Asshole complains about poor grammar/spelling from customer service rep


New member
Oct 28, 2006
The guy may have been a jerk, but I kinda get where he's coming from.

I've dealt with companies before that had draconian policies regarding shipping address. I simply don't buy from them anymore.

They did offer to return his money; so if I were him, I would've quietly taken the refund, and shopped elsewhere.

Also, it helps to know your local area's UPS shipping hub. Usually, the driver will leave a note on your door, and you can call UPS and tell them to hold it for pick-up at the hub (where there's usually a pick-up desk).


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
Dealing with a 3rd party through Amazon is a tricky thing. In fact, dealing with Amazon itself can be a tricky thing at times. But 3rd party deals through Amazon follow strict "rules" and can become a real pain the rear. All this guy had to do was read Amazon's disclaimer on 3rd party deals to see the potential pitfalls he would encounter.

That said, this guy is correct that it reflects poorly on the company when the customer service is so terribly horrific at writing.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
I got into an argument with Barnes & Noble customer service via e-mail once about shipping. I ordered books and saved up titles to order once per month so I would only have to go to the post office and sign for it ONCE per month. Yet they started shipping my orders in multiple packages even though I indicated "ship all items together" on the order. So I ordered 15 books, and they would divide them into 8 or 9 packages that would come one day apart over 2 weeks, making me go to the post office multiple times to collect them and wasting a heck of a lot of packaging.

I asked them nicely to not do this, and they said "OK, we won't do it". Then they did it again. So I complained again. Then the next month they put the 20 items in one big box as I asked, and I was happy. Then the next two months they didn't, and I complained again and again, each time/month nicely and each time they said they would make a note on my file to not do it again and it wouldn't happen again. They said "we don't charge you more for the extra shipments becasue you asked for one shipment" which isn't what I was complaining about.

Finally I had a bad day, came home to find a door sticker, went to the post office, came back home and found ANOTHER door sticker for another package from them and got really pissed and e-mailed along the lines of "Morons, are you stupid or something? Do yo know what ONE shipment means?" to which they replied:

"Sir, we cannot guarantee your orders will not be shipped in seperate boxes as they ship from multiple warehouses all over the country (U.S.) and not from one place (not entirely true as 50% of them came from the same place, but point taken) and so making a note on your file to not send multiple shipments does not change the computer system automatically doing it" Well, they should have told me that during the previous several e-mails on the subject, NOT kept telling me they wouldn't do it anymore and then doing it anyway...if they had done that I wouldn't have called them morons.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
My question to yo know it alls is: How well do you know your own company's policies? And if someone asked you would you be able to answer 100% correctly?


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
Actually, I know my company's processes regarding shipping and inventory better than most of our CSR's. If I didn't, it would mean work for me, as I deal in the tech part of things.

Sorry, but Bryan was being an a-hole and breaking the first rule against social retardation: Don't be a jerk.

Obviously, Paola (just by her name) isn't a native English speaker. Furthermore, she has to deal with 60-100 of these issues a day. Her English is more than comprehensible, and although she shouldn't have become confrontational, she did focus on Bryan's issue ad kept bringing the convo back to it.

He, in turn, as the Almighty Customer, figured it was his right to be demeaning to her as a person... Big mistake. You don't piss of someone who is in a position to help you. They will, at that point, only adhere to the strictest letter of their job description, instead of going the extra mile that would have solved your problem.

Companies will side with the CS rep at that point, because to deal repeatedly with such mouth-breather customers is too much of a hassle.
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