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  1. F

    Looking East

    Ah. Thanks Fisherm. That is very good to know. I was afraid the girls were too gorgeous to be real.
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    Looking East

    Can anyone give me any info on AsianSexyBabe? Are they a reliable and reputable agency or are they bait and switch? Thanks. I haven't posted for a while. Nice to be back.
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    Canadian high school girls being lured into sex trade

    This is a piece of sensationalistic "reporting" meant to create a sense of fear and moral outrage amongst white middle class parents with teenage daughters. It has little to do with reality and is part of the provincial government's anti-trafficking campaign. Please read it with a very large...
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    Trudeau's Weed Promise

    As a person who has never "inhaled", I really don't care if it's legalized or not, although the War on Drugs has been a complete failure and waste of time, resources, and money. What I do want to see is C36 repealed and the Hobby legalized or at least de-criminalized.
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    Most recent articles on prostitution related laws, opinions, comments

    C36 won't live to see it's second Birthday.
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    Did ISIS Shoot Down Russian Jet?

    ISIS probably did shoot down the Russian airliner. With our modern technology, all it takes is a shoulder mounted weapon with a tracking device, nothing too fancy, and it's already known that ISIS is operating in the Sinai.
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    Did ISIS Shoot Down Russian Jet?

    ISIS did claim responsibility.
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    Liberal majority

    The vile Conservatives are gone. C36 will soon follow.
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    Most recent articles on prostitution related laws, opinions, comments

    Today could mark the end of Bill C36. When you're voting keep this in mind, every party but one is in favour of repealing Bill C36. That's not saying that they actually will, but the Sex trade is far more organized than it's ever been, thanks to Stephen Harper, and any new gov't will face...
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    Would you marry an SP?

    I have during the course of my life, dated and become romantically involved outside of business with two SPs. Neither one ended well.
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    For those who like E. Indians: Priyanka Chopra

    There are lots of really attractive East Indian women.
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    Too late to Vote?

    If you're a hobbyist Harper is the last person you should vote for. Both Libs and NDP are committed to repealing C36.
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    Who are you go to vote for ??

    How could any hobbyist on this site even consider voting Conservative. They have taken away my rights in C36 and C51. I'm not going to vote for a government that calls me a pervert and would label me a terrorist. No way in Hell would I vote for them. No way. Not ever, never, ever, never, never!
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    Most recent articles on prostitution related laws, opinions, comments

    I'm glad the Son-of-a-Bitch is leaving. I just wish he'd have hung around to get his ass kicked in October, but I guess he saw the writing on the wall for him and his wretched gov't. I'll never forgive him, or his party, or his gov't for passing C-36. Never, ever, never, never, never. I take...
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    Homegrown trafficking - MPP calls for provincial task force

    This is, of course, complete and utter nonsense. The idea of little middle class white girls being snatched from malls and house parties is fiction.
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    Used real phone to call Mirage. How screwed am I?

    I would hope you got screwed after all that trouble. You have nothing to worry about.
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    Ontario still has concerns about prostitution law despite constitutionality

    It's pretty clear that the Wynne gov't isn't keen on this law and doesn't want to enforce it. If the NDP wins the next election the law is as good as dead, they'll almost certainly repeal it. If the Liberals win the next election with a lot of seats in Ontario Wynne and new Ontario MPs may be...
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    Marissa Semkiw gets shut down By a Defence attorney

    What a smarmy little tight ass. If she does have a boyfriend I feel very sorry for him. He's probably the most "whipped" man on the planet. She's probably saving herself for her second marriage.
  19. F

    Canada prostitution ring arrests: Police examining phone data to identify clients

    The news reports also said there were up to 500 women involved. This sounds an awful lot like one of those "picked this number out of my ass" numbers that people in authority make up from time to time and the media then dutifully reports.
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    Canada prostitution ring arrests: Police examining phone data to identify clients

    It's no coincidence that this took place the day after the Ontario AG said the new law was constitutional. This was planned and timed. I wonder how many of these girls were "trafficked victims" and how many knew why they were coming here and what they'd be doing once they got here. This whole...
Toronto Escorts