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  1. 2

    Canadian police chiefs recommend decriminalizing personal possession of illicit drugs

    Fining and jailing people with a medical condition (yes, addiction is a medical issue) makes no sense. Do we fine or jail people for having cancer? We still have this very warped view that addiction is some kind of moral failing and that its akin to crimes like theft. Aside from people with...
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    Reopening Ontario

    Schools here in Ontario are already closed for the rest of the school year by the way. Whether schools should be opened until there is a vaccine, this is a really tough call, opening up schools will be easier in less densely populated parts of the province. Toronto has major challenges with...
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    Reopening Ontario

    This is idiotic and simply won't work in Toronto because a shit load of kids take public transit to school. You know a sure fire way to spread the virus? Have a bunch of kids crammed into an enclosed space for a prolonged period of time. Oh and guess what, school aged kids live with their...
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    Good! I so fucking tired of these selfish pricks.
  5. 2

    REOPENING AT STAGE 2, with recommendations for Coordinated Toronto Reopening Strategy

    How cavalier, oh yeah sure not really a problem that an SP may get so sick from having repeat intimate contact with people that they need to be hospitalized with the potential of life long health complications. And you know, worse comes to worse, possibly death. No biggie. Let's not even...
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    When should agencies reopen?

    Unfortunately there is no safe way to reopen now or even soon for that matter. The contact is much too close for any precautions to work effectively due what we know of how the virus spreads, which is through water droplets from the breath. Masks aren't fool proof, they need to be worn...
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    Shut it down. Now.

    No problem. I would definitely encourage them to read the article I linked, people think we need to be locked away until we find a vaccine, this isn't true IF the necessary steps are taken once we a better handle on the situation. China will be an interesting case study because after 2...
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    Shut it down. Now.

    1% is on the conservative side of estimates, but even still, whatever the true mortality rate is just seeing what's happening in Italy is enough to cause concern. Italy as of today has roughly 7000 deaths, the deaths didn't start coming until roughly a month ago...
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    Shut it down. Now.

    Jesus fucking christ there are a lot of dumb fucks in this thread, I can't comprehend how you even have enough money to hobby with how fucking stupid you are. For the moron who says that other countries contained the outbreak without shutting everything down. First off, that's false, at...
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    Not practising social distancing? You could be fined

    I'm wondering if you can report the couple that isn't self quarantining. Seems like most people are taking this seriously, but its those idiots that aren't that are going to fuck things up for the rest of us. We all need to keep this in mind, the longer we don't follow guidelines to flatten...
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    Why are malls still open?

    0 reported cases does not mean 0 cases. Considering that several people show no symptoms and the majority have mild symptoms and thus can go about their day infecting others, it's prudent to lock things down to prevent an Italy situation. As for the malls, I was reading that some aren't able...
  12. 2

    Mike Layton Proposes to Ban Right Turns on Red

    I like the idea for certain intersections. I don't think it needs to apply to all. I've had too many close calls from morons not paying attention when they are making a right on red.
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    Question regarding Cialis/Viagra

    Your doctor deals with A LOT worse, asking for a prescription for ED meds won't even phase them. Don't ask in a round about way, say directly that you are having issues and that you want to try them, they hand out these prescriptions quite willingly. I know for a fact that people use ED meds...
  14. 2

    17 More People Diagnosed With Deadly Viral Pneumonia in China

    Was wondering about that myself actually, would be interesting to hear what was going on in the industry, was just a wee lad myself when SARS hit. A quick google search shows that SARS killed 775 people during its 9 month outbreak...again that's minuscule compared to the flu. So why was SARS...
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    Metrolinx holding first of 4 public meetings on Ontario Line

    Smoke and mirrors. This thing isn't going to get built. The thing is completely useless since it will be nearly at capacity once it opens. Bring back the fucking relief subway you asshats!
  16. 2

    17 More People Diagnosed With Deadly Viral Pneumonia in China

    Anyone else think this is being overblown? If we look at the common flu this year, its being recorded to have infected 12,168 people in Canada ( and typically there's around 3500 deaths in Canada as a result of the flu per year...
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    1 in 10 Canadian College Students in the Sex biz!

    The headline is definitely sensationalized, it would be much more accurate to say 1 in 10 of the participants in her study are in the sex industry.
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    1 in 10 Canadian College Students in the Sex biz!

    You are seriously out of touch if you think $27K is too high of a figure for students to rack up paying for post-secondary. Tuition + living expenses add up really quickly.
  19. 2

    I got Herpes from a BBBJ

    Can't read the full paper, what do they define as an "antiviral effect"? How long does the effect last? If it's not long lasting it doesn't make much of a difference.
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    Students in St. Michael's College School sex assault sentenced to 2 years probation

    Judging by how frequently he's on his knees for Ford, he was certainly on the receiving end. 2 years of probation for what they did to that poor kid is a fucking joke. Our justice system is fucked.
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