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  1. M

    Aki Berg Sucks!

    screw you buddy. Aki Berg has skills. The Leafs have finally got it right. A team of champions must be built around two stellar defenceme like Aki and Luke Richardson. These guys would skate circles around a schmo like you that spends too much times at massage parlors.
  2. M

    “We’re never going to be totally free until Islamic law is the law of the world”

    Which philosopher said "man can only take so much truth at once"? The world is changing. Islam is being radicalized right down the line. Rioting over a cartoon. Rampages in France. No one is standing up to them so it will only get worse until we answer the bell. Get ready brothers. They want...
  3. M

    “We’re never going to be totally free until Islamic law is the law of the world”

    You call it hate. I call it an eye for an eye. I call it time for war. Time time answer the bell with force and stop this dead in the tracks before they start rioting in our neighbourhoods.
  4. M

    “We’re never going to be totally free until Islamic law is the law of the world”

    Good to hear that other brothers have had enoguh. They had their chance and blew it. Fuck em all. Time to go back to bahrain.
  5. M

    Islamic Terrorists strike Toronto

    I ain't giving a chance to a group that esposes "we will only be free when Muslim law rules the land". You might, but I won't. I asssure this will never be realized. DD
  6. M

    Jihad Joe's - Open Up and Say Awwwllah Thread for Islamic supporters, butt lickers.

    All those who fear Muslims come on in, cock up your ass for some grease and get ready for a good thorough fisting all the way over to Afghanistan where you belong. Once over there they can put the females in your family in a potato sack and you can grovel till the end of time how much you...
  7. M

    Islamic Terrorists strike Toronto

    No thanks. I'm Canadian and as much as I love and respect the American brothers over in Iraq, they're there for the wrong reasons. We have our own territory to protect here apparently with douche bags walking through our streets with sign talking of Muslim dominance And protect it we will...
  8. M

    Islamic Terrorists strike Toronto

    Let me be perfectly clear - OVER MY DEAD BODY. Everyone needs to wake up, pick your sides and head the call. Its time to call out these Islamist scumbags, and lay a beating on them in the west. Wake up. Get your firearm licences, arm yourself, educate yourselves and get ready. DD DD
  9. M

    Time for talk is over. Let the Holy War begin.

    Skin mags in an Islamic state? Brother, they'd have your mother, or sister in a potato sack. If people keep sucking up to Muslims and condoning their religion you better open up and say Allah... cause thats whats going down ur throat homey. DD
  10. M

    Time for talk is over. Let the Holy War begin.

    Lets hit them next. Have you seen these morons leaving the mosque? I could take a dozen of them out with my hands before getting over-run. Skinny , brain-washed fools in dresses that would rather kill you than tolerate you. Let ur imagination wonder with that one. Fuck being vigilant. Being...
  11. M

    Time for talk is over. Let the Holy War begin.

    Umm hello, thats the whole jest of this thread my child of Allah u akbar
  12. M

    Time for talk is over. Let the Holy War begin.

    How do you guys talk about this shit all day long. I need a beer. Thank God I don't live in Saudia Arabia, or Islamabadists arent running things yet.
  13. M

    Time for talk is over. Let the Holy War begin.

    What does overwrought mean? That I am both staggeringly muscular and graceful? ?
  14. M

    Time for talk is over. Let the Holy War begin.

    Well some of you have spoken truth therefore it will be noted in Allah's memopad that you are to receive a hodre of nubile 8 year-old girls upon entrance into heaven. The rest of you that has blasphemed Allahs name by not completely agreeing with every word that I have spit...I put a jihad on...
  15. M

    Time for talk is over. Let the Holy War begin.

    How would you have dealt with Hitler?
  16. M

    Time for talk is over. Let the Holy War begin.

    Ahh you speak some truth. Violence in itself is NEVER the answer for always, after the bloodshed there will come a time when we must sit down and talk. And if we fail..then the blood will spill again. Dealing out harsh consequences to a bully is the right thing to do. This is the truth...
  17. M

    Time for talk is over. Let the Holy War begin.

    You're good man DonQuixote, with a strange name. You are starting to get my point. A counter-insurgency guerilla war with death squads. But the jihad remains. I am sorry.
  18. M

    Time for talk is over. Let the Holy War begin.

    Typical response. You're assuming I'm just talk. Talk time is coming to an end hopefully it wont be too late for all the ass-kissers that fear islam And the jihad fatwah remains on you DonQuixote. So dont try to suck up to me. its irreversible. I've fought all my life, never backed down from...
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