Time for talk is over. Let the Holy War begin.


Oct 24, 2002
S ontario
Esco! said:
BTW guys, bin laden said in his last tape that we'll get hit soon with more terror.

Anyone have any idea who or what may be next???

If he wants to hit us hard in Canada, it'll be at a hockey game or strip joint :(


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Islamophobia is widepread in this thread

Here is the official definition which is exactly how many of the people thinking here on this thread :


Islamophobia is the fear and/or hatred of Islam, Muslims or Islamic culture. Islamophobia can be characterised by the belief that all or most Muslims are religious fanatics, have violent tendencies towards non-Muslims, and reject as directly opposed to Islam such concepts as equality, tolerance, and democracy.

It is viewed as a new form of racism whereby Muslims, an ethno-religious group, not a race, are nevertheless constructed as a race.

A set of negative assumptions are made of the entire group to the detriment of members of that group.

During the 1990's many sociologists and cultural analysts observed a shift in forms of prejudice from ones based on skin colour to ones based on notions of cultural superiority and otherness.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Islamophobia' rises


Muslims in one of the UK's most ethnically diverse cities have suffered an increase in racist abuse and attacks since 11 September, according to research.

An academic survey of racist incidents in Leicester supports fears that the UK is witnessing a rise in Islamophobia - fear or intolerance of Muslims because of their religion.

Earlier in the year, a European Union anti-racism research agency warned there was anecdotal evidence of a rise in Islamophobia.



Nov 25, 2005
DonQuixote said:
Are these religious wars or economic issues?
My guess is that money trumps religion every time.
Stop thinking like an American. It’s Islam or dhimmitude, those are your only choices. The Jihadists don’t give a rat’s ass about money. HELLO MCFLY, THEY BLOW THEMSELVES UP IN THE NAME OF ALLAH!

You might want to familiarize yourself with the Last Revelation of Muhammad, and tell me if you still think it is all about the Benjamins.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
arclighter said:
Stop thinking like an American. It’s Islam or dhimmitude, those are your only choices. The Jihadists don’t give a rat’s ass about money. HELLO MCFLY, THEY BLOW THEMSELVES UP IN THE NAME OF ALLAH!

You might want to familiarize yourself with the Last Revelation of Muhammad, and tell me if you still think it is all about the Benjamins.
I think DQ is essentially correct, arclighter. Let me ask you, which do you believe is a greater motivator to get people to riot or revolt. Their inherent dissatisfaction with their lot in life, or religious faith?


Nov 25, 2005
Asterix said:
I think DQ is essentially correct, arclighter. Let me ask you, which do you believe is a greater motivator to get people to riot or revolt. Their inherent dissatisfaction with their lot in life, or religious faith?
There are a lot of poor Catholics in the world, and I don't see them rioting at the same clip as the Muslims. The funny thing is you think these poor ignorant religious fanatics are so complex that their explicit statements as to why they are killing and rioting are not to be believed. I believe them at their word.


Nov 25, 2005
DonQuixote said:
Discontent is when the masses are in servitude amongst
mass wealth. There are poor Catholics in abundance. But,
few are in the midst of such incredible wealth as are those
in the Mideast. The disparity between the elite and the masses
is but one spark to turn into a conflageration.
All of the South American countries along with Mexico contain masses of poor Catholics in the midst of concentrated wealth. And Nigeria isn't in the "midst of incredible wealth".


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Major Holocausts and Genocide of Muslims

1. Crusaders killed more than half million Muslims during and after occupying Jerusalem.

2. Ganges Khan and his forces killed more than a million Muslims during the occupation of Iraq and neighboring areas.

3. Thousands of Muslims were killed / forced to change religion by Spanish Crusaders in South America

4. More than a million Muslims were killed / displaced by Spanish and other European extremists during the rebellion against the Ottoman Empire.

5. More than 3 million Muslims were killed / displaced by the European colonial powers during and after the occupation of Muslim countries after World War I and II.

6. More than 5 million Muslims were killed / displaced by Tsars of Russia

7. More than a million Muslims were killed / displaced by Communist Government of Russia

8. More than 1.5 million Muslims have been killed in China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and other Far East countries since the world war II

9. More than half million Muslims have been killed / displaced in Burma since World War II

10. More than half million Muslims have been killed in India and Kashmir since 1947

11. More than half million Muslims were killed by Serbs and Croats in Bosnia during early 90s.

12. More than 100,000 Muslims were killed in Kosovo and Albania during mid 90s.

13. More than 5 million Muslims have been killed / displaced in Palestine since 1948

14. More than 5 million Muslims were killed / displaced by the Russian occupation of Afghanistan

15. More than one million Muslims children died from malnutrition in Iraq during the US/UN embargo on Iraq during 1990s.

16. Thousands of Muslims have been killed by the secular governments in Muslim countries, backed by the Western Governments, since the independence from the colonial powers.

17. Currently, hundreds of innocent civilians have been killed by the American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan


Compare above with how many Muslims extremists have killed ?
Who have been more destructive so far for the humanity ?

That's why European Poll said a year back with vast majority that Bush is more dangerous then Bin Laden to the world peace


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
arclighter said:
There are a lot of poor Catholics in the world, and I don't see them rioting at the same clip as the Muslims. The funny thing is you think these poor ignorant religious fanatics are so complex that their explicit statements as to why they are killing and rioting are not to be believed. I believe them at their word.
You didn't answer my question. I was speaking not only of current events, but to the reason why people throughout history have revolted or threatened others. You yourself have referred to their failure to achieve politically and economically. Religion has more of the effect of throwing gasoline on a fire.

Mr. Magic

Aug 10, 2003
scroll99 said:
1. Crusaders killed more than half million Muslims during and after occupying Jerusalem.

2. Ganges Khan and his forces killed more than a million Muslims during the occupation of Iraq and neighboring areas.

3. Thousands of Muslims were killed / forced to change religion by Spanish Crusaders in South America

4. More than a million Muslims were killed / displaced by Spanish and other European extremists during the rebellion against the Ottoman Empire.

5. More than 3 million Muslims were killed / displaced by the European colonial powers during and after the occupation of Muslim countries after World War I and II.

6. More than 5 million Muslims were killed / displaced by Tsars of Russia

7. More than a million Muslims were killed / displaced by Communist Government of Russia

8. More than 1.5 million Muslims have been killed in China, Cambodia, Vietnam, and other Far East countries since the world war II

9. More than half million Muslims have been killed / displaced in Burma since World War II

10. More than half million Muslims have been killed in India and Kashmir since 1947

11. More than half million Muslims were killed by Serbs and Croats in Bosnia during early 90s.

12. More than 100,000 Muslims were killed in Kosovo and Albania during mid 90s.

13. More than 5 million Muslims have been killed / displaced in Palestine since 1948

14. More than 5 million Muslims were killed / displaced by the Russian occupation of Afghanistan

15. More than one million Muslims children died from malnutrition in Iraq during the US/UN embargo on Iraq during 1990s.

16. Thousands of Muslims have been killed by the secular governments in Muslim countries, backed by the Western Governments, since the independence from the colonial powers.

17. Currently, hundreds of innocent civilians have been killed by the American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan


Compare above with how many Muslims extremists have killed ?
Who have been more destructive so far for the humanity ?

That's why European Poll said a year back with vast majority that Bush is more dangerous then Bin Laden to the world peace
I love Ghenghis Khan.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
maxweber said:
I assumne you're some sort of overwrought adolescent, hyped up on propaganda and macho. Whoever you are, what you're talking about is not an end to talk--but to thought.

I thought he was hitting the mushrooms again.:D


New member
Jan 17, 2004
islandman4567 said:
3. can someone tell me if its true that only muslims are allowed to go to mecca(this is what I heard , so if you know more , please enlighten me). if so , I find that very discriminatory, and I'm sure we'd get some rioting and bombing if we even mentioned that here.

It is true that non-Muslims are not allowed in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah, by law. The following points will serve to elucidate the possible reasoning behind such a restriction.

1. All citizens are not permitted in the cantonment area I am a citizen of India. Yet, I am not permitted to enter certain restricted areas like the cantonment. In every country there are certain areas where a common citizen of that country cannot enter. Only a citizen who is enrolled in the military or those who are connected with the defense of the country are allowed in the cantonment area. Similarly Islam is a Universal Religion for the entire world and for all human beings. The cantonment areas of Islam are the two holy cites of Makkah and Madinah. Here only those who believe in Islam and are involved in the defense of Islam i.e. the Muslims are allowed.

It would be illogical for a common citizen to object against the restriction on entering a cantonment area. Similarly it is not appropriate for non-Muslims to object against the restriction on non-Muslims against entering Makkah and Madinah.

2. Visa to enter Makkah and Madinah

a. Whenever a person travels to a foreign country he has to first apply for a visa i.e. the permission to enter that country. Every country has its own rules, regulations and requirements for issuing a visa. Unless their criteria are satisfied they will not issue a visa.

b. One of the countries which is very strict in issuing a visa is the United States of America, especially when issuing visas to citizens of the third world. They have several conditions and requirements to be fulfilled before they issue a visa.

c. When I visited Singapore, it was mentioned on their immigration form - death to drug traffickers. If I want to visit Singapore I have to abide by the rules. I cannot say that death penalty is a barbaric punishment. Only if I agree with their requirements and conditions will I be permitted to enter the country.

d. The Visa – The primary condition required for any human being to enter Makkah or Madina is to say with his lips, La ila ha illallah Muhammad ur Rasulullah meaning that ‘there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is His Messenger.’


New member
Jan 17, 2004
scroll99 said:

Why are only Muslims allowed to visit the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia?

These are cities of great importance in Islamic tradition -- centers of pilgrimage and prayer, sacred places where Muslims are free from the distractions of daily life. The ban on non-Muslim visitors is mentioned in the Qur’an as follows: "Oh you who believe! Truly the idolaters are unclean; so let them not, after this year, approach the Sacred Mosque...." (9:28). This verse specifically refers to the Grand Mosque in Mecca; later scholars have included Madinah in this ruling as well.

There are some Islamic scholars who would permit exceptions to this general rule, for trade purposes or for people who are under treaty permission. There is also some debate about the exact area and borders of the restricted area(s). The government of Saudi Arabia, which controls access to the holy sites, has decided upon a strict ban on both cities in their entirety.

Restricting access to Mecca and Madinah is intended to provide a place of peace and refuge for Muslim believers and preserve the sanctity of the holy cities.

At this time, millions of Muslims visit the cities each year, and additional tourist traffic would simply add to the congestion and detract from the spirituality of the pilgrimage visit.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
Mr. Magic said:
How would you have dealt with Hitler?
i think i'd comment on his mustache.
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