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  1. L

    Judge beats the crap out of his daughter for going online and downloading

    Saw the mother and daughter on Today show this morning. Tape is 7 yrs old, didn't get good answer as to why now? Mother on tape was not defending the daughter, in fact she told the daughter to take it like a 16 year old, WTF does that mean? Mother didn't have good answer as to why she didn't...
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    Penis Envy

  3. L

    Clifford Robert Olson is dying of cancer

    Hell is waiting for him.
  4. L

    Stephen Harper retires

    Spare me the April fools type jokes.
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    Census 2011

    For some of you that complain to fill out the census, do you know why the government needs this information? Did you ever think out the reasons why in the world would they want all this information? There are numerous reasons, such as the transfer payments from feds to the provinces, so if you...
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    Is bin ladin dead??

    No, he's dead, he realized he finally wanted to settle down in his old age and wants to be with his 72 virgins.:biggrin1:
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    Census 2011

    What's with all the silliness, just do it, it takes less than five minutes, probably the time it takes you to read one reveiw on this board, lol. There's nothing earth shattering in the census, unless of course you're hiding all those illegal Mexicans in your basement.
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    Mammmmaaa Mia!! Tasty Lasagna!!

    Ewwww, Heinz tomato juice with all its preservatives in my pasta, no way, don't care if it's mixed with paste, still will be too watery for lasagna. I've never seen or heard of any Italian family from any part of Italy use tomato juice in their sauce, at least from the old school, only fresh...
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    Mammmmaaa Mia!! Tasty Lasagna!!

    They use Heinz tomato juice for their sauce???? lmao, that sauce runs way too much, you need to use the Italian made tomato sauce for best results, lol, and what's with the butter at each corner, talk about fattening and high cholestrol! Looks like the two of them ate their fair share of...
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    World's Most Expensive Home....$1 Billion

    The richest man in India and one of the richest in the world, and he can still be a dumb ass, lmao. Those two were funny.
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    Is this too rough?

    In my book, even if the lady agreed up front and knew what she was getting into and got paid, if she then feels uncomfortable during the act and it is effecting her health and she wants to stop but the guy won't stop, it's rape. A guy physically over powering a lady against her will, even if...
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    If you could take one thing to your grave, what would it be.....

    I once heard someone say, "I'm not trying to be the richest man in the cemetary", hmmmm, made me think a bit, but I got it.
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    How will Tiger do at the Master's?

    r u calling him a moron becuz he got caught?
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    Hi! I'm new to TERB from Perb, Can someone help me put my banner in my signature?

    You mean like this? You need to store your banner with an online media hosting company and you can adjust the size to what you want.
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    Restaurant promotes sex in its bathrooms

    Why, is there money exchanged? If not, how is it a bawdy house?
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    Woman rushed to hospital from Tiger Woods’ home

    Wow, going from Tiger to human suffering in somalia, afghanistan, etc.. A bit absurd I think, the two scenarios are night and day to me.
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    Ban The Burka

    Shit, this thread is confusing, everyone making statements but no one is sure of what they're saying. Oh well, I guess this is the Terb culture as I'm quickly learning.
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    Next Toronto Mayor

    I thought the province transferred a lot more power to the mayor last year?
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    Toronto saved what from the garbage strike?

    I confirm the city has so much wastage it's deplorable, poor management on cost control. That's one area to improve besides others.
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