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  1. F

    The sexodus: Men giving up on women and checking out

    canada man, what is it about the propagation of the rights and safety of women that makes you so very very insecure? you certainly put a lot of time into reading publications whose journalistic integrity is questionable at best, looking for others as terrified as yourself; this is obviously an...
  2. F

    Tim Horton's rant

    there's absolutely no need to call the original poster a tough guy or a crybaby. everyone here has, i'm sure, at some point, been let down by some service or other, and was incited to lodge an official complaint. the poster was obviously still pretty angry while writing the post, so it's also...
  3. F

    Do you like to kiss after receiving /giving Oral ?

    i'd LOVE for someone to ask for a snowball after cim. it hits all the senses (he sees you do cim, and watches you lean in close for the kiss, the pleasant taste of cum, tongues-- being so tactile-- caressing each other) and it's super sensual. unfortunately hardly anyone asks for it-- shame.
  4. F

    the secret to Japan's slender population?

    actually, i've learned recently that you can have a perfectly healthy diet without ever cooking. recently, unbridle disconnected my stove because the thingy connecting it to the gas line is outdated and needs to be replaced. it's taking some time for my landlords to find someone certified to...
  5. F

    Do you offer LT dates? Why/why not?

    i agree that some chemistry should definitely be established first (you only make that mistake once!), but i don't think you must necessarily already have clocked many hours together. if a prospective client wants a date longer than a few hours, i insist on meeting for coffee first (free of...
  6. F

    The sexodus: Men giving up on women and checking out

    i wanted to say something, but i'm at a loss. or maybe the egregious nature of this post is self-evident and i should just shut up.
Toronto Escorts