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  1. M

    What Door Would You Walk Through ?

    10.) and pretty much yes.
  2. M

    45% of Japanese women aged 16-24 are "not interested in or despise sexual contact"

    Maybe disappointed that real sex doesn't involve being penetrated by something with several tentacles, robots and other assorted strangeness you see in hentai.
  3. M

    Unhappy wife 100% of the time

    Yep, my ex-would where jeans to bed half of the time; it was a huge hassle I would basically have to beg for sex. And then she would get mad at me for making her have to many orgasms... She would say "people can hear us" and "I don't want to squirt that much" and that I should finish quicker. It...
  4. M

    A Plea for Caution From Russia

    There are a lot of factors that contributed to this internally and externally, but that is another huge discussion.
  5. M

    A Plea for Caution From Russia

    I have not actually pushed any ideology here at all, we have only been talking in historical terms. For you to say that the west has not pushed it's "democracy" and imperialism in a way that is "sick, deranged, morally bankrupt and wholly inappropriate" is nothing short of a joke...
  6. M

    A Plea for Caution From Russia

    I've read a lot of anti-communist books already. These books are not hard to come by. I am interested in things that are not as common, I am interested in things that came from the USSR, China, etc. but stuff related to the USSR and communism is only part of my interests... Right now I have a...
  7. M

    Unhappy wife 100% of the time

    No divorce, since we had a common law relationship, we simply separated. We had separate bank accounts. So, nothing really, lucky for me.
  8. M

    A Plea for Caution From Russia

    That was/is a rumour about Hitler that may or may not be true. He was wounded on the front during The Great War and it is possible that one of his balls was blown off. Or at least that is the theory. But there is no evidence of it as factual, only hearsay and rumour. The US troops had a song...
  9. M

    A Plea for Caution From Russia

    I never said you did or didn't. In fact I asked you about your qualifications. Of course I understand not wanting to reveal certain things here, so if that is the case, no worries. Well, now I'm just disappointed. I really like making new friends. Were you going to finish that sentence...
  10. M

    Unhappy wife 100% of the time

    What does she do all night long?
  11. M

    Unhappy wife 100% of the time

    Thanks man, I hear what you're saying. I feel like I want to give it one more shot. It's been two years now since we have been apart and I want to see if maybe we might be able to start fresh... just start spending time together. I miss having the whole family together. I'm probably setting...
  12. M

    Unhappy wife 100% of the time

    Thank you. She really was a great person, we had so many great times together and I miss them. Just even doing odd little things like cooking, shopping together, watching TV on the sofa, when we used to meet for lunch almost every other day, etc. And of course all the sweet, sweet love we made...
  13. M

    Unhappy wife 100% of the time

    Yep, we have kids and that's one of the reasons that I stuck around for so long. Even still, I should have left sooner.
  14. M

    Unhappy wife 100% of the time

    Just tell her you want to seek help to save your marriage and if she refuses just GTFO man. Trust me, I stuck around with my ex for about 2 years of bullshit hoping things would change. It just made me miserable as well and ended up on two different anti-depressants.
  15. M

    Unhappy wife 100% of the time

    Could be both as I think was the case with my ex. There was much more going on her than simply talking to this guy. I know my ex had hard times in her life and I myself have battled depression but I went and got help for it and now I am doing well. To see someone you love just become someone you...
  16. M

    Unhappy wife 100% of the time

    I was trying to figure out what was wrong with my ex also. Anytime I breached the subject she would shut down. No interest in talking about working things out, no interest in seeing a doctor, no interest in see someone to talk to like a therapist...
  17. M

    Unhappy wife 100% of the time

    My ex was very similar, and it turned out she was talking to some guy all night on her computer (on the fucking $2,700 PC I bought her). She would go to sleep at 11 am and not wake up until who knows when... She didn't do shit around the house... She kept asking me for $20k and I figured out...
  18. M

    A Plea for Caution From Russia

    Aardvark154 seems to have also forgot that the USSR had them as well. I seem to remember Khrushchev getting Kennedy to get nukes the fuck out of Turkey or they would be staying with theirs in Cuba.
  19. M

    A Plea for Caution From Russia

    Aardvark154 you seem mostly interested in me now. I really appreciate that and if assuming this or that about me makes you happy, knock yourself out. It's a forum. On the internet. Does it make you feel better or superior to think you are in some better position in life than me? Here's a news...
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