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  1. O

    Strippers getting hassled at the border.

    Nope. Never arrested, ever, for anythng. In one sense I don't blame them since I guess they don't see a lot of people vacationing by themeselves for a couple of days. It fell outside their "normal" viewpoint and hence they concluded there was more to the story that I wasn't telling. It was...
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    Strippers getting hassled at the border.

    Last time I was in Toronto will probably be the last time. My house was having heavy work done on it so I took a few days off work and headed to Toronto for 2 days. I live in the Boston area so its a quick flight. I basically ate lunch, read the paper, and viola I was in Toronto. Border...
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    Director Roman Polanski taken into Swiss custody on 1978 U.S. arrest warrant

    Well, he faced the possibility of 50 years. But the average sentence at the time was 2 years with perhaps a few more years suspended.
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    Director Roman Polanski taken into Swiss custody on 1978 U.S. arrest warrant

    If I remember correctly, the girl originally stated that she continuously said no and asked him to stop. While he didn't plead to outright rape, that is what it was.
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    Director Roman Polanski taken into Swiss custody on 1978 U.S. arrest warrant

    So what? How exactly is that an excuse for having sex with a 13-year-old who says no?
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    Director Roman Polanski taken into Swiss custody on 1978 U.S. arrest warrant

    a few points 1. as several have pointed out he pled guilty and then fled, so there's no statue of limitations. Technically he still owes at least the judge's sentence plus time for fleeing. 2. his reason for fleeing is of no consequence. A judge is under no obligation to accept your plea...
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    Blue Jays 2009

    True to an extent. Yes, the save just goes to "the last pitcher" but it also goes to the pitcher who picthes under the stress of being the win or walk off in shame pitcher. Many good setup men have flopped as closers because they couldn't handle the pressure of the 9th inning.
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    McCain speech... best ever.

    He ignored it because he was comfortably in the lead. If Obama had been trailing most of the time he would have attacked McCain much more vigorously. And by typical election mud slinging, even McCain's punches were rather soft.
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    Some American's Lose.....

    Um, I could be wrong but, isn't Obama on record as being opposed to gay marriage?
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    Congratulations to Democrats

    I didn't vote for Obama and actively campaigned for McCain. But hey, its an historic moment and part of what makes America great. My side lost, its time to move on. Congrats to the Obama and the Dems.
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    Jesse Jackson: Expects Obama to stop putting Israel's interests first.

    Cinelli, Are you aware that Amir Taheri is from Iran and is pro-Israeli and anti-Iranian theocracy? Are you aware that Taheri hates the Iranian government so much that he has essentially made up news over the past few years that attacks them? Are you aware that Taheri is a HUGE supporter of the...
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    What Major League playoff stucture do you like the best?

    OK, but what about the straight up twin bill? Is that considered different from a "day/night? double-header?
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    NYC & Atalntic City - Any Recommentations??

    Just be careful in AC. In September the police were running decoys out there to arrest the johns.
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    Asshole complains about poor grammar/spelling from customer service rep

    Dealing with a 3rd party through Amazon is a tricky thing. In fact, dealing with Amazon itself can be a tricky thing at times. But 3rd party deals through Amazon follow strict "rules" and can become a real pain the rear. All this guy had to do was read Amazon's disclaimer on 3rd party deals...
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    How you feel at the pump

    Who told you I use a pump? What pump? Its not mine baby!
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    What Major League playoff stucture do you like the best?

    I don't believe its 2 per season. Its probably like 2 per so many days or something like that. I'm pretty sure I've seen more than 2 doubleheaders due to rain, but I could be wrong. As for actually have a double header on the regular schedule, that is indeed now illegal per the 2002 collective...
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    What Major League playoff stucture do you like the best?

    I'd rather have that then a bunch of .500 teams in the playoffs. And besides, the difference between a .500 team and a .600 team is 1 win every 10 games. So its really not outside the realm of possibility that a mediocre team could beat a superior team in a 7 game series. And if you're going...
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    What Major League playoff stucture do you like the best?

    Here's a radical idea. Baseball gets rid of its divisions and puts season back to 154 games. Just the two leagues and the top 4 teams in each league make the playoffs. Round 1 - the bottom two playoff teams Round 2 - winner of Round 1 plays League's 2nd place team Round 3 - winner of Round 2...
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    Manny vs. Red Sox

    The worst part of a BoSox-Dodgers series would be that Manny gets World Series money either way since he was with the Sox for 2/3 of the year! I can just see it: Press: Manny, what are your thoughts about the World Series? Manny: Hey man, I get paid whether we win or lose!
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    NYC & Atalntic City - Any Recommentations??

    Ambiance Girls is the main agency in AC. They don't have what I would consider a knockout but they are well reviewed and have a website:
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