also been unemployed for two months now and isn't interested in anything serious.

I'll keep you informed.

Dude, do yourself, and HER, a huge favour and don't post updates - geez, you say you want a "real" relationship with someone, at least get it off to a decent start and take it off the fucking escort review boards!!!


New member
Jan 31, 2003
AMWBT said:
Dude, do yourself, and HER, a huge favour and don't post updates -

- geez, you say you want a "real" relationship with someone, at least get it off to a decent start and take it off the fucking escort review boards!!!
Best farking advice so far.


New member
Aug 21, 2004
All Bi Sherry said:
Well if she is reading it...Who is the real fool then :rolleyes:
If she's reading it in TERB forum, I doubt it'll be a serious relationship.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
I'd like this post to be closed off as well too. This girl sent me an email telling me how she's running out of money, but her old bf might hire her to do some type of work for him. She then went on a rant on how she wants to get back at him by making him lose clients by making big mistakes because she felt that she was being forced into a subserviant role when they were in a relationship.

She then called me a psycho for emailing her back and then said there was nothing wrong with me and thanks for making her realizing that she really wants to be single.

The end.
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