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  1. S

    Lend your advice please.

    Sure, if you want. I haven't seen anyone answering that either.
  2. S

    Lend your advice please.

    I don't agree that prostitution (either as an SP or a client) is anywhere on the same level as beating up women and rape. Everyone seems to be avoiding the question - if it were the EXACT SAME SCENARIO, but with a client instead of an SP, would you even consider saying anything?
  3. S

    Lend your advice please.

    Okay, and that's admirable...but again, that involves the guy doing something wrong. In an exact 1:1 scenario, with the genders switched and the friend's partner instead being a client...would you out him?
  4. S

    Lend your advice please.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's nothing to indicate that your friend's girlfriend has done anything particularly wrong? If we're comparing outing an SP vs. outing a client...which no one's really answered, or I missed it if they did...could we stick to actually analogous situations? Ie...
  5. S

    Teen felt ‘degraded’ after teacher backed aikido student’s request to avoid touching

    Wow, I'm seeing a LOT of hatred towards Muslims, immigrants, religion...not cool. As to the original issue, yes, his religious beliefs should have been accommodated. But segregating the class? Too me, this is a bit too far. I don't know how the class paired up before this student, but I don't...
  6. S

    Lend your advice please.

    Hey all, this is my first post on the boards, though I've read a bunch of threads and feel like I've gotten to know some of you a bit :) The problem that I see with outting her is that every situation is different. Personally, my partner knows what I do, and supports me 100%. That said, we'd...
Toronto Escorts