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  1. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    I don't want to keep it going. I just like you to back up your statements, which you can't do. Lay off the threats, it's silly. Come beat me up or something LOL.
  2. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    That's really stretching things, to be honest. As I said, I would rather talk about baseball, so ignore may be a good thing. How do I put you on ignore?
  3. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    You're making shit up. That's all. :) Come check my phone in London. I don't delete much. If you're worn, you leave this board forever? If you're right I will leave. Deal?
  4. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    I'm just going on Upton's season so far-and San Diego is not a hitter's park. He does look like he is pressing, and his swing sure looks long. If he can hit .250 his OPS would be higher than Pillar I believe-Pillar's numbers are pretty empty other than batting average. Not saying Upton should...
  5. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    But he doesn't bother me-I find him amusing, iike some sort of little pet. But, he is getting tiresome, and i would much rather post about baseball than respond to his threats. Perhaps ignore would work, you may be right.
  6. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    Emily and I talk often. I haven't been to WAGG in a few years. It's hilarious that you take screenshots of my posts and then state that you must have got under MY skin lol. Perhaps I got under your skin. Maybe just a bit. And please, please do tell me how the girls talk about me. Which girls...
  7. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    I guess I don't think .250 with power and speed is that bad. I don't know that Atlanta counts-how can anyone have any motivation playing there. I don't think that at 32 years old he is necessarily done yet. I agree with comments about Tulo, but there were lots of naysayers on here who didn't...
  8. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    There were guys on this board who thought he would/should be released early last year. Well, maybe not guys, just one…..Can't remember who…..some sort of gun I think…..
  9. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    Like Tulo? I kind of recall lots of guys on this board shitting all over him, and I think he is fine. I guess some may still wish Reyes was a Jay……
  10. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    Guess you proved my point. I'm always surprised. Just when I think you have redefined stupid and immature you paint a new picture. It's too bad you post here. There are some people who are very knowledgeable about baseball and the Jays (whether I agree with them or not). AK you drag this forum...
  11. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    I'm not the one who is making racist statements. You are. You are also the one who calls people names is they don't play baseball as well as you hope. I would say you act like you're in grade three, but why would I want to offend all the grade three kids ?
  12. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    If this board could only upgrade from our racist……..
  13. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    So…if the possibility of him getting injured would jeopardize trade talks, wouldn't already being injured be worse? If I owned a toy store and I knew people wouldn't buy a toy if it broke easily, I wouldn't pretend it was already broken. Just sayin'.
  14. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    It seems that he may be straightened out, and yes I didn't think he would get it straight at this level this fast. Having said that, if a stretch of 8 poor starts (taken as a group of 8) isn't enought cause for great concern, 2 good starts doesn't make everything great again. Hopefully he has it...
  15. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    That's nice. So they can never have a pennant/playoff run without signing Price again? Does this apply to the Jays or the whole league. Price is the catalyst? How many WS rings does he have? One per year I would assume? Will they even bother to have playoffs once David retires? What did they do...
  16. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    Both managers gambled in different ways. Francona gambled with the next day's game. Gibbons gambled with the game in progress. I'm not sure Estrada was available. Perhaps Gibbons didn't want to risk injury to Estrada, and would prefer to diminish the odds in the current game rather than risk...
  17. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    I bet he will be available Friday. Where did you hear differently?
  18. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    I think it makes sense. The previous night, not sure, but there could be a reason. I don't pretend to know what Gibby is thinking. I think you're brilliant and clearly have an in depth knowledge of the game that could only come from participation at a very high leve, but you're not getting the...
  19. B

    Blue Jays: 2016 Edition

    If your closer is available then you warm him up in a save situation. If a run gets added on then he still pitches. You don't warm up a second pitcher just in case, that could affect the availability of two pitchers instead of one.
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