Toronto Escorts

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  1. N

    a question for all the guys on here..

    Hot Towels.
  2. N

    Sexuality and Disabilitites

    Put your finger on it--so to speak?
  3. N

    baby grand steinway stolen from TGH mid-day

    What kind of bastard would steal a baby?
  4. N

    Lesbian Indian Wedding Two Hotties

    Beauiful couple, wish them all the best!
  5. N

    Toronto council votes in favour of Scarborough subway in major victory for Rob Ford

    He also campained on no new taxes. His problem is squaring that circle for the people who have incresed taxes and no benefits from the expanded line.
  6. N

    The iconic Honest Ed's store is up for sale: National Post

    Agreed . . . I'm slow to move on this idea.
  7. N

    The iconic Honest Ed's store is up for sale: National Post

    Dens Rock. Yes, I think I would be looking at older buildings that have been renovated. Not sure what a den ever did to you, but I like a real den (not the little corners in these new units--they are a waste of space). In a den I can set up a big screen and make a man cave. I currently have...
  8. N

    Toronto council votes in favour of Scarborough subway in major victory for Rob Ford

    It may be a victory for Mayor Ford, but it could be one that comes back to bite him down the road when the bills come in. It seems on the surface that there will be an increased tax liability for all Toronto residents. It will solidfy his political base in Scarb, but makes him vunerable to...
  9. N

    The iconic Honest Ed's store is up for sale: National Post

    I agree that the small one and two bedroom condo's without a den are just too small for many people (again, me included). I would like to make the move to downtown, but would want at least two bedrooms and a den to consider it. I have no problem at all with the suggestion you make for the...
  10. N

    The iconic Honest Ed's store is up for sale: National Post

    Sounds good, but wouldn't a 2 or 3 bedroom condo be prohibitivly expensive for most families. A larger square footage condo would be atractive to many people including boomers downsizing from their larger homes in the burbs (me included).
  11. N

    Wal-mart employee fired after reporting dog in hot truck (article)

    No need to bark orders!
  12. N

    another conservative politician goes down for hiring a escort...

    This isn't a political issue--no left/right at play. Something many Terb members should be able to relate to.
  13. N

    Young Child Left Alone in a car on a hot day! Again, seriously?

    I in the group that would thank him . . .
  14. N

    Young Child Left Alone in a car on a hot day! Again, seriously?

    Good for you . . . are there legal consquences of this act? Any requirements to report your actions?
  15. N

    Wal-mart employee fired after reporting dog in hot truck (article)

    Meanwhile out in the parkinglot . . .
  16. N

    It's So Hot ..........

    Not to mention the hubris.
  17. N

    Wal-mart employee fired after reporting dog in hot truck (article)

    Thank you (seriously) for reducing this story to the basic element and then stating the obvious. What would happen if a person smashed open the window of a car/truck to get air to the dog (believing the animal was in imminent danger).
  18. N

    Unwritten laws of basic courtesy

    OK, maybe it wasn't so bad after all, but she must have been busting to go she was pissing to put out a forest fire. Might be why she forgot to lock the door. She was gone by the time I shook one out in the other washroom.
  19. N

    NJ bus driver caught jerking it on the job

    Not with that thing I hope, that would be cruel.
Toronto Escorts