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Toronto Escorts

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    ᴍᴀʏᴀ ᴍᴄᴋᴀʏ intel

    I saw Maya McKay on a recent trip to Ottawa (my first session since the pandemic started) and had a really good time. Super chill, VERY hot (both physically and in the way she carries herself) and fantastic service. It honestly felt like I was with a girlfriend. My only regret was being so...
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    Filming in Ottawa?

    Hey guys, First new post in a while, I've been taking a break due to the COVID situation. That said, I'm taking a trip out to Ottawa next weekend and would love to spend time with a lady that offers filming. Just a little something to keep in the spank bank in case we head back into lockdowns...
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    to the sp and clients. Does your business acitvity decrease because of coronavirus ?

    I'm not seeing any SPs right now and don't plan on it until things have calmed down. Aside from the potential unpleasantness of getting or transmitting the virus (which you can transmit even if you don't have symptoms), I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself. The virus has become so pervasive in...
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    █ Has the news media been exaggerating the Coronavirus to prop up ratings?

    My opinion of journalists is that they're rarely intentionally malicious in this way but rather very easily misled concerning statistics and topics requiring in-depth knowledge. You have to remember that many journalists have not studied anything other than...
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    Racism due to corona virus

    There's lots of existing tension between Asians and other minority groups and I think that's really bubbled to the surface with coronavirus. Personally (as a half black person) I've experienced LOTS of racism from Asians in Toronto so I can speak to that. It's not an excuse for discriminating...
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    Has a debate ever changed your mind about who you will be voting for?

    A debate has never changed my vote because I didn't start voting until I had developed strong political opinions and once you reach that point, logic and reasoning tend to go out the window.
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    Weirdest Session?

    I saw an SP (now retired but highly reviewed at the time; didn’t think I could go wrong) last December who obviously had severe mental health issues. She was dishevelled and spent the first 40 minutes(!!!) of our hour-long session talking about her childhood problems, including parental drama...
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    Why do hobbyist get ridiculed when they become attached to an SP?

    People get laughed at because #1 - This is not only the internet, where people are always laughing at others, it is an anonymous site on the internet. #2 - Many people who come here and say they have fallen in love with an escort exhibit "no I swear I'm different" syndrome and ignore the fact...
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    What to do when your feelings for a SW seem to be crossing the line ...

    You did nothing wrong. It’s the nature of what you’re doing; if you have sex repeatedly with someone whose personality you THINK (that’s important; you don’t know what she’s actually like) you like, you’re going to catch feelings. But my honest advice would be to run and look back. People...
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    Would you date/marry a former (or current) SP?

    Date: Yes to both (former and current). It wouldn't be long-term though. I'm not really an open relationship kind of guy, even if it's just her "professional" life, but I would enjoy spicing things up a bit for the short term. Marry: Yes to former, no to current.
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    To the guys: Why?

    No not really, it just came out naturally since I have no idea what you looked like that day. Also worth saying because you might have thought you looked like shit but that guy may have found you ravishing that day. Hard to know for sure.
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    To the guys: Why?

    I never got it myself. Even if I see a smoking hot 10/10 all done up in a dress and stilettos I'm not gonna honk at her. Not because I'm some hyper male feminist or anything but just because I really don't know what that would accomplish. I guess if a guy is with their friends (think the...
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    What bad driving habits on the road really irk you?

    People who drive as if they're oblivious to the other cars around them, such as those who will attempt to change lanes without signalling right as you're trying to pass them, forcing you to slam on the brakes. This happens to me at least once a week and is one of the few times I will smash down...
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    Is Toronto Safe And Can You Go Out At Night?

    Obviously depends on the area. My neighborhood is safe; I walk at night alone regularly. Wouldn't dream of doing that in my old neighborhood, though.
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    Have I F*cked Up?

    No you didn't fuck up all that badly. For my first two years of hobbying I used my personal phone number, which was way riskier in my case because I was booking a lot of Backpage women. It is highly unlikely that a reputable agency or lady would publicize your phone number for some slight that...
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    Kathy Zhu Stripped of Title

    She doesn't have to worry about this happening because she's never had a single original thought. She speaks in MAGA talking points. She's an ignorant fool. Personally I couldn't care less about her losing her title.
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    SPs posting numbers on the internet

    Ignoring the obvious irony about your post... Not necessarily. Doxxing is a crime.
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    SPs posting numbers on the internet

    The fact that this is a debate is why I use a second phone number most people in my 'normal' life would not be able to identify me by when booking with SPs. Most SPs aren't going to cause problems but all you need is one who will and you've got lots of 'splainin to do at home or at work.
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    Do you randomly compliment women?

    No I don't go complimenting women randomly unless she's wearing a band shirt I like or something of that sort. Has little to do with a fear of coming across as creepy (you can compliment women without being creepy; anyone who says otherwise is a creep) and more to do with just not wanting to be...
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    007 Black Chick?!

    Nobody’s getting replaced. She’s going to be tasked with pulling Bond out of retirement, at which point he becomes the hero of the movie as usual. This outrage is really fucking dumb, even by internet outrage standards. It’s also hilarious that the outrage is generally coming from the same...
Toronto Escorts