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    How to stream TV shows, movies — for free They have the latest movies and TV shows. Just don't click the ads.
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    The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit

    Great source! hahahahha and thanks for the video. If I ever need a fairy tale princess, now I know where to go!!! You are awesome and smart. Don't let anyone tell you different. ha ha ha ha ha ha
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    The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit

    Aw come on!!!! who's gonna entertain me with stupid posts? Why would you rob me of your intellectual genius? Who will tell me where to find sasquatch? Who will explain the flat earth to me? Please don't go!!!! Hahahahaha!
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    The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit I go getting lost! I'm pretty sure it's you who are being embarrassed. I'm actually embarrassed for you. For someone who claims to be intellectually superior and smart, you are looking pretty stupid the more you argue. The fact that the sources you are quoting from are...
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    The Biggest Contributors to Global Warming As Joe Biden Holds Climate Summit

    Nope....didn't ask for satellite data from 1850. That was your assumption. People actually do get paid to highlight propaganda and stupidity but I'm guessing that the reason you don't is because you're theories are plain wrong and lack credibility. But feel free to post more charts and graphs...
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    Anyone buying Condos Downtown/ Other Real Estate?

    Residential real estate in the gta is not as good as I would like. I've been considering it for years but when Covid hit I did more detailed the research. I concluded that up front costs are high and returns from rental are not great. It could be better if you make improvements and increase...
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    Fund Managers are kind of useless as I understand it. Most fail to match the performance of the S&P. I prefer to buy selective stocks and ETFs.
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    Got my Burner phone from Seven Eleven

    From the website: “You can check your account balance and/or account expiry online. If you haven't already, register for a SpeakOut Online Account. Or, to check your main account balance and expiry, dial *777# and press Send from your SpeakOut handset. Your balance and expiry info will be sent...
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    H P Touchpad sale 80% off

    i picked one up last night on the staples website. hopefully it goes through. i checked the website again this morning and it says they're out of stock. i just checked again and they're of the website. i'm wondering if there could be some underground movement to hack these. overall they...
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