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  1. W

    Am I an alcoholic?

    Non-Alcoholics do not ask themselves if they are alcoholics.
  2. W

    Is my friend an alcoholic???

    Could Everbody here that claims to be a friend of Bills, Please let this thread die. read tradition 10, 11 & 12
  3. W

    GTA Companions

    I can't tell you TERB will ban me.
  4. W

    GTA Companions

    There is already one starting.
  5. W

    I think I have Warts...

    I did call her, and she says that she didn't get any. If I got it from her than many guys would have gotten them as well, we would have heard about it. So I don't know were I received them.
  6. W

    I think I have Warts...

    It was Molloscum, This happened last November, they were gone by the end of December or Early January. Since then I no longer partake in pussy slides. Thank you for your concern, Willy
  7. W

    credit repair

    No I am guilty... I just want an idea on how to re build my credit. can I use a $2000.00 cash collateral to get a $1000.00 loan. then pay it back fast? will this help?
  8. W

    credit repair

    Does anyone have any tips on how to repair your credit history? Are there any unsecured credit card companies other than Home Trust visa?
  9. W

    I think I have Warts...

    After checking the web sites last night, I went to another doctor today...I was told that there is a good chance that it is indeed molluscum. He wants to see some test results before telling me that they are for sure. Now I am paranoid that this is spreading all over my body. I have two red...
  10. W

    I think I have Warts...

    No, unfortunately this is not that simple.
  11. W

    I think I have Warts...

    Yes She did freeze them. That sounds alot like what I have. She said if the freezing doesn't work to see her in a week. I will have to do a google search on Molluscum, I haven't heard of that before. Is there anything I can treat it with at home?
  12. W

    I think I have Warts...

    I don't know alot about STD's. Up until know I have led myself to believe that I couldn't get anything. I have a wierd looking cluster of red dots on my penis. Some of these have white heads. I went to two doctors. the first one told me that they were Warts, and treated me with some sort of...
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