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McCain speech... best ever.


Sr. Member
Jun 19, 2002
McCain's farewell

McCain's farewell was graceful, kind, honest, and supportive of the incoming president. As many have remarked, why did he have to make this election such a farrago of smears and lies and ugliness (which President-Elect Obama, to his credit, mostly ignored). For the first time in 20-odd months, he exuded civility, a trait sadly missed in the political mud-wrestling ring.

That said, there are deep divisions remaining in the United States, as there are in Canada. How can this world move forward if every step of the way apparently has to march through a field of mines laid by rabid fundamentalists (and folk like our very own Lancs Lad) and "Christians" who certainly don't agree with biblical injunctions to love their brothers.

America did the right thing. The new president WILL make mistakes, will be damaged by prevailing economic winds, and will disappoint some of his supporters.

But, as Saint Bob said, the old order is rapidly changing. let's hope a truly new America, one respected and loved (rather than feared, ignored, or derided) will emerge.


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
Muddy said:
As many have remarked, why did he have to make this election such a farrago of smears and lies and ugliness (which President-Elect Obama, to his credit, mostly ignored).
He ignored it because he was comfortably in the lead. If Obama had been trailing most of the time he would have attacked McCain much more vigorously. And by typical election mud slinging, even McCain's punches were rather soft.
Mar 19, 2006
ocean976124 said:
He ignored it because he was comfortably in the lead. If Obama had been trailing most of the time he would have attacked McCain much more vigorously. And by typical election mud slinging, even McCain's punches were rather soft.
Obama didn't ignore the attacks. He confronted each smear head on. He even had a website dedicated to handling them. It seems Obama learned from Dukakis' failure to respond to the attacks on him.

Also, Dukakis had a big lead before Atwater's tricks.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Andrea Sweet said:
It seems to me that McCain was well prepared
However, Sarah looked pretty upset
McCain knew it was over long before the night started. I got that sense when I watched him on SNL past Saturday. He looked like someone trying to make light of his situation... not someone who thinks he's going to win.

Doesn't surprise me about Palin though. She is lost in her own world.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
It was a great concession speech

One of his best ever!
It showed the true maverick was back though belatedly.

You know had the real McCain STUCK TO HIS MAVERICK GUNS from the start and not allowed himself to be perverted by Team 'w' weasels he may have won!

The poor fellow was forced through a 'Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde' transformation by Team 'w' handlers that cost him the election......
Mar 19, 2006
WoodPeckr said:
One of his best ever!
It showed the true maverick was back though belatedly.

You know had the real McCain STUCK TO HIS MAVERICK GUNS from the start and not allowed himself to be peverted by Team 'w' weasels he may have won!

The poor fellow was forced through a 'Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde' transformation by Team 'w' handlers that cost him the election......
I agree with this.

The stunts also did him in (i.e. Palin, putting his campaign on hold).
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