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  1. L

    Toronto: She dumps burka and Husband he comes back wearing burka and kills her.

    It happens among Hindus in India too. I just recently read of an honour killing where a woman was murdered by her family for marrying a man from a lower caste. The article explains that honour killings occur often, even though it is a crime.
  2. L

    Mobile Phones - How come you can't have more than 1 with the same number

    You can get a phone number with Skype or some other VOIP service to use with all your mobile devices.
  3. L

    Star Trek got it wrong ...

    Theoretically, time travel is supported by Einstein's theories of Relativity. For example, travelling through a wormhole causes you to also travel through time: Of course, wormholes are theorethical and have not been shown to exist, but they are predicted...
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    Rihanna turns out half nude at the fashion awards.

    Those rules do not apply, because it is not a possessive. It should simply be "the Miley Cyruses of the world" or "the world's Miley Cyruses." By the way, there is an exception to rule #2. It is correct to write "Jesus' passion" and incorrect to write "Jesus's passion". "
  5. L

    Supreme Court of Canada will release its decision on the Bedford, Lebovitch and Scott

    It is a higher risk for the buyer. I, personally, would have to pay less to take such a risk.
  6. L

    Is Harper bent on destroying Canada?

    He is still in power because the liberals in this country (a majority of the population) are stupidly split into two parties, which allows Harper to win elections with 39% of the popular vote. Some great thinker once said: "Every nation has the government it deserves."
Toronto Escorts