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  1. A

    Two drunk unruly female passengers force flight to Cuba back to Toronto

    Address of the one from Whitby may have been 171 Brock Street North. Just a guess
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    American Announcers Can't Speak any Language But Their Own!!!

    I'm watching the Men's World Lacrosse Championship and I can't believe how badly the ESPN guys are butchering the pronunciation of foreign words... Iraquooy; instead or Iroquois. Awesee instead of Aussie. Heaven help us if we ever call Bubba, Booba. Here's a lesson: Torontoe is Tranna; Galgary...
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    Any info on CLASS ACT ESCORTS in Lindsay

    CLASS ACT and Lindsay? Isn't that an oxymoron? Someone's having a lend of(poking fun at ) us, mates!!!
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    Anyone know a Sam in Whitby?

    Holy shit!!! That's your mom? Haven't seen her in a while. How's she doing???
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    Juicy Jemma James.

    I'll agree with the "high" part.
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    Ageing gracefully

    Melatonin used to be suggested as a good antidote for jet lag. Used to do a lot of trans-Pacific travel and it worked very well for me. I don't know what "modern" science has to say about it.
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    recommend staying away from motel 6 lol

    "Paranoia strikes deep, Into your life it will creep, It starts when you're always afraid, Step out of line, the man come and take you away... There,s a man with a gun over there, A tellin' me I got to beware... What a field day for the heat..."
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    The best time of year!

    Good one Lily; "its the horn...horn...horniest time of the year!!!"
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    For the ladies working in Peterborough

    Oh I can't take it. I'm sorry!!!!Are you looking for an intellectual encounter, which from my experience is a great experience..sexual and cerebral. Or are you looking to first time fuck a college girl as a conquering activity. Their is a university in Nunavit that might be right for you. Go...
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    Brunette With Video

    Bunch of bloody lame guys on this thread!!! See an SP and make it count or go back home with your mommy.
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    recommend staying away from motel 6 lol

    Your points are well made; but really, who wants to have to waste a day out of your life in court!!! Any pay...and pay, and...
  12. A

    Too funny...

    Discussing activity on the boards with an SP recently and she tells me..."I know a guy who has so many different handles, he actually goes on and argues with himself!!!"
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    Kelly 21587320

    Is there anything but big ass, fat tummy ladies left in Durham?? Really? Why???
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    Sandra at PA

    Crikie, I wish mate. Streuth!! She'll return from the Antipodes and it will all be good.
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    Sandra at PA

    Gone away on another South American retreat. I am envious. Wish I had her life. Oh, I sorta do!!!!
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    The day I've dreamed of for 2 years!

    Have a good breakfast; they will provide a good lunch on your journey!!
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    The day I've dreamed of for 2 years!

    And the winner of ...Most likeliest to come out of retirement in 2014 is.... Heidi Vixen!!!!! Wasn`t my first choice. I had two others in front of her. Looks like we are in for a great comeback summer!!
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    Sexy Spinner No Show

    Apparently its not the brand of phone, provider or cell plan. In the end, looks like its a bum deal!
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    Sexy Spinner No Show

    Oh geez. If only you knew what happened that day!
Toronto Escorts