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    Manhattan escorts

    Great advice, thanks all! I guess I will skip it for this trip, doesn't really sound worth it and I'm not really "successful" enough to lay down 500 USD an hour ;)
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    Manhattan escorts

    Hey all, Apologies if this has been covered before. Going on a business trip to Manhattan end of the month. Having some trouble getting a read on the escort situation there. How to find good / reliable ones? I've found a few sites but I have no sense of whether they're bait / switch or...
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    US Netflix in Canada

    They do but the movie and tv show selection is much more limited, presumably due to licensing agreements and such.
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    iOS causes existing apps to crash

    I hope you'll forgive me not being keen giving personal details like which specific apps I develop on a forum of this nature. I suspect very few people on this board would be comfortable discussing their vocations in anything but the most general sense. As for WWDC, yes I've attended in the...
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    iOS causes existing apps to crash

    Wow. Why is it grown human beings can't seem to discuss what should be an innocuous topic like this without resorting to extreme views and language? iOS 7 was a major change to the OS, so of course there are going to be some problems with existing apps. I doubt every new Android release is...
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    How is the Finger print Apple 5C (or other phone) security working ?

    I think it's a pretty safe bet. Apple doesn't have a history of deception, and if anyone discovered that they were sending it out (and someone definitely would eventually) it would be utterly devastating for them and their brand. On top of that there's no benefit whatsoever for them to have a...
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    Dr. Sanjay Gupta's CNN Special "WEED"

    True, but this doc skips one key point, one that it seems almost never comes up when it comes to people arguing for pro-weed legislation, which kind of says something about our society. Getting high is *fun*. At least for some people. Just like having a few drinks is fun for some people. Just...
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    Which asian nation will have women like this?

    Totally agree, she's amazing. Easily in my top 5 porn stars of all time. Check out this scene where she squirts during daty!
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    Miley Cyrus' X-rated MTV VMA performance

    All this talk about Miley, what about this Robin Thicke douche? How fucking terrible was he? Guy can't sing to save his life, has zero charisma and very little talent. Literally there's only two reasons anyone even knows who he is: 1) His dad is Alan Thicke. 2) He made a video featuring a...
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    It’s time to regulate and legalize marijuana. Sign the petition if you agree.

    The devil in that statement is in the details. Are you making it based on any studies or research, because to make those assertions I feel like there would have to be quite a bit of time and effort spent to crunch the numbers, and even then if you can't find an actual case study of somewhere...
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    The Wiener Circle

    It's an institution at this point, I'd be surprised if it wasn't still there. I went a couple years ago when visiting, though not at a late enough hour to experience the insanity that happens when all the drunk white 20 somethings show up. Hot dog was ok though. Don't worry about getting shot...
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    Bruce Lee! What a legend.

    Not going to disagree that Bruce was remarkable, but this video strained credulity so much for me so I had to research its origins. It's a Nokia ad using a Bruce Lee lookalike with the ball added post-production.
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    Diet soda is no healthier than regular soda

    Right, it makes sense that you can't technically call those drinks water if they contain other substances. My only point was that if you do drink those things, you are in reality consuming some amount of water in addition to whatever else is contained in them.
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    Diet soda is no healthier than regular soda

    Let me start off by saying I agree completely with your larger point, but I will nitpick this small one just because it's something people often forget or fail to realize. All of these drinks are probably between 80% and 99.9% water. So when you drink 350 ml of diet coke you're in essence...
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    Diet soda is no healthier than regular soda

    At the risk of the diet drink haters jumping on me and beating me with cans of diet drinks, I feel I should offer a bit of a defence of diet drinks here. I did do some reading awhile back about aspartame, mostly out of curiosity since I used to drink diet coke and had heard all these rumours...
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    What's your favorite "Canadian" food?

    Hm, I've tried Caplansky's twice, once in the restaurant and once at the food truck. In general I found it dry and not all that tasty. Also the food truck portions were abysmal for the price. To me, no comparison to Schwartz's, but that was quite awhile back so I'll probably give it another try...
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    Favorite Cover songs ?

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    What's your favorite "Canadian" food?

    Wow, it's a day of learning here on terb! That's pretty hilarious, I knew they were westernized chinese but I didn't realize they were invented in Canada! Here's an interesting page I found:
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    Stoya interview

    Yeah. Lack of knowledge on a subject can't really be equated with stupidity unless it's one of those things that's such common knowledge that you wouldn't be able to escape knowing about it. How many people can explain how birth control works? I take tylenol and advil semi-regularly for back...
Toronto Escorts