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  1. B

    The pointless opinion and bickering thread.

    The elaborate debate about apples. Apples! Who creates such an articulate argument about apples? :D I say bananas *win*!. Not sure how, but they do. And that my a very pointless opinion. They taste better in milkshakes ...
  2. B

    The pointless opinion and bickering thread.

    :D LOL this is pretty amazing....
  3. B

    Midlife Crisis .... for women?

    I think this happens when people start to realize that they really don't live forever. You know, like being a stifled clone of society so that people think that you've 'made it somewhere'... Keeping up appearances until you finally realize that you've been wasting the presumed 'best years of...
  4. B

    Michael Jackson - This is it

    I think this usually happens by default when an entertainer dies (if their existence was interesting to begin with). The subject of death is hard hitting for most people, and the media shock factor gets most people to pay attention. A lot of people are way too busy with their own life goals...
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