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  1. B

    Police misconduct

    Yup, troll. I never said they existed, I said we don't know if they do or not, why assume they don't? Why not ask? But sure, call me simple. You have the reading comprehension skills of a 6 year old, but I'm the simple one. Welcome to ignore.
  2. B

    Police misconduct

    Suspended with pay is common in many jobs, and it's the government standard, pending the outcome of an investigation. This debate has been had before here and people obviously didn't understand. Remember Col (formerly) Williams? The Base Commander from Trenton charged with breaking into homes...
  3. B

    Police misconduct

    I didn't make up imaginary cops. First you didn't think I mentioned the partner, now you claim I'm invented cops. You need to learn to read. I said MAYBE there are others who agreed with him, I said how do we know there aren't. I never said they definitely exist. Either you can't read, or you're...
  4. B

    Spanking Your Child?

    I completely disagree on this. Frankly, your post is insulting and offensive. My father is very calm, very peaceful, very tolerant. He is NOT a violent man and I never learned or felt like I was being taught that violence was an acceptable response to conflict. I was taught, and it was...
  5. B

    Spanking Your Child?

    And what you think, is right for you.
  6. B

    Police misconduct

    I mentioned the partner. If you can't read, I can't help you. Do you have information that wasn't reported to show that it was more than just those 5 people in order to justify your claim that "the division" was harassing him? Like I said, maybe they were, but why didn't the media ask if...
  7. B

    The result of consumerism

    There's more, but like I said, you've obviously decided. And considering you've gone from "a small cup" to "a can" and still haven't realized it's "as much soda as you want", I'd say you're obviously bitter but obviously don't even know what you're talking about. I'm still waiting to hear you...
  8. B

    Statutory rape victim ordered to pay 15K in retro child support

    Not quite. Read Arrdvark's post: she wasn't charged or convicted of any crime. Therefore, as far as the courts are concerned, they can't hold her accountable for wrongdoing and the ages are irrelevant. So what western law say is really saying is if you father a child, you must support them...
  9. B

    Spanking Your Child?

    Very few things in life are so black and white. You're free to think what you want, but I can assure patience would not have mattered one iota when I was a kid, and it did me a whole ton of good.
  10. B

    The result of consumerism

    You just explained the ways we try to fix costs. But we can't do anything to fix supply and demand. Not to mention the fact that, as a general rule, in a flight of 140 people, 120 of them paid roughly the same price. If we're talking about a literal 50% price difference, then that's abnormal...
  11. B

    Spanking Your Child?

    The only kid I grew up with that was aggressive was pretty much the only kid on the block that wasn't spanked or disciplined. I don't think you can pigeonhole everyone. Not all people are the same, not all people respond to things the the same, and that includes kids. I know that I have no...
  12. B

    Spanking Your Child?

    My dad didn't hug me and see he loved me after the spanking. It was discipline. You don't get coddled immediately after being disciplined. I never had mixed messages. I would never say I was beaten. I was spanked. To me, there is a big difference between the two.
  13. B

    Spanking Your Child?

    Beaten and spanked are different, no? I was spanked, on occasion, when I deserved it, and I for one am thankful to my father for being a fair disciplinarian. I can count on one hand the number of times it happened, and can't think of a single case where I didn't deserve at least that.
  14. B

    The result of consumerism

    And therein lies the problem. Airlines do much more than take you from point A to point B, and if people would treat them the same way they treat other services, they wouldn't have the grounds to complain. And I get that people make their own decisions for their own reasons. I'm simply pointing...
  15. B

    The result of consumerism

    I apologize, I had missed your post. It wasn't my intention to ignore it. The classes are actually pretty straightforward. There are seating classes and ticket classes. This is borrowed from the train model. For example, I was on a train in Eastern Europe on a 3rd class ticket. The people...
  16. B

    The result of consumerism

    Except you usually don't realize the fees until after you've shown up. Fly on the majors, and even the lower-cost ones give you basic service. Fly on the cheapest of the cheap and you lose that luxury. I remember reading when RyanAir starting deciding that purses were a carry on. So a lady that...
  17. B

    The result of consumerism

    Well, if you can buy a ticket for $99 and have to pay $100 in fees, are you really better off than paying $179 for full-service?
  18. B

    The result of consumerism

    If it isn't apparent, why are review websites bombarded with complaints about the quality of flights? For that matter, read the comments on any CBC article about WestJet, and you find people talking about how they prefer WestJet over Air Canada for the service. I think people do recognize the...
  19. B

    The result of consumerism

    It's interesting you say that they don't care, and yet constant complaints stream in about level of service and on-time performance. People seem to understand you get what you pay for in virtually every industry except air travel.
  20. B

    pathetic USA, again

    People like to use the words police state and martial law where not applicable because propaganda is a game of rhetoric. They try to conjure an image that will enrage others and flock them to their cause. Like when they call police jackbooted thugs. Aside from mounted ceremonial officers, have...
Toronto Escorts