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  1. N

    Is there a conspiracy about Bin Ladens death?

    when did i say anything about jews? i have no problem with jewish people. i have a problem with zionists, they are terrorists and were responsible for 9/11
  2. N

    Is there a conspiracy about Bin Ladens death?

    this guy bin laden was just a puppet used by the USA and zionist regime israel. israeli terrorists were behind 9/11 and bin laden was the puppet
  3. N

    change ur signature picture and stop posting that racist crap on here. all races are equal and...

    change ur signature picture and stop posting that racist crap on here. all races are equal and zionist regime israel is not above Palestine
  4. N

    Cuban cigars

    well gp, you just confirmed they are fake. some of them still have shit stains on them, like #4 from the left..have fun smoking those banana leaves
  5. N

    Cuban cigars

    rubmeis, let the man smoke his banana leaves in peace !! LOL
  6. N

    Cuban cigars

    why are you still arguing about this? you are smoking banana leaves. You admitted that you bought them on the blackmarket, that means they are fake. there is no debate whether or not they are fake. buying cigars on the 'black market' in cuba is like buying louis vuitton or gucci on 5th avenue...
  7. N

    Cuban cigars

    LOL Good one rubmeister, you fixed his post very well
  8. N

    Anyone bought LEXG ?

    LEXG still going up 20% today wow
  9. N

    Anyone bought LEXG ?

    LEXG crazy. from .10 to $7.50
  10. N

    Cuban cigars

    my ass they are legit. why are you selling them for half price? those go for 800-1k you can easily get 700 for them
  11. N

    any other guys who don't want kids and never want to get married?

    no, your not alone. im the exact same way. i dont want children, and have no interest in them. same with marrige.
  12. N

    Want to move to another city/province similar to toronto, help?

    wtf are u talking about ? i have nothing against jews, i only have something against zionists (terrorists) get back on topic and stop bringing that crap to every thread i post
  13. N

    Want to move to another city/province similar to toronto, help?

    moving soon and having a very hard time deciding on the new place to move to.. basically i want to make sure the place has a downtown area with theatres, women, malls, stores etc. not saying i want to live right in the downtown core, 20 min drive to get to the downtown area is fine.. and the...
  14. N

    Identity Theft and Banks

    i think OP is either thinking of doing a scam and trying to find out how banks reacts/solve scam issues, or he is lying. what bank is this guy with that, his account would get "cleaned out" and the bank won't cover it, if in fact he did get scammed? bullshit. and virus my ass, bank has no way...
  15. N

    Identity Theft and Banks

    the original poster is either bullshitting or lying. there is no way that a bank is not going to cover what was stolen/scammed from you, if indeed you are honest and telling the truth/had nothing to do with it. all the banks have badges when u sign into online banking saying '100% reimbursement...
  16. N

    racist bouncer at strip club locks skinny boy in washroom and beats him in face

    Update to everyone, the racist bouncer was arraigned in court (u need volume)
  17. N

    Absolutely disgusting-Soldier in Afghanistan murders innocent people & poses for pics

    Forget about the fucking picture people. This is about what he did, did you guys even read the damn article? the guy killed a farmer's son, an innocent kid by throwing a grenade at him then shooting him with his buddies. who then planned with his soldier friends to tell his superior that the...
  18. N

    Absolutely disgusting-Soldier in Afghanistan murders innocent people & poses for pics

    whats wrong with my title? are you defending the soldiers actions you racist pig?
  19. N

    Absolutely disgusting-Soldier in Afghanistan murders innocent people & poses for pics

    Absolutely disgusting-Soldier in Afghanistan murders innocent people & poses for pics absolutely vial and despicable. not surprising at all though. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/21/afghanistan-trophy-photos-us-soldier
Toronto Escorts