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  1. G

    Things from your childhood that you do not see anymore.

    The yellow insert that let you play your 45's. 45's.
  2. G

    Have you every seen anyone thieving / get caught?

    Watched a guy swipe someone elses chips off of a blackjack table at the Golden Nugget. He made it about ten feet before being dropped by half a dozen casino security. Wouldn't want to be him.
  3. G

    Putin slams "American Exceptionalism" in NYT Op-Ed

    To drag this thread back on track. Most of the criticism takes issue with 'Who is Putin to say these things about the US". Lots of talk about Georgia and gays,etc,etc. It's certainly valid that he shouldn't be throwing stones while living in a glass house. But there seems a lack of criticism of...
  4. G


    Seems a bit high, statistically speaking. They normally have just over 10,000 per year. So in about a month, only around 900 of them should kill each other with guns. Sounds like an exaggeration to me.
  5. G

    Yoga Pants

    I've seen plenty of fourty somethings looking way better than a lot of twenty somethings. It's not an age issue, it's an ass issue!
  6. G

    Finally some justice

    Not much hue and cry about all the assholes that invaded our city, created absolute havoc and, for most part got off scot free. Not defending the cop, whose actions were clearly over the top, but I wonder why anyone would want their job.
  7. G

    bank rates

    On the other side - loans are cheap as a result. Banks only care about the spread, usually about 3%. Higher interst paid equals higher interest charged. Banks don't care if rates are high or low. They get their 'taste' either way.
  8. G

    Suicide bombers - and how to beat them

    I'd love to be a fly on the wall in one of their training sessions - OK Boys, listen up, I'm only gonna show you this once!
  9. G

    TERB band

    Band Name - Terbination Playlist - Squeezebox - The Who Strokin' - Clarence Carter Baby Got Back - Sir Mix A Lot Bring On Home To Me - Animals Brown Sugar - Stones Raspberry Beret - Prince Centerfold - J. Geils Band Let's Get This Party Started - Pink (for Heather) Stack-O-Lee - Samuel Jackson...
  10. G

    The Three Reasons Canada is in Big Trouble

    Just a couple of thoughts. Talking only about government debt is simplistic political posing. A beginners accounting course teaches that debt is a liability, one half of the balance sheet. The other half is assets, which is never mentioned in any of the discussions about government debt. To put...
  11. G

    Ceasers vs Venetian.

    Pay attention to Butler. The nugget is the best deal in Vegas. He doesn't mention Oscar's (the Plaza), one of the most under rated steak houses in Vegas. If you want tourist crap, by all means stay on the strip. Old Vegas has way more to offer,(IMHO), the nugget personifies that. Good time right...
  12. G

    SP and friendship

    She is who she is. You knew that going in. Either enjoy her for who she is, or take a pass. How all the things that she does affect you is really your problem, not hers.
  13. G

    According to a recent study...

    There are three kinds of people. Those that are good at math and those that aren't.
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    Laura Luscious in Ottawa

    Does that mean she'll pay for half ?
  15. G

    Been said Before.... just a reminder Gentlemen

    Why not block her number ? If your Iphone is jailbroken, there's a Cydia app that does this. Otherwise set the number up in your contacts with the name "Do Not Answer", when she calls obey your phone.
  16. G

    Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack

    If the Star had purchased the video (chump change for them) before publishing allegations of a video tape that shows someone 'appearing' to be Rob Ford 'appearing' to be smoking crack, then they might have a shred of credibility left. They are also the ones that went front page with Ford...
  17. G

    Big rally calling for Rob Ford to resign at noon, City Hall

    I hope he does not resign. Regardless of your opinion of Rob Ford, it would be an outrage to have him removed from office based on unproved allegations. As far as pursuing litigation against the Toronto Star, there is little to pursue. If you read the articles they are very careful to say that...
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