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  1. P

    Good Japanese and Korean movies

    Korean Movie - COLD EYES
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    Good Japanese and Korean movies

    KOREAN MOVIE - Train to Busan
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    Good Japanese and Korean movies

    Korean movie - Operation Chromite (with LIAM NEESON!)
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    Good Japanese and Korean movies

    Korean Movie - Gonjiam:Haunted Asylum
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    Good Japanese and Korean movies

    Korean Movie - VETERAN
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    Good Japanese and Korean movies

    There are so many good Korean movies... ASURA: City of Madness
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    Okay this is a valid case of exploitation...

    This guy was a real piece of work. He even assaulted the police officers...another violent black pimp!
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    The IRONY : All the BMD Girls on BACKPAGE say " NO Black Guys "

    While in Korea, I was rejected my some escorts because I am white. The rationale I later learned was that if escorts did see me, word would get out that this escort was servicing white guys and it would cost her business from Korean men. Hence White girls know that if they service black...
  9. P

    "Tough" white ontario kids beat up one black kid... racism is dead , right?

    9 times out of 10 it is black kids beating up white kids.This seems to be generally acceptable behaviour nowadays.The liberal media tends to ignore these stories, as they don't want to offend black people or be accused of racism
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    "Tough" white ontario kids beat up one black kid... racism is dead , right?

    Its different teens used to be able to integrate with others, and race wasn't an issue. Now every black teen has to be "gangsta". Rather than try to mix with others, black teens have isolated themselves from others by crying racism and having a perpetual chip on their shoulders..
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    New Quiz - "Guess that Location"??!!!

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    Race in America Today

    From the Online Slang Dictionary Definition of work like a dog - to work extremely hard --- It was a compliment..give it a rest..and for the record..Asians do work really dogs..many work close to 60 hours+ a week.
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    Race in America Today

    I think most of us have had enough of your rhetoric and tired arguments...I could argue the flip side and mention how many Union soldiers died on the field during the Civil War so that young black children could play in freedom someday...but I won't sink to your level.
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    Western Women Interviewed On Why Western Men Go To Thailand

    Listen, I'm pleased that things are working out for you, but don't try to validate your success by stating that the problem lies with me somehow. You may have "lucked out", but the majority of us can't catch a break with western women to save our lives. At this point I've given up and don't...
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    Should brothels be legal? Supreme Court of Canada ponders issue

    Hopefully, at some point the safety of the John will also be a consideration. The violence, threats, and robbery committed on Johns is probably one of the greatest under reported crime categories in the history of mankind.
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    Western Women Interviewed On Why Western Men Go To Thailand

    Feminists like you love to mock the idea of going over to another country to find a women. But if I get a chance to be treated better by women, even though it is half way around the world, I will take it. You should like the idea, since there will be more men-hating western feminist women...
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    Western Women Interviewed On Why Western Men Go To Thailand

    Why is there always the assumption that guys go to foreign countries to treat women like dirt? How much feminist doctrine has been drilled into your head?
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    Western Women Interviewed On Why Western Men Go To Thailand

    I saw that documentary at Hot Docs last year...the guy was a complete idiot putting everything in his wife's name in Thailand. I'm not saying you won't get scammed there, because you definitely can, but if a guy is not desperate, then he can do very well, and play the field, without losing...
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    Western Women Interviewed On Why Western Men Go To Thailand

    You're right, the guy with money, looks or both will do well anywhere on this planet. But for the average joe, and I am in that category...we do much better in other countries, and you will feel much better in another country, where you are not called an oppresive male chauvinist loser
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    Western Women Interviewed On Why Western Men Go To Thailand

    The thing is that western women have been socialized to have a sense of entitlement. From the moment they are born they are told they are beautiful, and will have a prince charming come along, and they a beautiful home, and so on. They become a princess and eventually a monster. When they are...
Toronto Escorts