Search results

  1. M

    What the sexiest

    If its purely sexual, I would have to say legs. Nothing turns me on more than a woman who has an incredible set of gams with a pair of heels. I just melt! If it is out of love.....definately nothing beats the eyes! IMHO of course.
  2. M

    Cuba Question???

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone here has gone to Cuba by themselves? My friends are all busy and I really need to get away from it all and let loose. Even if I go it alone. What are the hot spots in Cuba to go to if you are by yourself? Any other spot other than Varadero? I would like to...
  3. M

    Question(s) for all Rogers Digital Cable Subscribers!!

    Hi All, If anyone can answer, it would be great. I am thinking of converting to Rogers Digital cable(maybe HDTV). Do I need a separate terminal for each T.V.? I have three t.v's currently hooked up to a three-way splitter. Could I use the splitter to get D.T.V. to all my t.v's or just one? I...
  4. M

    X Box...

    Microsoft is losing money on their 360. Just like the first XBOX. They don't care, because once you buy the console, you got to buy the games which is where they make most of their coin and on XBOX Live. At CAD$70 average per game, and millions of copies sold....well you do the math.
  5. M

    X Box...

    The PS3 will likely be more expensive than the 360. Sony has gone ahead with Blu-ray technology. Their disc drives are costing them US $100 for each PS3 unit. Microsoft is only paying US$30 for their drives. Eventually, the price of the PS3 will drop but not anytime soon after launch. Estimates...
  6. M

    Your top 3 of all time?

    1. Halo 1 & 2 2. Knights of the Old Republic - unbelievable story. I find it better than the movies series 3. Ninja Gaiden for XBOX - incredible graphics and gameplay
  7. M

    Anyone believe Steven Harper will reduce the GST?

    He probably will. He'll also probably manage to get it back some other way. Like a Federal Health Ta......uh...I...mean premium, just like McGuinty!
  8. M

    How to burn DVD movies

    Download DVD Shrink. It is the greatest free DVD ripping software I hav ever used, but I don't think that it will remove the C.S.S. encryption on it. I use DVD43free. It is a small program that removes the encryption in any disc that you put in any of your drives. It is a great little program...
  9. M

    King Kong is gonna be King Bomb! Heaven's Gate II

    I think it is too early to make any reviews yet since the movie hasn't come out yet. I too get skeptical myself about remakes, but that changed when they hollywood released Batman Begins. That to me was a great movie considering the other flops in the Batman series with exception to the fist one...
  10. M

    Gas Prices to Hit $2.19 in Toronto on the Weekend

    What about oil companies?? We should be holding the oil companies and OPEC to blame for the profiteering that is going on. The world still has plenty of oil reserves to sustain us for a long time to come. They have more than enough profits to set up more refineries despite the increased demand...
  11. M

    Burning Dvd's

    DVD Shrink is a great program and it is a free download. You'll also need to download the program DVD43free, to remove the R.S.S. (or is it C.S.S.) encryption that they put on their DVD's so you can't just copy them. There are many other programs that you can get. If you need guides or F.A.Q...
  12. M

    30 years of SP experiences, a few observations, correct me if I am wrong

    It's our Fault I believe that it is not the dancers, MPA's or Sp's fault. It is our own. Dancers feel the way they do because us guys are willing to pay them whatever they want. I'm sure if the dancers were not getting any business, they would definetely lower their prices. The "Supply and...
  13. M

    Its Halo 2 Time!!

    Tell me about it. My life will consist of endless nights in front of my T.V. for the next several months. Goodbye social life!!!! I'm curious, in the next little while if SP's are going to actually lose a little bit of business. They are saying that this game will earn more money in the first...
  14. M

    rants on DATY!

    Sorry, Fang! This happens all the time when a woman finds out my speacial abilities. Morgan, whenever you want a free sample, you just call me! That's probably why I never make money, its all the free samples I give. Max
  15. M

    rants on DATY!

    DATY is the greatest way I love to pleasure a woman! Not only do you have a pretty good view of the lady your pleasing, but watching her writhing in pleasure and having your head clamped tight by her legs is just the best feeling. With the right woman for me, I can skip everything else and just...
  16. M

    Need Help, planning a Stag

    Thanks everyone. I tried to visit your site Seceret Venues but the bandwidth was exceeded for the day. I'll try again tomorrow.
  17. M

    Need Help, planning a Stag

    Hi Terbites, I currently planning a stag for a friend of mine and would like some recommendations if any on how to get a couple of strippers. I thought about going to a strip club and propositioning some of the girls, but then reliability becomes a factor. Will they show when I want them too...
  18. M

    What should registering a gun cost? [i]hurriedly ducks[/i]

    This registration B.S. was supposed to be nothing but a cash grab and appease the "anit-gun public". Now we have to pay the piper for a program that was supposed to reduce "gun-related" crimes. Has it?
  19. M

    If you were a woman....

    I'd give Selina a run for her money as THE horniest SP ever! The only drawback to being a woman is that now I would have to sit down to take a piss :) that sucks!
  20. M

    Computer places

    Thanks Guys for all the info. Much appreciated. I will try your suggestions. Max
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