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  1. L

    The average America female

    wow already half way to the grave.
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    How does Groupon work? - Have you tried it?

    for the consumer just remember the taxes are extra and not part of your groupon. and don't forget there are expire dates so you can't buy a bunch and store them.
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    Ever had a SP come out of retirement to see you?

    Ya agreed, she needs money but doesn't want to risk seeing someone unknown so she's trying to hit up her old clients.
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    East Indian is the new Black?

    ya i agree, the gals know they will respect boundaries, but i do say no if I'm not in the mood
  5. L

    East Indian is the new Black?

    Oh that's just wrong, she hasn't even met you yet.
  6. L

    Dutch man cheats death twice with flight 370 and mh17

    I would feel a seriously guilty after a while, survivor's remorse.
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    Wealthy Chinese threaten to sue Canada if investor visa decision not overturned

    Not all are spoil brats but there were a lot in my class. But even the the second rate smart ones are still more intelligent and highly motivated than some of the brightest here. Basically that's the only thing that could get them and their family out of poverty so they have to be that way. Use...
  8. L

    Alternative to hobby phone?

    you can use a voip service like magicjack or Skype but you'll need to pay for a incoming local phone number. Then you can install the app on your regular mobile to receive calls or if not then you'll need to use your computer with a mic.
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    meeting girls at std clinic

    Oddly this works, your clean, I'm clean let's get together since we both have proof. An open minded is right skips through all the BS and courtship.
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    Has this happened to you before?

    I find that hard to believe given that in those cream pie shots, the girl has enough control to get it to come back out. Just like birthing a child I guess.
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    Wealthy Chinese threaten to sue Canada if investor visa decision not overturned

    Are you kidding Universities are businesses too, the better and bigger things their students go on to do the better they look. Bringing in foreign students is all about globalization, take the best and the brightest or else someone else will. Doesn't hurt too that foreign students being...
  12. L

    Has this happened to you before?

    Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. I think my all time favorite with an SP was a spinner who I think was performing her kegel exercises on me during our time together. She was tight already but got even more so as we were getting into it. Weird experience as the cover usually...
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    Who is the hottest asian pornstar?

    I love when she smiles, the Japanese side really comes out, Kawaii!!!
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    Who is the hottest asian pornstar?

    Really? When did that happen?
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    Getting older what happened?

    thanks good read but had to google to get the rest of the story free :)
  16. L

    Getting older what happened?

    Does anyone find it a bit weird that in civi life you're given a thumbs up when you go on an on like the energizer bunny but when hobbling its the guys who can get off MSOGs that get the praise? Just found the strange.
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    Getting older what happened?

    Exactly just the intensity of it, the massive eruption has just faded away. Mind you the muscles are still working fine. I rubbed one out and the distance was no shorter than in my 20s. Sleep? Could be but it I go through periods of lots and then little and the orgasim part stays the same so...
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    ​Inside a Chinese Internet Addiction Boot Camp

    saw something once that said, young people who were cut off from the net experienced withdrawal symptoms a few days afters for as long as a couple of weeks...
  19. L

    Getting older what happened?

    Erection no problem, cumming sure but the mind tingling finish... eh...
Toronto Escorts